Along the way, Qin Tian constantly tried to communicate the aura of heaven and earth while driving. To his disappointment, once he focused on driving, he could not communicate with Reiki. Once he concentrated on communicating Reiki, his car would run around the road like out of control, and he couldn't keep practicing all the time.

Finally, Qin Tian had to stop trying temporarily and concentrate on driving. After a short time, he came to the construction site of antique street.

Without greeting the construction workers and supervisors, Qin Tian went around and nodded with satisfaction.

These people not only did not disturb the people, but also tried their best to make the noise smaller. Even the surrounding sanitation was arranged with special staff to clean it all the time, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

Qin Tian turned around and felt nothing was wrong. He walked directly to the shoe repair stand of Mr. Hu. As expected, the old man had set up the stall early in the morning and was drinking the seven or eight yuan bottle of Erguotou.

Qin Tian walked past and bought a jin of ripe peanuts and a few bottles of Erguotou when he passed by the snack bar. He walked to the old man with his arms.

"Mr. Hu!"

Far away, Qin Tian called out, and the old man turned his head slowly. Seeing that it was Qin Tian, he was still slightly stunned.

"It's you, young man..."

old man Hu looked at Qin Tian in surprise. He didn't expect that he would come back to find him again, and then he regained his previous look again, and he sat on the horse and drank wine safely.

Qin Tian didn't mention it. He went to pull a small bench and sat down beside him. "Come on, old man, have a drink."

The old and the young do this. They drink in a shady place on the street. They don't talk. They only look at each other when they touch the cup occasionally.

"Young man, have you ever had life on your hands?"

For a long time, the old man Hu's hoarse voice began to ring slowly.

Qin Tian's drinking hand slightly pauses, "how do you always see it?"

Qin Tian seemed a little surprised.

Even he can only guess whether he has seen blood by feeling whether a person is murderous or not. But when he came here, he did not expose his murderous spirit and showed his kung fu. How can the old man know that he has been contaminated with human life!?

"Ha ha ha." The old man said with a peaceful smile, "you don't have to be surprised. In our time, we saw more dead people than we have seen living people, and the smell of dead people can be heard..."

Qin Tian suddenly realized what he said and generally nodded his head, generously admitted: "I have killed several people, but they are all people who should be killed."

Qin Tian didn't lie. Besides committing crimes in the society, the killers of mercenaries all bear a lot of sins. Qin Tian believed that even if he killed them, he would only be blessed with merit, not sin.

The old man nodded, "yes, there are too many people to kill in today's society..."

under the leadership of the state, life is getting better and better, and the overall quality of society is getting higher and higher. Although there are fewer villains, they still can't carry the forest. When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.

The old man is a man who came from the war years. He did not have a plan attitude towards killing people. Instead, he indirectly expressed his support attitude, which Qin Tian did not expect.

"When you're old, you're always nagging." The old man touched the cup with Qin Tian again, and said slowly, "since you have the ability, you should make more contributions to the country. You must keep your heart. Don't be confused by the flashy, and let yourself deviate from the path of life..."

the old man is serious, and a pair of slightly yellow eyes also slowly look at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian smiles and is moved by the excellent three outlooks of the old revolutionaries.

When they were drinking and eating peanuts, the box next to them fell down. It was actually a few dogs who smelled the wine and struggled to climb out of the box.

"Oh, pity these pups. I don't know how many of them can survive without the care of a female dog." The old man sighed, peeled a few peanuts and threw them to them.

When Qin Tian heard this, his head seemed to think of something. He said to the old man in a hurry: "do you think it's ok? You can keep one of these dogs, and I'll take the remaining three."

On hearing this, the old man asked Qin Tian in surprise, "what do you want this for?"

Are some worthless native dogs, with Qin Tian's status, should not look at ah!?

Qin Tian smile, "you old don't worry, I will give them a good place, designated not to aggrieve them!"

It's hard for the old man to say anything after listening to Qin Tian. He is an old man who mends shoes. It's difficult to support himself, let alone four dogs. He simply nodded, got up and moved out a box from the back, "which one do you like? Take it away by yourself, and give me an old man to be a companion..."


Qin Tian happily agreed, picked up the body soft embrace three, to the old man left a most tough.After telling the old man goodbye, Qin Tian left the antique street with his car.

"Hello, what are you doing?"

In the car, Qin Tian called Lin Wanru.

"Have breakfast." Lin Wanru said with a smile, holding her cell phone in her shoulder.

At the weekend, Lin Wanru used to go to work late. She made a breakfast for Dongdong at home and ate with him.

"OK, you wait for me a moment, I'll be right here."

With that, the Lord rushed out.

After a short time, Qin Tian appeared at the gate of Lin Wan's home.


Dongdong saw Qin Tian, immediately jumped down from the chair, regardless of the bread in his hand, came up and hugged Qin Tian.

Lin Wanru saw Qin Tian come over, and his heart was warm. Although he had a family, he still did not forget himself.

Qin Tian and Lin Wanru looked at each other, then picked up Dongdong and said, "come, look what Dad has brought for you!"

Said, Qin day will box and winter together on the living room carpet, winter immediately can't wait to open the box!

"Wow! It's a dog

Four or five-year-old children, it is the age of these things, see the inside of the dog, immediately happy to pick up one.

"Are these all for me?" Dongdong is at a loss for joy.

"No! Only one! "

Before Qin Tian had time to speak, Lin Wanru interrupted him directly!

Needless to say, she knew that in the way Qin Tian was accustomed to winter and winter, she would certainly promise him to leave all three of them, but Lin Wanru absolutely did not allow this to happen!

One is enough trouble, and I want to raise three!?

Lin Wanru angrily whitens Qin Tian. She says it's your fault. How can you get so many at once!

Qin Tian laughs and doesn't care.

Dongdong is a clever child. He knows that there is no room for delay and no noise in Lin Wanru's refusal. Instead, he asks Lin Wanru in a deliberative tone: "can I play with the three of them for a while now?"

This question, Lin Wanru hesitated, because she did not know how long Qin Tian could stay here, so she simply looked at Qin Tian.

"Of course Qin Tian smiles.

Hearing this, Lin Wanru's face burst into a smile, because she understood that Qin Tian's answer meant that he would stay here a little longer.

"Come on, I have something to tell you."

Lin Wan Ru's face slightly red for a while, pulling Qin Tian to the room.

Qin Tian is not stupid. Naturally, she knows what she is going to do when she pulls herself into the room. After taking a look at Dongdong secretly, she follows her with an old face.

Dong Dong glanced at the two people who came into the room, shook their heads, and pretended to be mature and said to the three puppies, "Alas, these adults just think that our children don't understand what they are doing..."

Lin Wanru is lying in the arms of Qin Tian, and her fingers are constantly drawing circles in Qin Tian's chest.

Qin Tian looked at the woman who was satisfied under himself and felt guilty.

"If, I mean if..." Lin Wanru looked up at Qin Tian, "if I was pregnant, would you have this baby?"

Qin Tianwen speech, slightly a Leng, but still blurt out, "will!"

He has already been sorry for Li Xinran and Lin Wanru, and he can never again apologize to the children.

Hearing the speech, Lin Wanru smiles brightly and is obviously very satisfied with Qin Tian's answer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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