Two people in bed ink for a while, finally in Lin Wanru's telephone voice, from the bed to climb up.

There is no way to have to let winter choose a strong dog, Qin Tian holds the remaining two back to the medical museum.

"Two local dogs, there is no special place, can you raise meat?"

Qin Tian put the boxes on the ground of the Medical Museum, looking at them anxiously.

But these two dogs are Hu Laozi trust themselves to give them, if they know they raise them to eat, still not to die!?

Thinking about it, Qin Tian sighed, and released the dog, and let them run on the ground.

"Well!? Puppy!? " Just from the clinic, Chen Qiang, who came out to get the medicine for the patient, immediately cried excitedly, "master, is this dog our home?"

Qin Tian sat on the chair of the lobby, and took up the tea cup beside him and drank it. He replied, "it is."

"Great! I was just watching the training plan of police dogs this time. I didn't expect to learn so soon to make it work. Master, what about the two dogs for me? " Chen Qiang is looking forward to Qin Tian while he is taking medicine for the patient.

Qin Tianwen Yan is one of the Leng, police dog!?

For a while, Qin Tian had a feeling of sudden opening, and jumped from the chair!

"Thanks to you!"

Qin Tian excitedly patted Chen Qiang on his shoulder and took the dog and entered the inner hall of the medical hall!

"No... You are welcome..." Chen Qiang grins embarrassed, and he doesn't know why Qin Tian said thanks to himself.

Don't you care to make a contribution!?

Qin Tian put two pups on the bed as soon as he entered the hall, and his face was full of thinking.

These are two little dogs. Since they are called dogs, they must be due to bad talent and can not achieve the expected results in any occupation.

But what if I have improved their qualifications by other means!?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian's mind came up with a bold idea!

That's - to dredge the channels and wash the pulp for the two puppies!

It has to be said that Qin Tian's idea is not only bold, but also strange!

There are records in the cultivation skills. The golden period of one's cultivation is in the early childhood, the meridians are soft and not solidified. Once there is external force to help comb the channels, the achievements in the later period may be unlimited!

Qin Tian's ability can not be used to wash the marrow for human beings' complex channels. But if the object is a little dog born, it is still certain to take Qin Tian's current strength!

Thinking of it, Qin Tianxian is a soft hand in the back neck of the puppies, powerful forces will be two puppies shocked to faint past!

The human body has twelve meridians, eight main veins, and scattered scattered veins with some disordered fine veins, which can be said to be extremely complex.

But dogs are different, although there are many disordered fine veins, but there are only four main veins, which are circulating between limbs and internal organs, and it is very simple to cycle up!


Qin Tian licked his lips excitedly, and all the true Qi was transported in along the meridian of the pup!

In a moment, the puppy who was input into the Qi by Qin Tian was shaking!

The meridians of dog cubs are very soft and delicate. Qin Tian tries to control his Qi and walk in the meridian. Besides, he should try to widen the channels without damaging the channels!

That's why even if the pup faints, it will tremble!

"This is..." br >

when Qin Tian swims Qi to the dog cub's belly, a narrow space appears in Qin Tian's spiritual knowledge!

It was the dandian of the dog!

Qin Tiantian was surprised by the discovery. He didn't expect that there would be such things as dandian in animals. Although not big, it means that they can store the real gas in their bodies!

This discovery, let Qin Tian be shocked!

Quickly take the Qi to the dog pup dandian, Qin Tian dare not extend further, because once his wood attribute Qi leaves traces in his dandian, he can only cultivate the skill of wood attribute in the future. This is not what Qin tianwould like to see!

With a nervous mood, Qin Tian will wash the first dog pup after finishing the pulp.

Light car familiar road, Qin Tian to the second dog pup washing time unexpectedly saved half!

"It's not worth wasting time and energy on this animal!" Qin Yue did not know when it was behind Qin Tian.

Qin Tian was frightened, but soon he calmed down and asked Qin Yue, "aunt, have you ever seen the animal mending?"

Dog cubs have dandian in their bodies, which means they can store the real gas and cultivate them!

"Of course, or do you think that Fox fairy is all false!" Qin Yue Bai gave him a look, "the world of cultivation is mysterious, besides human cultivation, there are ghost repair and demon cultivation.""What do you mean, if a dog practices, it's a demon?" Qin Tian looks at Qin Yue and can't believe it.

"The dog practices a fart!" Qin Yue was rude for the first time regardless of her image. "The premise of demon cultivation is to have spiritual roots. If you wash pith for a fox or snake, you just choose the dog with the least spiritual root..."

Qin Yue shook her head helplessly. Everyone has heard of snake essence, fox spirit, even mouse essence and rabbit essence, but when did you hear of dog essence! ?

When it comes to the loyalty to human beings, no animal in the animal kingdom can compare with dogs. But have you ever thought that dogs are loyal to only one person in their life because their IQ is not enough and they can only remember one or a few people!?

Qin Yue is really speechless.

But Qin Tian didn't care. Seeing the two puppies standing up unsteadily, he felt happy from his heart.

"Anyway, I didn't wash their marrow just for the sake of their cultivation. As long as I can change their qualifications and become a good dog, it's enough!"

Qin Tian touched the heads of two puppies, and the two puppies seemed to understand Qin Tian's words. They stretched out their tongues and licked Qin Tian's hands. Their eyes were crystal clear, and there was no more muddleheaded before!

Qin Yue shook her head helplessly. Maybe she couldn't see Qiu qintian any more. She turned around and went back to the jade.

Put two puppies on the ground, Qin Tian turns around and walks toward the security team of the community. Seeing Qin Tian leave, the two puppies wriggle their clumsy bodies and follow Qin Tian behind.

At this time, it was lunch time. The security team was having dinner. Seeing Qin Tian coming, they got up to meet him.

"Brothers, I have brought two good things. Come and have a look."

Said, Qin Tian then let go of the body, behind the two puppies exposed.

A table of veterans with their jobs stretched out their heads and looked over.

"Oh, dog!"

As soon as a retired soldier who was picking food in his mouth saw the two puppies, a trace of essence appeared in his eyes!

Qin Tian looked at it and immediately raised his eyebrows. He asked, "have you raised it?"

The retired soldier looked at Qin Tian's question and quickly got up to attention, "report, when I was a soldier, I worked as a dog trainer for several years!"

Soldiers who can become dog trainers are extremely patient and loving people. Dogs are like their closest companions and have irreplaceable feelings for them!

Qin Tian nodded and immediately picked up the two puppies and handed them to the soldier who had just answered, "these two dogs will be handed over to you, and they will be trained into excellent military dogs!"

As soon as Qin Tian's voice fell, all the people present showed a surprised look. You look at me and I look at you, but no one speaks.

Finally, the monkey coughed twice, went to Qin Tian, lowered his voice and said, "brother qintian, all the military dogs in the army are fine breeds of pure blood. We are two native dogs. At best, we can tie them together to have a look at home and train them into military dogs... The expectation is a little high..."

Qin Tian was stunned at the words, but then he laughed and turned his head People, "you think so!"

For a moment, there was silence, and it was obvious that everyone thought the same as the monkey.

"Dare you make a bet?" Qin Tian smiles and looks at the crowd at the scene like a demonstration.

"What are you gambling on?" The monkey froze for a moment.

"Let's bet they can be good dogs!" Qin Tian said confidently, "you try your best to train them. If in the future they are not better than the dogs you have seen before, I will personally invest to introduce you the purest breed of dog from abroad, so that each of you will be equipped with a military dog!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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