Almost all night, until dawn, Qin Tiancai stopped everyone's practice and let them stand in line in the garden.

All night, no one in the whole team of demobilized soldiers completed the air intake.

"Is it hard to practice?" Qin Tian smiles.

In this world, nothing can be achieved overnight, especially the cultivation of the true. If it is so easy to draw Qi into the body, I am afraid that all the people in the world are warriors.

Therefore, Qin Tian is ready to take advantage of this time to comfort them.

"Brother Qin Tian, you don't have to say, we know what you want to say next."

Jiao Cheng's body is tall and straight, his head is high and his chest is high. More than 80 people behind him are dignified and firm!

"We are soldiers, what we need is not sympathy and comfort! Brother Qin Tian, in the next time, you can train us well. We are not afraid of hardship and tired, and we will certainly become the best soldiers! "

"Not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue!"

More than 80 veterans and soldiers shout in unison, sonorous and powerful, a heroic momentum straight into the sky!

Qin Tian looked at the scene in front of him, and his face showed a surprised look, but soon recovered. As soon as he shook his hand, three shadows appeared in the garden!

"This is..."

when he saw the three shadows in front of him, everyone was stunned, especially Jiao Cheng. When he saw the evil ghost transformed by Ji Haoyuan, he almost rushed up!

"Qin... Qin Tian, are these people ghosts?"

With Jiao Cheng's voice landing, the veterans looked at the three shadows in disbelief, looking forward to Qin Tian's answer.

"Yes, they are all ghosts, and they are powerful evil spirits. If you add 80 people together, they can't stop their teeth!"

Qin Tian smiles, but what he says is not exaggeration.

The three ghosts released by him just now are Qin Yue, Wang Qingshan and Ji Haoyuan. The three weakest of them, Wang Qingshan, have already possessed the level of evil ghost. It takes almost no effort to kill a group of ordinary people!

"You don't have to be surprised. The reason why I called them out today is for your sake."

Qin Tian's expression gradually became serious.

"Wang Qingshan, practice immortal formula. The true Qi in your body is ghost Qi, which can guide you to practice ghost Qi." Qin Tian pointed to Wang Qingshan and introduced it to the public.

After dealing with the affairs of the Qingshan Gang last week, Qin Tian has taught him the secret of immortality according to the agreement.

"Ji Haoyuan, although he practices ghost Qi after death, he is the strong one of fire attribute true Qi before his death, and can guide you to cultivate fire attribute true Qi!"

"And this is my aunt, Qin Yue, whose strength is also the strongest among the three. She used the true Qi of wood attribute before her life and the Qi of water attribute after her death. It can guide you to learn the two kinds of Qi of water attribute and wood attribute of true Qi!"

"What you need to do now is to choose the one you want to learn from your heart, and then let them guide you to learn it yourself!"

"So now, let's choose the team!"

If they don't want to teach the nature of fire and fire to one person, it's better for some people to teach the nature of fire and fire to one person in the same time!

What's more, Qin Tian experienced the first battle with Ji Haoyuan, and understood that attributes are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, so that everyone will not practice wood attributes!

If one day, the opponent is gold or fire, then the whole team will suffer a lot!

"You can't choose that woman!"!? One person teaches water and wood, but his energy is limited... "

" don't talk nonsense. Brother Qin Tian said that just now, the female is the strongest among the three! "

"No matter how strong it is, not to mention a woman..."

several veterans close to Qin Tian talked in a low voice and almost entered Qin Tian's ears.

Immediately, Qin Tian turned his head and looked at them with a smile and said, "I can tell you responsibly that even if the other two are added together, they are not the enemy of my aunt's one move! What's more, the water dragon skill just now is the water attribute martial arts learned from her

As soon as Qin Tian's voice fell, almost all the veterans widened their eyes. Obviously, they didn't expect Qin Yue's strength to be so strong!

"I, I want to learn from my aunt!"

"I'll do the same! I'll learn the attribute of water. I'm so angry

"I also learn water property!"

For a moment, more than 80 veterans, half of them rushed to Qin Yue, clamoring to learn water dragon!

We can see what kind of status the dragon is in the heart of Chinese soldiers!

"Do you think that coming to me is what you want to learn!"All of a sudden, a cold voice came, Qin Yue burst out of a strong pressure, all the veterans were pressure back a bend!

"How strong!"

Jiao Cheng clenches his teeth and looks up. He finds that the momentum of this woman is several times stronger than that of Ji Haoyuan!

"Leave me alone!"

In front of her on the 10th, she was forced to drink in a low voice!

"I'm on my left. I'm really angry at learning wood! On the right hand side, learn the attribute of water

Qin Yue said, then stretched out a finger, the two sides of the personnel assigned to learn the attributes!


"Well done, Auntie!"

"Isn't it!? I want to learn from water dragon... "

for a while, several families are happy and a few are worried.

"If you don't talk any more nonsense, get out of here!" Qin Yue's face became colder and colder.

If it wasn't for Qin Tian's face, she would be too lazy to be a free laborer!

Sure enough, as soon as Qin Yue's words were uttered, more than 40 people in front of him immediately closed their mouths and stood on both sides with the most upright posture!

At this time, the remaining 40 people have already chosen their own target. Jiao Cheng stands in front of Ji Haoyuan, his face full of fighting spirit!

He must stand up from where he falls down. If he loses to Ji Haoyuan, he will stand up in front of Ji Haoyuan!

"Cluck cluck --"

at this time, the crow of chickens suddenly came from the distance, and the sky gradually turned white. When Qin Yue and Qin Yue looked at the sun gradually approaching in the distance, they went into the jade in Qin tianhuai with a whoosh.

Looking at the disappearance of the three people, they all look muddled, but compared to the three people before the appearance of the expression, has been too much better.

Qin Tian stood in front of the crowd, smiling slightly, "from today on, I will hire a group of new security guards to guard the night shift for you. Your task is to come here to practice!"


A neat and uniform standing sound, the leather boots under the feet crash together!

In the following period of time, Qin Tian sat in the hospital during the day, taught Gu Xiaomin and Chen Qiang traditional Chinese medicine. In the evening, he came to the villa garden to supervise and guide the veterans to cultivate their true Qi. Finally, half a month later, all the veterans found the sense of Qi, successfully introduced Qi into the body, completed the first independent cycle of true Qi, and gradually developed the nourishment of true Qi in the Dantian.

However, Qin Tian has some regrets that these veterans are old, their meridians have long been solidified, and they have missed the best opportunity to cultivate their true Qi, and their future achievements will be extremely limited. According to Qin Yue's calculation, if these people can reach the peak of martial arts, they are already regarded as fate!

Qin Tian was not sad when he learned of the result. After all, he didn't want to rely on these veterans for revenge. It's good to improve their strength, but he can never rely on them.

In the past half a month, Gu Yiming's health cream has officially begun to be sold on the market. On the first seven weeks, the sales volume was extremely poor, and even one third of the pre-sale was not reached. All the major shopping malls returned to Gu Yiming one after another.

but Gu Yiming was not in a hurry. In the face of these returns, she accepted readily. Instead, she found the ladies who had used Qin Tian medicine mud. After their promotion, Songshan city ladies' circle suddenly became popular with the cream of this cream. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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