A week later, the sales of face cream had a dramatic reversal. More and more women went to the mall to find the health cream of Ji Sheng Tang, but many large stores failed to return the goods to Gu Yiming.

had no choice but to return to the shopping mall, but had to find Gu Yiming again.

Gu Yiming is a famous profiteer among the younger generation. In the face of these shopping malls, Gu Yiming will increase the price by 30% to deliver goods to them!

even so, the heads of these stores still have to nod in agreement. After all, this cream has huge market demand, and profits drive them to compromise. They only regret not having to wait for a few days to return like other shopping malls.

With the fermentation of word-of-mouth, in the past half a month, jishengtang Qin's health cream has gained a great reputation in Songshan, and is occupying the market share at an unimaginable speed, which makes other skin care companies feel a lot of pressure.

That night, Qin Tian was eating in the duty room of the security team. He was ready to guide them to practice after eating. But before the meal was finished, the phone rang.

"Hello, Yiming!"

It was Gu Yiming who called.

"Brother Tian, I have an appointment with Li Zheng to shoot an advertisement on the popular website this evening. Do you have time!? If you're free, come and have a look at it and make suggestions! " Gu Yiming said on the other end of the phone.

During this period, health cream brought him huge profits, even sleeping with a smile.

"Shoot advertisement..." Qin Tian hesitated for a moment, but after a little consideration, he said to Gu Yiming, "I don't understand this kind of thing. You can do it yourself."

"No, brother Tiange, this advertisement is very important. After the shooting is successful, it should be broadcast on the Internet and TV stations. Even the display screen of advertising space in some big shopping malls will be broadcast in turn, which has a great influence." Gu Yiming continues to discuss with Qin Tian. After all, this brand is related to Qin Tian's reputation. He still hopes that Qin Tian can come to the scene to supervise.

Qin Tian listened to the advertisement exposure rate is so high, quickly said to Gu Yiming: "that line, you will send me a position, I will come after dinner!"

"Don't worry. I'm still in the factory now. I'll have to go back to the company and get some materials to discuss cooperation with the agent. You can eat slowly. After eating, go first. I'll ask my assistant to accompany you. I'll come here later." Gu Yiming said as he opened the wechat and sent the location of the advertisement to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian heard a Ding Dong, "that's right, that's it!"

Qin Tian hastily picked up a few mouthfuls of rice, and then got up ready to leave.

"Brother Qin Tian, where are you going!? I'll see you off Jiao Cheng gets up and leaves his job in a hurry.

"No, it's near. I'll just walk there."

The location on the map is only more than one kilometer away from qintian's residential area. It can't even take 15 minutes to walk through the alley.

With that, Qin Tian left the duty room without even swallowing the rice in his mouth.

Through a dark alley, Qin Tian came to a studio. When he was near, he could see clearly that it was rebuilt by a factory that closed down in the 1990s.

Qin Tian stepped in. Although it was already at night, it was still full of excitement. Many of the temporary film crew worked overtime here.

Qin Tian is the first time to come to such a place. He looks left and right curiously while walking. He finds that many familiar stars are also shooting here.

When Qin Tian kept going inside, a bookish man in a white shirt came to Qin Tian and politely said hello to Qin Tian as soon as he met.

"Mr. Qin!" The man stood in front of Qin Tian, looking very stiff, "my name is Zhou Jing. It's Mr. Gu who asked me to come here to wait for you!"

Qin Tian was stunned by the people in front of him. When he finished his origin, he nodded his head clearly. He held out his hand politely and said with a smile, "I am Qin Tian."

Zhou Jing obviously didn't expect the legendary Qin Tian to cry like this, so he quickly stretched out his hand and held it together with Qin Tian.

"Where are we shooting today's ads?" Qin Tian pointed to the surrounding area, where the scenes were arranged.

"Oh, well, Mr. Qin, the heroine of our advertisement is now on live broadcast. She can't come to shoot the advertisement until the live broadcast is over." Seeing Qin Tian's question, Zhou Jing explained in a hurry.

Qin Tian smelled the speech and nodded slightly.

This online star is a member of Li Zheng's staff, so I have to be more considerate. Since I have something to do, I'll wait more. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with it. I'll just look around.

"Mr. Qin, you must be very familiar with the online red we invited this time." Zhou Jing stays in Qin Tian's studio and talks with Qin Tian.

Qin Tian heard this and immediately became curious, "is that right!? Is it famous? "

"Of course Zhou Jing saw Qin Tian interested, and quickly said with a smile: "this network red name is Feng Ti Meng, which is a singing network star created by Li Dashao some time ago. Almost in half a year, it has spread all over the country. Every major live broadcasting platform has her live broadcast. And I heard that she will have a concert with some famous singers after the break.""Oh, oh, I've heard of it." Qin Tian immediately nodded and said with a smile, "my wife still likes watching her live. There are several songs she sings in the car. You must sign for me later, so that I can go home and make my wife happy."

"Mr. Qin is such a good man!" Zhou Jing quickly flattered him, "don't worry. You are a good friend of Mr. Gu and Mr. Li. If you want a signature, it's not something you can get away with!"

In fact, it's not that Zhou Qiang despises Feng Simeng. Let alone Qin Tian just asks her for a signature. Even if Qin Tian wants her to stay with her for a night, she doesn't dare to say a word of no!

Thinking of this, Zhou Jing seemed to think of something. He took out a folder from his bag, opened it and handed it to Qin Tian. "Mr. Qin, this is a recent photo of Feng Simeng. Her temperament matches our products very well. When the advertisement is taken, the effect will be very good."

Qin Tian just glanced at the photo lightly, and then went on.

Seeing that Qin Tian ignored this photo, Zhou Qiang stood still stunned for a moment. Originally, he was still wondering whether to contact Feng Simeng for Qin Tian and set up a line for him. However, Qin Tian didn't even have any meaning after reading the photo.

Is Mr. Qin's wife so charming!?

Without much time to think about it, Zhou Jing quickly followed Qin Tian and strolled in the studio with Qin Tian. It was not until more than nine o'clock in the evening that he took Qin Tian to the innermost studio.

After Qin Tian opened the door and went in, he saw a group of staff preparing curtains, lights and other things, and even the camera had been set up.

A middle-aged man in a green vest was sitting in the back, directing the layout of the scene and telling the staff what to pay attention to. Needless to say, this man must be the director of the advertisement.

Qin Tian and his wife came in. When he saw Zhou Jing, he walked over politely.

"Oh, manager Zhou!" The director politely extended his hand to Zhou Jing, and his body couldn't help lowering a lot.

"Director Wang, let me introduce you to you. This is Mr. Qin tianqin, a good friend of President Gu of our company. Today, he is here to watch us shoot advertisements." Zhou Jing had thought about how to introduce Qin Tian for a long time before, but finally he thought it appropriate to define him as a good friend of President Gu.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Qin." As soon as he heard Qin Tian's identity, he quickly reached out his hand and shook Qin Tian.

"Hasn't Miss Feng come yet?" Zhou Jing looked at the time and was puzzled. Mr. Gu told himself that the appointed time was nine o'clock.

"It should be soon. It's not that she has a live broadcast task there. Maybe she delayed the delivery for a while. Moreover, I heard that today is a river view mission, and the river is far away..." Wang said with a smile, and he heard that he was talking about wheels and wheels.

With that, director Wang waved to his back, and an assistant like man ran up and said, "make a cup of coffee for Mr. Qin and manager Zhou, and I'll make my bucket of African black coffee!"

Although Africa is backward, some coffee tastes really good.

The studio area is relatively large, the air conditioning effect is not very good, Qin Tian stayed with Zhou Jing for a while, and felt a little stuffy.

After more than half an hour, Zhou Jing finally couldn't sit still, urging director Wang to call Feng Simeng's agent.

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