After a while, director Wang came back to report the phone call with Qin Tian and Zhou Jing.

"Mr. Qin, manager Zhou, Miss Feng's live broadcast was delayed for a while by netizens. Now it's just over. We're on our way. Let's wait a little longer." Director Wang said with some embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter. Let them be safe." Qin Tian smiles indifferently.

Zhou Jing originally planned to blame the director for a few words, but he didn't expect Qin Tian to be so generous. He not only forgives their mistakes, but also kindly reminds them to pay attention to safety. When Zhou Jing comes to his mouth, he holds back.

Director Wang has been in the entertainment industry all the year round. He is also a good hand at observing his words and expressions. When he saw Zhou Jing's posture so low in front of Qin Tian, he understood the primary and secondary.

"Mr. Qin, let's sit in for a while and look at the script and the shooting anticipation." Wang Dao bent over and owed himself. He reached out and asked Qin Tian to go inside.

In the blink of an eye, an hour has passed. Qin Tian has drunk three cups of black coffee, but Feng Simeng still hasn't arrived!

Zhou Jing noticed the change of Qin Tian's face and looked at Wang Dao in a hurry. "The Pine Mountain is so big, even if it's walking here, it should be here!"

Don't look at director Wang's mouth has been talking to Qin Tian about the content of the advertisement. His heart has already been burning with anxiety, "don't be angry with manager Zhou. I'll call him to urge him now!"

It's been an hour and a half since Qin Tian and his wife came in. Even he felt that he couldn't make sense. After all, he was the main person in charge of the shooting. Feng had not arrived for such a long time. At least he had general responsibility!

Sweating to one side, Wang took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone of Feng Simeng's agent.

"Hello, where is Miss Feng now? What!? Blowing the river breeze!? ... well, then, as soon as possible! " With that, Wang hung up the phone.

"Why, not yet!" Zhou Jing sneered.

"Mr. Qin, manager Zhou, I'm really sorry. Miss Feng said that she was not very well and was seeing a doctor..."

Wang Daoyi was laughing and laughing in front of Qin Tian.

You know, Gu Dashao spent a lot of money to shoot this advertisement. I didn't expect that Feng Simeng had the courage to cool down Gu Dashao.

After waiting for such a long time, Zhou jingzao was already a little angry. He was angry not for anything else, but for Gu Yiming's advice that he must accompany Qin Tian. However, he didn't expect that Qin Tian had to wait for such a long time before the advertisement was shot. If it was finished, it would be at least until the second half of the night.

If Gu Da Shao knew that he was so slow to Qin Tian, he would not pick off his skin!

"Miss Feng didn't give us the exact time. When can we get there?"

Qin Tian's tone became a little cold.

Qin Tian's current strength, even if not deliberately to listen to the content of the phone, can listen to that voice clearly!

Just now, when director Wang was on the phone, the voice over there was clearly KTV and bar scenes. It was not any physical discomfort at all!

This Feng Ti dream, how dare to hang himself and go to the night after the live broadcast!

"This... Miss Feng didn't say it directly..." director Wang laughed bitterly. "Mr. Qin, you are so tolerant. I'm a little director. I can't afford to offend president Gu and these new stars. You see, it's not easy for me to make a living for this group of people under me. I promise I'll let others urge me to come here soon."

The tears that director Wang said were coming down. Qin Tian glanced at the whole studio. More than 20 people were busy with what they were doing and were ready to shoot. For a while, they couldn't help feeling soft.

"Hurry again." Qin Tian frowned, then closed his eyes and began to practice silently.

With the passage of time, other film crew have left the studio, only the team of director Wang is still waiting for the heroine.

At this time, Qin Tian, who had been cultivating himself in silence, finally opened his eyes and looked down at the time. It was midnight!

Director Wang has been staring at Qin Tian secretly. At this time, Qin Tian suddenly opens his eyes and quickly takes out his mobile phone. He is ready to make a phone call.

However, as soon as Wang's body moved, Qin Tian pulled him, "give me, I'll fight!"

Wang hesitated for a moment, but he did not dare to violate Qin Tian's meaning. He quickly handed the phone to Qin Tian with both hands.

"Hello, Miss Feng's agent, isn't it?"!? I'm the person in charge of qishengtang Qin's health cream. I'm giving you 20 minutes. If you can't make it within 20 minutes, you don't have to come! "

Qin Tian finished, did not wait for the opposite side to resume, he directly hung up the phone.

At the beginning, Qin Tian also wanted to call Li Zheng and ask him to clean up this man named Feng Ti Meng for himself. But after thinking about it, it's not easy to mix up from the bottom, and there's no need to ruin someone's future because of a little trifle. When he comes here, he can knock it out and finish the advertisement quickly!

But don't say, Qin Tian's phone really works. Within 15 minutes, Feng Simeng took her team to the studio.Qin Tian looked around, including agents, assistants, stylists and bodyguards. There were ten people before and after!

This Feng Simeng is really big!

"Miss Feng, you are here at last." Wang Daoyi saw her coming, and quickly walked toward her, which means to signal her to go to apologize for today!

But, there are always some people in this world who don't know themselves and think they are characters!

As soon as Feng Simeng entered the studio, he turned a black face. No matter what director Wang said to himself, he said directly, "if you urge him to do that, your life is not enough. You can't wait for that time, right?"

Feng Simeng said to Wang, but his eyes were looking at Qin Tian.

Needless to say, this sentence is clearly refers to mulberry curse locust, said to Qin Tian listen!

"My little ancestor, you can speak well!" Wang Dao was scared to his knees by Feng's words!

This Qin Tian is Gu Yiming's good friend, but his identity is not easy to guess. If he is a big man, his group of people will be followed by bad luck!

"Miss Feng, we have so much time that we can live for a long time." Qin Tian sat on the chair, and his tone gradually became cold. "But since we have agreed on the time, we should abide by the agreement. After all, punctuality is also a virtue."

"Punctuality Feng Simeng sneered, as if to hear what a wonderful joke in general, "you are also qualified to tell me punctuality!? Do you know how much money I can earn for an hour of live broadcasting!? You keep me on time!? Just to shoot a bad advertisement with you!? What a joke

After that, Feng Simeng turned Qin Tian's eyes blank and said to Wang: "hurry up, I don't have much time. I only have half an hour. After shooting, I have to see a doctor."

After all, I just said that I was not feeling well. It's a good excuse to see a doctor!

"Ah!? Half an hour! " Director Wang was so silly, "it was two hours before. How can I shoot this half an hour..."

for a moment, director Wang almost cried out in embarrassment.

One side is Qin Tian, the other is Feng Simeng. If he wants to make some money, he can't offend both sides!

Qin Tian sat on the chair, his face more and more ugly, and then said: "Miss Feng, the reason why you are late is because you went to KTV to sing!"

Not to mention that Qin Tian didn't hear the phone call before, with his traditional Chinese medicine skills, you can see at a glance that Feng Simeng was not ill at all.

"Do you care if I go to KTV or not?" Feng Ti Meng seemed to have been ordered in general, his face immediately once again, "don't you allow me to go to see a doctor?"

Feng Simeng heart has been playing drums, do not understand how Qin Tian know he went to KTV.

"Miss Feng, to be a person in the world, we must have our own moral integrity, and do not say that words and deeds from the heart, but at least we should be modest and polite. As a public figure, we should pay more attention to our own quality. Since we have set the shooting time, we should strictly abide by it, instead of being arrogant and losing the most basic cultivation!"

Qin Tian's words were like a slap in the head, and the words were knocked on Feng Ti Meng's body.

"Who do you say has no integrity? Who do you say has no self-cultivation?" Feng Simeng listened to Qin Tian's words, immediately became angry, "what are you, dare to tell me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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