"Thank you, Mr. Qin. But now you are all in trouble. Don't worry about me. Think about ways to get things over." Wang guidao smiled bitterly, and advised Qin Tian to think about a way quickly.

It's not fun to get into the top-level brother of Songshan city!

At the same time, Wang Guixin also sighed for Qin Tian. The young people were young and vigorous, even Li Zheng's people dared to fight, so it would be a great loss sooner or later!

But Feng is not noisy at the moment, the agent is calling everywhere to ask how to tell them about this situation, how much money should accompany, that posture, just like eating Qin Tian and Zhou Jing are general!

Qin Tian looked at the week scene standing on one side with stiff face, and took a picture of the chair beside him, "don't worry, sit down and have a rest."

"Mr. Qin, you and Gu are always good friends. When you come to Gu, you must say a few words for me. I have some old and Low-aged people here, who all expect my own salary life..." Zhou Jing smiled bitterly and had to sit beside Qin Tian and began to regret himself. Why should you kick Feng's dream.

"Rest assured, your foot is to give me the gas to kick out, not only will not be expelled, Gu Yiming may also give you salary rise!" Qin Tian smiled and patted the shoulder of the scene.

"Mr. Qin, don't laugh..." you have caused such a big trouble. Gu Yiming doesn't kill himself. He also raises his salary. Even if he can reduce his salary, he will stay!

"You two put your heart in your stomach." Qin Tian laughed and thirsty for the black coffee in front of him again.

Wang guide and Zhou Jing were stunned. They didn't know where Qin Tianlai came to be confident. They said they put their heart in his stomach, but he didn't even call, and the relationship was not found. Who would support him then!?

You know, Li Zheng is on the road, and it will be there in a few minutes!

"Who dare to beat my man!? Has Songshan forgotten Li Zheng as a man in this circle

Suddenly, the door of the studio was kicked open by a foot, a group of violent people rushed in, the leader is Li Zheng!

He was wearing a black suit, and his face was solemn and dignified!

Li Zheng really has the right to say this. As the first real estate business heir in Songshan City, he will become the most powerful and powerful in Songshan city in the future. Even some rich generation of big group presidents have to give him some face. Just tell me someone else to fight his face!

Wang guide heard this sentence, scared directly from the chair out of the chair, other staff also face with fear, shiver cicadas, afraid of an inadvertent fire to their own body!

For a time, the people in the scene were away from Qin Tianyuan!

"Li is the big and small, it is them! Especially the bun, even my bodyguard was beaten by him! " Feng CI Meng saw Li Zheng come in with the wind, and immediately walked to stand by him, pointing to Qin Tian wrongly, "Li Da Shao, I am your master Huadan, I am beating you!"

Said, Feng cried again.

"OK, even my Lizheng people dare to fight, it seems that Li Zheng is too soft at ordinary times..." when he said this, Li Zheng looked up at Feng's direction. When he saw Qin Tian, he suddenly surprised and shouted: "Tiange!"

"Li Da Shao, you busy man can not see the end of the first, it is not easy to meet once!" Qin Tian smiled.

"Oh my brother, I am not going to open up a new live broadcast this time. I am going to visit my father and mother after I finish this period!" Li Zheng met Qin Tian here, and hurriedly ran to hold Qin Tian.

Because of the frequent breakfast in Qin Tianjia, Li Zheng also called Qin Guangyuan and his wife as the father and mother.

People see this scene has opened their eyes, how can not imagine, the big boy Li family, actually with Qin Tian so good relationship!?

And look at the relationship between the two, it seems that Li Zheng also please Qin Tian a few points!

Zhou Jing was just a little unexpected, but the Wang guide was different. I think of what Qin Tian said to himself just now. I almost jumped up happily!

This time, my job is saved!

Feng sees this scene, the face has changed completely, did not expect this soil bag even their boss to know!

However, immediately following Feng's dream, he calmed down. Even if he knew him, he was the leader of Lizheng. Even if Lizheng knew him, he was at least blaming himself for a few words. He recognized a mistake and even if he had a loss, he would not have cut his own cash tree, would you!?

At this moment, Feng has made a good plan to recognize his wrong son, but before that, he can not be too low, or even basic dignity is gone!

Thinking of this, Feng CI Meng hurriedly to Lizheng side to stand, "Li Da Shao, he is your friend ah!"

Li Zheng looked at her faintly, and a faint hum.

"But even your friend, can't lift your hand to hit people!"!? You see my bodyguards were beaten by him... "Feng chumeng pointed to the dusty bodyguards around him, and said with great indignation," and that bastard named Zhou, dare to kick me, so I can't even live tomorrow! "With that, Feng's face once again showed an aggrieved look.

"Who can't broadcast the live broadcast of you?"

At this time, a figure came into the outside again, and everyone turned around to see a man with outstanding temperament and upright posture came in from the outside, his eyebrows full of anger!

This person is no one else, it is the founder of skin care products company, Gu Yiming!

Seeing that Gu Dashao is coming, Zhou Jingyi stands up in a hurry and says to Gu Yiming in a cold sweat: "Mr. Gu, I kicked him..."

at this moment, Zhou Jing is ready to be expelled by Gu Yiming!

"It's you!" Gu Yiming took a look at him. After a while, his face showed a look of appreciation, "good kick, next time kick hard, I'll give you a raise!" With that, Gu Yiming patted him on the shoulder.

He turned around and hugged Qin Tian and Li Zheng, "brother Tian, Li Zheng!"

Zhou jingleng in situ don't say, Feng Simeng a look at Yiming, actually encourage their hands to kick themselves, immediately not happy!

"Gu Da Shao, although you are a big man, you can't connive at your subordinates to beat people!" Feng Ti Meng stands behind Li Zheng, Wei Qu Baba says.

At this time, director Wang, who was grateful to Qin Tian, stood by and said what had just happened from the beginning to the end.

As soon as Feng Simeng was so excessive, Li Zheng was not angry. At this time, she even saw the appearance of her wronged Baba. Without saying a word, raising her hand was a slap, which made a slap on Feng's face!

"What kind of thing do you dare to make a mistake in front of my brother?"

When he said this, Li Zheng's face became red through!

Let's not say that Qin Tian has great kindness to his Li family. Just look at the friendship between Li Zheng and Qin Tian, no one is allowed to talk to Qin Tian like this!

Feng Simeng was slapped and blinded by Li Zheng's slap, and his eyes were full of fear and looked at Li Zheng.

"Li... Li Dashao, you are mistaken. I am the one who was beaten..."

"you deserve to die!" Li Zheng roared angrily and said: "if you didn't look like a little bit, you would do the live broadcasting round!? How dare you play a big game in front of others after only a few days of popularity? "

Hearing the speech, Qin Tian nodded. He did not even look at Feng's dream. He calmly said to Li Zheng, "she is really popular, and she should have made a lot of money for you. But Li Zheng, as the saying goes, has gains and losses. With her virtue, she may even point out that she will cause you any trouble. Let her get out of trouble as soon as possible."

"Tiange, don't worry. I'll let the company dismiss her later and send reminders to my peers. Such people have bad morals and are not suitable for public attention!"

Li Zheng glanced at Feng Simeng coldly. The implication is to completely ban feng's dream!

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