This time, Feng tit Meng is completely stupid!

With Li Zheng's position, not to mention covering the whole of China, but in Shanghai and the sea area, no one will not give him face. As long as he says that he will block himself, all the entertainment companies around him will shut her out, and her career is completely over!

At this moment, Feng Simeng really realized how much energy this Bunny had in front of him, and he began to regret it in his heart!

Thinking of this, Feng Jimeng almost did not hesitate to rush over, bent his legs and knelt in front of Li Zheng, "Li Dashao, you can't do this to me, because I have no merit and hard work, just give me another chance..."

at this moment, where is Feng timong's prestige half a minute ago, the whole person has almost become the most pitiful person present!

Li Zheng snorted coldly, kicked her to the side with one foot, and turned to look at her no longer!

Feng diemeng was kicked by Li Zheng. This time, he didn't cry and said that he couldn't live broadcast tomorrow. He turned around and knelt down toward Qin Tian.

"Mr. Qin, please forgive me. Please ask Li Dashao for mercy. I was wrong. I was really wrong. I will never dare to do it again!"

By showing off her body to get this position, she lost too many things that a woman should cherish. If she was expelled by Li Zheng today, she would have nothing!

"Do you have to wait for my order to throw her out?" Li Zheng turned his head and looked at the bodyguard who came with him and yelled angrily!

Several bodyguards smell speech, almost without hesitation rushed up, will Feng Simeng inside, the agent and those bodyguards are all dragged up, toward the door in the past!

Outside the door came Feng's heartrending cry, and the studio fell into silence.

"God, I'm sorry, I'm going to change people to shoot ads for you!"

Li Zheng said, raised his hand and took out his mobile phone, ready to call people over again.

Qin Tian Wen Yan pulled him, "forget it, don't call others in the middle of the night."

Although he knows that Li Zheng can call people over at any time by phone, Qin Tian still doesn't want to do so, and most importantly, Qin Tian already has a new candidate in his heart, and he doesn't want to use people from Li Zheng company.

"Director Wang!"

As soon as Qin Tian turned around, he called out to the little director who stood up next to him. He pulled him to Li Zheng and introduced his performance to Li Zheng in detail.

After that, Li Zheng talked to Director Wang for a few words, considered it for a while, and nodded his head: "well, I understand Tiange. When I come back to my new live broadcast direction, I will hire him as the director and supervisor of our company's new live broadcast!"

Maybe a lot of people don't know how dirty the live broadcast is, but they still think that they can be famous as long as they open the live broadcast.

Try to ask, which live broadcast of the network red talent behind is not a whole team in his operation!? Is sitting there eating a crab, raw choking shrimp can be fire!?

"Thank you very much, Mr. Qin." At this moment, director Wang was happy and was about to fly up. His eyes were full of gratitude. If Qin Tian was not a man, I'm afraid he would have rushed to Qin Tian to kiss him!

Disturbed by Feng Simeng, today's shooting is completely abandoned. Before leaving, Qin Tian left Jiao Jie's phone number to Li Zheng and Wang Daodao.

"This girl is good. Try it."

Jiao Jie is a pure Yin body, with a flattery that no woman has, and her skin and appearance are even better for people to envy.

To be honest, since Qin Tian met her for the first time, she felt that it was a pity to let her be a nursery nurse. Now that I have this opportunity today, I would simply recommend her to Li Zheng, which is a good way to help her family.

"OK, don't worry. Tiange, since it's the person you recommend, there won't be any problem. If it's appropriate, not only will she shoot this advertisement, but also my new live broadcast will let her be the anchor!" Li Zheng said this very seriously.

What character is Qin Tian!? How can the person he recommended have problems!?

While chatting, Qin Tian walked out of the studio with Gu Yiming and Li Zheng.

"God, I'll take you back." Gu Yiming sees Qin Tian walking over and wants to drive him back.

"Yes, my God, it's late. I'll take you back and have an early rest." Li Zheng also said.

Qin Tianwen waved his hand. "I'll walk back for more than ten minutes. Besides, are you two worried about my safety?"

Qin Tian said, two people then bitterly smile.

I don't have to worry about you for your safety. If anyone dares to rob you, it's really bloody!

The dim streetlights flickered, and hardly anyone appeared in the alley at midnight.

However, in an instant, Qin tianmeng's flash body, the body side shift more than one meter!

A willow blade when a sound, fell on Qin Tiangang just standing position! The piercing sound of metal embedded in the ground makes Qin Tian frown!

Qin Tian narrowed his eyes and turned his head. If his senses were not beyond ordinary people, he would have been a dead man at this time!As he turned his head, a figure at the entrance of the alley came slowly towards him and looked at him in the dim light. At the age of seventeen or eighteen, he was wearing a tight suspender vest on his upper body, tight jeans with small feet on his lower body, and a pair of high-end military shoes under his feet. Every step of his walking gave people heavy pressure!

Qin Tian frowned slightly. Just now, he didn't find the breath of this man!

It can be seen how good this young man's hidden Kung Fu is!

"Are you Qin Tian?" When a man opens his mouth, his voice is not very sophisticated, which gives people the feeling of a new man in the world!

Qin Tian nodded, "I don't seem to remember having anything to do with you!"

"Well, we really have nothing to do with each other. For me, I can only apologize to you... My name is Yang Bing, a native of hutougang, Baiyuan County, Songshan city. I have no choice but to be a killer because of lack of money. When you get down to the bottom, you can report my case to the Lord Yama, and I will make amends to you if I die!"

Yang Bing looked at Qin Tian with clear eyes, and every word came from his heart. Even the sentence of Lord Yama seemed extremely sincere!

Conscience is not lost, the wrong way!

This is another evaluation from Qin Tian to Yang Bing! What Yang Bing didn't know was that his conscience was still alive, which gave him a new life!

"Finish this time, I'll go back to my hometown, where I'll wait for money..." and Yang Bing took out a red tassel machete that was popular among the militia during the Anti Japanese war!

Yang Bing did not say a word, the machete with gusts of strong wind toward the head of Qin Tiandou!

Qin Tian didn't know how. He couldn't kill the young man in front of him. He just hid himself and fell down with a big knife!

The scene of Yang Bing's chopping knife made his pupils shrink. He didn't expect that his sharp knife was so easily hidden by Qin Tian!

Then the big knife a horizontal, cut to Qin Tian!

And this time, Qin Tian didn't hide again!

Lift up the right leg, with the leg side suddenly and knife impact together! A sound of metal impact came from the contact area!

Qin Tianwen silk has not moved! Yang Bing was shocked out of three meters!

Yang Bing can't believe looking at Qin Tian, did not expect his two attacks, unexpectedly have been easily resolved by Qin Tian! Whether it is the sensitivity of the limbs, or the strength of hard hitting, they have all lost to each other!

Qin Tian stood on one foot and reached to the lower leg of his right leg. As soon as he touched it, a three edged army stab appeared in his hand. It was this three edged army stab that collided with Yang Bing just now!

This three edged army stab was specially prepared for himself when Jiao Cheng bought the equipment. It has never been used. But I didn't expect that it was taken out on impulse today.

Yang Bing looked at the things in Qin Tian's hand, and his body was stunned, "you... You are a member of the army!"

Qin Tian just took the army spike, did not speak, seems to be waiting for Yang Bing's next words!

"If you are a soldier, I can't do anything to you..." Yang Bing's eyes are a little lax, it seems that he is extremely lost.

"You're worried about the money that killed me, you can't get it!" Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and revealed the cause of Yang Bing's loss.

Yang Bing looked at Qin Tian in surprise and nodded.

Although the employer's family promised to give him a sum of money, it was paid in batches, and this is the last time. If the task can not be completed, all the money previously received should be returned to them. In this way, his hometown side...

Yang Bing bit his teeth and put the knife back on his back, "anyway, I can't do anything to you..."

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