"Because I'm a soldier!" Qin Tian picked his eyebrows again. He couldn't understand why the boy was so persistent in his military identity.

Unexpectedly, Yang Bing nodded again. "Grandfather told me that soldiers are people who have made contributions to the country and protect the country with their lives. They are most worthy of respect."

Yang Bing's answer can be said to be very emotional, and full of strong patriotism! Even if he was a killer, he never thought about what kind of impact he would have on his country. Even if he was facing a "suspected" soldier with an army stab, he would not hurt him!

"If it's just money, maybe I can help you!" Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders and said calmly.

Yang Bing, who had lost his soul for money, suddenly brightened his eyes when he heard Qin Tian willing to help him. "Are you serious?"

But the voice just dropped, but he lost again, "forget it, I just want to kill you, even if we have a good relationship, I can't let you spend money... This amount is not ordinary people can get!"

Yang Bing once again fell into the trouble of money!

"Why don't we have a drink!? Are you sixteen? " Qin Tian looks at Yang Bing and smiles indifferently.

"Well, since I was 18 or 10 years old, my grandfather and I have learned to drink our own cooking knife..."

"burning knife!? What's the degree? "

"I don't know... It's like listening to my grandfather. It's like drinking liquor from the northern Bear Kingdom. I feel like a thread of fire is swallowed in my stomach! After coming to the city, they drank Maotai and Wuliangye, which was hard to drink... "

Qin Tian looked at Yang Bing, and his forehead was sweating, and the line of fire was at least 65 degrees!

"How much can you drink?"

"I'm not sure. If there's fat to eat, I can drink two catties. If I have peanuts, I'll drink one and a half catties. If there's no vegetables, I'll take one catty."

Qin Tian listened to this, his heart suddenly sour for a moment!

This silly boy, who has received such a high education of patriotism, has such a difficult family condition!?

"If you want to eat meat, no problem, brother, I'll take care of it." Qin Tian ha ha laughs, put up the army thorn in the hand, embrace Yang Bing, then go to the side of the road.

After coming out of the studio, the haze was swept away unexpectedly after seeing Yang Bing! Qin Tian looks at the boy in front of him. No matter how he looks at it, he feels very pleasant!

Two people quickly out of the alley, Qin Tian reached out to hit a car, two people then came to the river side of the stall hanging a slaughtered cattle, three or four killed sheep, the boss burned the grill next to, also with a plate of sheep waist, sheep ball, sheep whip, where can sell money, here are all!

"Boss, five catties of beef, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutton, mutt Qin Tian sat down on the stall and yelled at his throat!

The boss is still cutting mutton with a cigarette in his mouth. Seeing that Qin Tian is coming, he quickly orders the boy to serve the dishes to Qin Tian.

"Do you want wine?" The boss didn't look up and asked in a low voice.

"You can't eat meat without drinking! What kind of wine is the highest One day, the boss asked.

Seeing that Qin Tian ordered so much, Yang Bing immediately swallowed a mouthful of saliva, apparently had not eaten so wantonly for a long time!

"Home brewed Baogu wine can be as high as you want. You can't drink too much, or you can't drink it!" The boss stopped the beef knife in his hand and patted a wooden shelf next to it. It was full of wine jars sealed with red mud. It was estimated that a small jar could have two or three jin!

"Let's try a jar of 60 degrees first." Qin Tian a wave, the middle-aged boss from or shelf to carry a jar of wine down.

The boy who helped on the barbecue stand quickly delivered the wine to him. He also took two small wine bowls with special ancient temperament from the chopsticks cabinet next to him. He opened the seal on the wine jar and poured a bowl for Qin Tian and Yang Bing!

"Come on, have a taste. It's better than Maotai Wuliangye!" Qin Tian said, he took up the wine bowl in front of him and gulped it down!

The little guy next to him looked at it, turned his mouth, and all came to eat at the food stall. What kind of cattle force Maotai Wuliangye!

Yang Bing looked at the wine in front of him. He didn't dare to do it. He licked his lips and looked at Qin Tian. "Elder brother, please tell me what you want me to do first. My grandfather said," eat your food and repay your kindness. I don't even know what you want me to eat. This wine can't be drunk yet...

"be careful!" Qin TianChao compared a thumb to Yang Bing, "give me a little brother, I will support you later, how much money you want to open your mouth!"

"Be... Be a little brother!" Yang Bing's face was incredible, "brother Qin, you are not a soldier. What do you want your younger brother for?"

"Then I'll say I want to take you to be a soldier. Will you go?"

Qin Tian's eyes were fierce. He could see that the boy had a special feeling for being a soldier.With the relationship between himself and the Nie family, it should not be difficult to insert one or two people into the army. Qin Tian simply threw out this condition to see Yang Bing's reaction!

"Be a soldier!" Sure enough, Yang Bing's eyes lit up when he heard the speech, "of course I want to go, I want to go in my dreams! My grandfather is a soldier. My uncle, my father and my third uncle are all soldiers. I dream of becoming a soldier... "

Qin Tian was puzzled," why don't you want to be a soldier so much? "!? With your skill, it's not difficult to be a soldier! "

"It's not like being a soldier in the past. It doesn't matter if there's no one else. Even after the political review, I'll still be screened out. I started to take part in the conscription since I was 14 years old. After so many years, I haven't been elected!"

What Yang Bing said was a little sad, but Qin Tian knew that what he said was the truth. It is a good way to be a soldier now. Anyone who has something to do with him can stay in the army and develop well, which is more promising than going to university!

"Qin LAN, you don't have to think about it. You'll be my little brother! I'll take care of it for you

He hesitated to drink a bowl of wine!

"Elder brother, younger brother, Yang Bing, willing to follow the left and right, and do the work of a dog and a horse!"

Yang Bing was carrying an empty wine bowl and looking at Qin Tian seriously. At this time, the boy at the night stand came up with beef and mutton. Hearing Yang Bing's words, he chuckled and said, "two big brothers, do you play outlaws of the Marsh?"

As soon as the boy's words were uttered, people on the tables around him all laughed! But Qin Tian can see that this group of people do not have any malice, just simply feel fun.

Yang Bing is not the same, he has little contact with the outside world. When he finishes speaking, so many people smile, his big face turns red!

"Well, it's none of your business. Bring me another jar of wine over 65 degrees, and you can go to another table."

Qin Tian sent off the boy, and Yang Bing began to work with the meat on the table, three Jin wine, more than ten jin meat, enough for them to eat!

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Qin Tian and Yang Bing both drank to a certain extent. Qin Tian asked him as soon as he saw that it was almost the same.

"You say you are short of money. Can you tell me why?"

Yang Bing bit a lamb's waist and belched with sour wine. He didn't know whether it was wine or Qin Tian. He didn't speak so rigidly.

"My family's name is hutougang. It's the most remote place in Baiyuan county. Because it's in the mountains, there's no pollution. The mountains and rivers are beautiful..."

"during this period, the Secretary of the county Party committee changed. I heard that he was a very progressive person. Three months before taking office, he turned the whole Baiyuan county around, whether it's a remote valley or a rich town."

"Until one day, when we came to hutougang, he made a decision on the spot in front of our fellow villagers to develop our hutougang into a tourist attraction."

Again, Yang Tianjing took a drink!

"Isn't that a good thing?" Qin Tian thought, this is a practical county official, the blessing of the people!

"A good thing, of course, is a good thing. After knowing this, all the 18 families in our village cheered with colorful lights..."

"so what are you worried about?"

It's reduced to killing and making money!

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