Yang Bing sighed, "the developer has a condition to let all the 18 families move out and live outside..."

"however, brother Qin, my grandfather and I can't go..."

"why Qin Tian listen, came to interest, someone gives demolition fee to move still not to leave!? How many people are looking forward to the demolition can not come!

Yang Bing shook his head and did not continue to say, "brother Qin, if you really want to know, you can go back to my hometown with me, so you can rest assured that you can give me money!"

When Qin Tian heard this, he waved his hand and took out a card from his pocket. When he blackmailed the fat man in the antique shop, the other party used it to transfer money to himself. If there was no accident, there should be tens of millions in it!

"The password of the card is 123456. Take it first. If you have nothing, you can check the balance. If it is not enough, you can ask me for it again!"

Qin Tian threw the card to Yang Bing! He is not afraid of Yang Bing being stolen and robbed. By his means, it would be good if he didn't rob those thieves!

Yang Bing didn't think about how much money the card had. Since he paid homage to this big brother, it was not a big deal to take the money with him. He simply put the card in his pocket!

Qin Tian knows in his heart that developing a tourist attraction can't even afford to pay for it, but what's the matter? He doesn't have other things, that's money!

"The developers in the county have been decided!"

"No, because there are too many opposition voices in the village, and developers are not easy to forcibly demolish, so the county promised to give us a month to consider..."

"now, half a month has passed..."

"so you think of being a killer to make money, and then be a developer yourself

Yang Bing scratched his head, embarrassed to lower his head, it can be seen that even he himself thinks this is not reliable.

"Two before?" Qin Tian suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Yang Bing quickly waved his hand, "no, the first two times were to help them solve some small difficulties, but this time I don't know why, they even have a killing heart on you..."

"who asked you to come?" Qin Tian said, the voice also began to become chilly up.

Yang Bing bowed his head and pondered for a while, then opened his mouth and told Qin Tian, "it's a man named Chen Kaige."

"Chen Kaige Qin Tian was stunned.

If Yang Bing had not mentioned the name, he had almost forgotten the man who had become eunuch by himself.

Well, that's good. I didn't ask him for trouble. He actually sent him to the door!

For a time, Qin Tian's face showed the murderous spirit of infiltration, so that the opposite Yang Bing were scared!

"I can't go away at this time. I'll go with you in a few days..."

these days, Qin Tian is planning to take Jiao Cheng and his family to huhai and Wujia. If there are some accounts, they should be settled.

The next day, when Yang Bing went to the bank to check the balance with his card, he was so frightened by the balance that even the bank security guard was called in.

Qin Tian came to the hospital after having a breakfast meal. During this time, in addition to teaching veterans to learn true Qi in the evening, he also guided Gu Xiaomin and Chen Qiang to learn Chinese medicine in the hospital during the day.

Gu Xiaomin naturally needless to say, super ability to accept and memory let her quickly learn the skills of pulse diagnosis, but also for patients to diagnose some of the more superficial disease.

Chen Qiang, on the other hand, is not. Although he has a good moral character, he has obvious shortcomings in the study of traditional Chinese medicine. As a last resort, Qin Tian asked him to study traditional Chinese medicine, and began to try to make prescriptions, and then produced the drugs that best fit the patient's symptoms. It was also called curve teaching, which made him gain something on the road of traditional Chinese medicine.

As for diagnosis, as long as Chen Qiang can learn from himself, he will surely make some achievements, but this kind of cultivation will come later than Gu Xiaomin!

After breakfast, Qin Tian called Gu Yue. Gu Yue was enjoying breakfast in the garden. When she saw Qin Tian's name displayed on her mobile phone, she didn't even have time to swallow her meal. Then she quickly got up. She was afraid that Qin Tian would blame herself for being in a hurry!

"Lao Gu, come with me today to the north of the city. Let's meet Fang Zhen."

Fang Zhen, the boss of Zhentian Pavilion, was cowered by his superman's strength.

On hearing this, Gu Yue's eyes flashed a ray of light!

"Yes, Mr. Qin. I'll bring someone here in a minute." When Gu Yue heard that Qin Tian wanted to start with the Zhentian Pavilion, she quickly pulled the neat napkin on her body and asked for help!

"No, just the two of us." Qin Tian said indifferently.

"Just the two of us!" Gu Yue's half body suddenly stopped, but when she thought about Qin Tian's strength, she was immediately relieved, "OK, Mr. Qin, wait a moment, I'll be right here."

Gu Yue didn't know the relationship between Qin Tian and Fang Zhen. She thought Qin Tian was going to kill Fang Zhen's whole Zhentian pavilion with his own efforts. She could see Qin Tian's extraordinary means again. She was so excited that she couldn't wait to drive his Mercedes Benz to the manor.After Qin Tian hung up the phone, he was ready to return to the medical center to teach Gu Xiaomin and Chen Qiang. But before he stepped in, a top equipped Range Rover stopped at the gate of the hospital, making a squeak.

Qin Tian quickly turned his head and saw Gu Yiming, laughing and laughing, got down from the car, stood in front of the car, banged the hood twice, and whistled at Qin Tian, "brother, look at this car!"

Qin Tian looked at the car and got down to Gu Yiming. He was stunned at the spot, "this car is for me

Every man has his dream car in his heart. Range Rover and Hummer H1 are Qin Tian's dream in his school days!

"Hey, hey, top equipped with range rover, equipped with the 16th army of Myanmar, military war class armor!" With that, Gu Yiming patted the front of the range rover again, "brother, this is really a good thing!"

He had promised Qin Tian to help him get a new car. It took him more than half a month to transport the armor back to China!

And in accordance with Qin Tian's instructions, Gu Yiming also specially selected the latest configuration with automatic driving function!

Qin Tian heard that this car is Gu Yiming to give his own that one, his eyes twinkled with a strange brilliance!

"You can."

Qin Tian did not say a word, directly opened the door to drill in, the gas pedal to the end, can't wait to turn in the square at the gate of the medical center!

Has been turning for more than ten minutes, Qin Tiancai finally reluctantly from the car to drill down.

"Not bad!" Gu Yiming is happy to see Qin Tian so satisfied.

"Not bad!"

Qin Tian's eyes on this car are just like a tramp seeing a naked beauty. His eyes are full of fire!

"OK, Tiange, if you like, I'll go first. There are still several cooperative agents to talk about."

Up to now, nearly every city in Shanghai and Shanghai has come to negotiate with him about the agent of health cream. In this period of time, Gu Yiming has received tens of millions of agent fees!

"Then go ahead and get busy." Qin Tian waved his hand, but he couldn't move his eyes from the top of the range rover.

The car itself is worth about 3 million yuan. If you put on the armor that Gu Yiming got for himself, it will cost at least 10 million yuan!

Although now Qin Tian is not short of money, but such a car still has an inestimable weight in Qin Tian's heart. It can be seen that Gu Yiming is very interested in Qin Tian!

Qin Tian has been staring at this car giggling, the intersection turned to a huge thing, a black Mercedes Benz big G roared to stop at the door of the hospital!

"Mr. Qin..."

Gu Yue got out of the car full of excitement and was about to ask Qin Tian how to clean up the Zhentian Pavilion today, but he found Qin Tianzheng looking at a range rover next to him with a look of dementia.

Gu Yue will look at Qin Tian and the car, wondering what Qin Tian is thinking.

Is it that staring at this car and giggling, can make people become so powerful!?

Since Gu Yue witnessed Qin Tian's ability, no matter what kind of actions Qin Tian makes, he has to consider whether it can make him become like a fairy.

Qin Tian is still in a daze. He doesn't notice the arrival of the ancient moon at all. He simply doesn't call him. He squats next to him and takes the same posture as him and giggles at the range rover.

For a moment, a scene of extremely brain damage appeared at the entrance of the hospital!

A scarred man, squatting beside a thin young man, is looking at a black car beside him with a silly smile.

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