
A blade cut to the stuffy noise from Qin Tian's neck, the expression on the black suit face became more and more ferocious!

"Ha ha ha, I'll let you know the price of bragging today."

Finish saying, that black suit then crazy smile!

"Are you laughing enough?"

All of a sudden, a voice that seemed to come from Jiuyou came from opposite him. The laughter of the black suit seemed to be pinched around the neck and stopped abruptly!

"You, you're not dead!"

The black suit widened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief!

His knife has been cut into his neck. Why hasn't he died yet!? And... Didn't even bleed!?

Suddenly, all of us couldn't believe it and looked at Qin Tian's neck!

I saw that the blade was easily pinched by two fingers, and the distance between the tip of the knife and Qin Tian's neck had almost reached a distance that could not be distinguished by the naked eye!

"This... It's impossible. How could someone hold the blade with two fingers?" The black suit showed a trace of fear on his face, but then he was full of ferocity, gritted his teeth, and pushed the knife in his hand fiercely forward, "die for me!"

But in the next second, a huge force came from the blade. Qin Tian slightly turned his wrist, and his two fingers flipped in an instant. With a crack, the dagger broke into two pieces!

"You... You're not human!" The black suit looked at Qin Tian, his face was full of fear!

Qin Tian held the blade in his hand and ignored the man. He just slowly looked at the ancient moon and opened his mouth slightly and said, "have you seen it clearly?"

The ancient moon heard the speech, immediately flustered, the sweat on her face flowed down like a waterfall!

Because, he didn't see anything!

Just now, the black suit stabbed Qin Tian at a very fast speed, but at the next moment, Qin Tian's hand appeared suddenly, holding the dagger in front of his neck. What happened in the middle, even if he had been staring at Qin Tian, he could not see clearly!

At this moment, Gu Yue seems to have seen the hope of learning from Qin Tian, and is far away from himself!

"I... I didn't see..." Gu Yue's voice was extremely unwilling, as if she was about to cry out.

Hearing the speech, Qin Tian bowed his head and pondered for a moment.

Is oneself too anxious!? There are too many steps to skip in the middle, I can't understand it!?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian looked at the ancient moon again.

"I'll give you another chance. If you can't grasp it this time, it means that you are really not suitable to learn these things. It's better to be an underground hero honestly."

Finish saying that, Qin Tian then looked at the other two black suits, they had already been Qin Tiangang's means, scared all over the body soft!

"You two, attack me with all your rights!" Qin Tian looked at them and said calmly.

Two black suits have been completely stupid, and not to say whether they can attack Qin Tian, even if they can, they dare not ah!

"Devil, devil..."

the black suit that stabbed Qin Tian just now can't bear at this moment. Qin Tian brings him too much pressure, just like a devil!

Call me these words, the black suit is like a magic Zheng general, turn around and run!

Qin Tian glanced at him with the corner of his eye. He saw two fingers holding the blade swing quietly. The half of the dagger that was broken by him flew like lightning!



The blade cut into his ankle and cut his tendon into two pieces!

The black suit was lying on the ground, holding his feet and wailing. Qin Tian again put his eyes on the two people in front of him!

"Attack me!"

Qin Tian's voice was extremely indifferent, but it fell in their two ears like the soul stirring melody from Jiuyou. In a moment, he was scared to kneel on the ground!

But they dare not!

"Well, this man, really, really let us attack you!" The black suit leader can't believe asked Qin Tian, for fear that his own automatic hand will lead to death!

"Don't let me repeat it a third time!" Qin Tian frowned, a trace of impatience appeared in the tone!


The bodyguard in the back can't bear the pressure. He raises his hand and cuts Qin Tian. The target is Qin Tian's head!

The knife light crossed an arc and almost wiped Qin Tian's nose!

The black suit couldn't believe it and looked at Qin Tian. What he aimed at just now was his head. Did it deviate!?

Thinking of this, the black suit raised his hand again and rowed towards Qin Tian!

However, to his disappointment, Qin Tian stood in the same place, just as he did not move. Every time, he seemed to be able to cut Qin Tian, but he was only a fraction of a cent. The blade of the blade scratched Qin Tian's skin!The leader of the black suit saw Qin naivety and didn't mind that they attacked him. He immediately raised the knife in his hand and chopped at Qin Tian!

however, there was no change in the result. They stood there and cut left and right, but they couldn't cut Qin Tian!

And the most important thing is that the tip of the knife is drawn against Qin Tian's body every time!

Gu Yue is standing in the same place and can't see it!

From the perspective of a third party, Qin Tian only slightly shakes his body. Every time the blade is about to fall on him, he moves every minute. The timing and moving distance are controlled to a perfect level!

For a moment, Gu Yue's eyes seem to be in a daze, standing in the same place will no longer move!


Qin Tian looked at the ancient moon with the corner of his eye and made a surprised voice.

This ancient moon... Seems to understand!?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian's hands shook, two crisp sound, the black suits of the dagger will be broken into two pieces, all fell in Qin Tian's hands!

I saw Qin Tian's hands shaking, two blades have shot to the different positions of the ancient moon!

Brush! Brush!

The blade flies to the ancient moon like lightning!

The two black suits were dumbfounded when they saw this scene!

Is this skinny monkey going to kill the man in the back!? These two flying knives will be lying in the hospital for a while even if they don't die!

However, the bloody scene that they expected did not appear. Gu Yue shook his head slightly, and the blade of Qin Tian's left hand flew past his ears. His right shoulder trembled slightly, and the blade from his right hand cut his clothes and exposed the intact flesh inside!

When two throwing knives are fired, the ancient moon is not hurt at all on Qin Tian's hand!


The next second, Gu Yue woke up and couldn't believe the breach on her shoulder!

Myself, I just escaped Qin Tian's attack!

"You are qualified!" Qin Tian smiles.

Gu Yue couldn't believe it and looked at Qin Tian with ecstasy on her face!

"Thank you very much, Mr. Qin!" Gu Yue is so excited that Qin Tian kneels down!

"Don't thank you first!" Qin Tian raised his hand and interrupted him, "understanding is only the first step!"

Hearing this, Gu Yue's face changed immediately. She couldn't wait to ask Qin Tiandao: "Mr. Qin, what conditions are there? I will finish it!"

"The second step is very simple." With a smile, Qin Tian said solemnly: "today, after you unify the underground world of Songshan, I demand that the order of Songshan mountain be rectified within one year, so that the number of gangsters on the road will be reduced by at least half, including the Qin palace, and all of them will be washed white!"

A year!

Guyue took a breath when she heard her speech!

Before Qin Tian also made a similar request to himself, but did not say the time limit, this time, Qin Tian actually added a deadline to this task!

"I can't do it!" Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and asked Gu Yue.

"You can do it!"

Gu Yue bit her teeth and forced herself to say these three words!

No matter how much effort they spend, this year, we will definitely reorganize the underground world of Songshan into what Qin Tian wants to see!

Those two black suits are stupid!

The underground world of Pine Mountain!?

The head of the black suit had some insight. After a short time, he recognized the scar face behind Qin Tian!

Xiaoxiong of the underground world of Songshan, the boss of Qin palace, Mr. Gu Yuegu!

But recognizing his identity is not the most surprising thing for the black suit. What surprised him most was that Gu Yue's identity was still following the young man like a valet. What kind of identity does this young man have!?

I'm afraid to think about the black suit any more!

"May I go in now?" Qin Tian asked indifferently.

"Yes, yes..."

the black suit swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and quickly dodged to let the gate open!

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