Qin Tian smiles and walks into the courtyard with Gu Yue. When Gu Yue passes by the black suit, she gouges him out.

This scene did not escape Qin Tian's eyes. Qin Tian chuckled indifferently and said to Gu Yue: "if you can't change your nature of killing and cutting, the underground order of Pine Mountain will never be peaceful."

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not straight, and the lower beam is crooked. The boss of the underground world is a maniac who likes to kill like his life. How can he let his subordinates go back to the right way!?

Guyue smell speech, the body slightly a shake.

"What Mr. Qin taught is!"

Before long, they went to the center of the courtyard, where there was a big locust tree, next to a stone table, surrounded by a circle of stone stools.

"Fang Zhen, do you want to hide?"

Qin Tian condensed his true Qi in his throat and magnified his voice by more than ten times. The whole quadrangle reverberated with Qin Tian's voice!

Just now at the gate, Qin Tian has seen the camera by the door. If you want to say that no one has informed Fang Zhen for such a long time, Qin Tian doesn't believe it even if he is killed!

Sure enough, Qin Tian finished this sentence, and immediately someone came out of the main room.

"Mr. Qin, Zhenye didn't mean to ignore you. Please don't be angry!"

A strong man in a tight vest came out of the room and bowed 90 degrees when he saw Qin Tian!

Qin Tian saw it and knew him. When he had dinner with Lin Wanru in a western restaurant, it was he who put Wang Zicong out for himself and threw him out.

Qin Tian remembers that he seems to be Liu Qianping, the right hand of Fang Zhen!

Qin Tian looked at him and didn't speak. He just sat on the stone bench beside him and put his right leg on the knee of the other leg.

"Then tell me why Fang Zhen didn't come out to see me."

Qin Tian said this sentence, the tone has taken a silk of anger!

Liu Qianping immediately raised his heart!

When Qin Tian killed the door, he saw that Qin Tian would bend a pistol and throw a walnut into the wall!

His strength is unfathomable, not normal people can fight against it! If he starts to kill the heart, the whole Zhentian Pavilion, no one can resist him!

Thinking of this, Liu Qianping immediately lowered his head and said respectfully to Qin Tian: "I don't know what's going on. Zhenye has been bedridden since he got his tattoo two days ago. Many doctors have come to see him and take a lot of medicine, but he has not improved at all. Even some medical instruments can't see what disease he is suffering from...

" modern equipment It can't be detected! " Qin Tian frowned.

"It's not that they can't be checked out..." Liu Qianping sees Qin Tian's question and buries his head a little lower again. He doesn't know how to say it in half.

"What the hell is going on?" Qin Tianwen.

"This... This is incredible..." Liu Qianping said with a wry smile, "those instruments and test results all show that Zhenye is... He has no problem!"

"No problem Gu Yue immediately frowned when he heard the speech, "Liu, are you playing with Mr. Qin?"!? There's no problem. You're still bedridden. Shit! Let him get up to meet us, Mr. Qin! "

Liu Qianping, as a capable general of Fang Zhen, naturally knows Gu Yue. "Gu Yue, this is the site of Zhentian Pavilion. Please pay attention to the wording when you speak. In addition, I respect Mr. Qin, but you are not qualified to shout at my Zhentian Pavilion site yet!"

"What are you talking about?" Gu Yue eyebrows a horizontal, the body will burst out a very strong murderous spirit, a step forward to Liu Qianping hands!

"Lao Gu, forget what I said to you just now!"

Qin Tian a low drink, Gu Yue quickly stopped her own pace, lowered her head back to Qin Tian's side, "Mr. Qin taught me, I will pay attention to correct!"

Then, Gu Yue tried to suppress her anger and try to calm herself down!

Liu Qianping looked at it, and then he was stunned!

Gu Yue, the leader of the Qin palace, has just swallowed the territory of the Qingshan gang. It should have been at the height of the sun, but he is also obedient and respectful to Qin Tian!?

This discovery surprised Liu Qianping again and became more and more curious about the mystery of Qin Tian!

Qin Tian looked at Liu Qianping and asked in a deep voice, "do you mean that Fang Zhen never got up after tattooing a few days ago?"

"Yes, I remember very clearly. We went to tattoo with Zhen ye that day. After we came back, it became like this." Liu Qianping said respectfully.

"Take me to see it!" Qin Tian said, and then directly up.

Liu Qianping respectfully got out of the way, bent over, stretched out his left hand, and made a gesture of invitation.

Qin Tian followed his direction and strode to the room where Liu Qianping came out!

In the summer, the air conditioner on the courtyard wall whines around. Qin Tian lifts the curtain and walks into the main room. A group of men in black suits are standing around a red sandalwood bed."Tiange, please forgive me for not getting up and meeting each other..." br >

suddenly, a weak voice was uploaded from the bed. Qin Tian looked at the past, Fang Zhen was lying there with a pale face, looking at himself with no eyes!

"Square earthquake!?" Qin days frowned!

I feel the square shock, body shape, muscle developed, walk the road to create a tiger and tiger!

But now the truth of this, not only the face is pale and not refined, even the original strong muscles, become weak up!

The whole person looks like going west, completely lost spirit!

And now, the door curtain of the door is opened again, an old man in a long shirt came in!

"Earthquake Lord, your illness..." said half, the old man saw Qin Tian, "it is you!?"

Qin Tian was also stunned at the sight, but I didn't expect to meet old acquaintances here.

"Doctor Meng, your grandson's arm, but you can get it!" Qin Tian smiled.

The person who came is not others, is the original misdiagnosis, but also in front of the door of his own medical hall challenges Tianhe Tang old Chinese medicine, Meng Tian He!

In order to leave some lessons for them, his grandson mengrenxin was picked by Qin Tian. Qin Tian put down his cruel words and said that no one could put his arm back unless he started it.

Meng Tian and saw Qin Tian, biting his teeth hard. "You use strange means to take my grandson's arm off, I haven't asked you to settle the account. You even have a face to ask me if I have been answered!"

Qin Tian was lazy to take his words and smiled, "as long as you admit your mistake and are willing to apologize to the patient and compensate for the loss, I will take your grandson's arm back."

"Bah! You dream! " Meng Tian and the old face are red.

Today, the boss of zhentiange asked him to visit the doctor. He thought to climb the tree above this opportunity. Unexpectedly, he met this guy and shook off the mistake!

But Meng Tian and steal his head and saw Fang Zhen. Fang Zhen didn't seem to care about Qin Tian's mistake.

A turn of the sordid Meng Tian and his eyes, a ferocious touch of the it floated on his face!

"Mr. Zhen, this kid is too delusive. He took all my grandson's arms off, and asked him to be my master!"

Said, Meng Tian he knelt down to Fang Zhen!

"Be the master!" A weak voice was uploaded from the bed. Fang Zhen looked at Meng Tianhe, just like looking at a fool. "So, how can I make your master?"

Meng Tian and I thought Fang Zhen was going to revenge him. He immediately came to his strength. He pointed his finger to Qin Tian's nose without any politeness. "I don't dare to make a mistake. Just ask you to throw him out and give him the evil spirit of old man!"

"Throw it out!" Fang Zhen heard the words, and then he said, "Ping, throw it out."

"Yes, Mr. Zhen!"

Meng Tian and listen, immediately eyes bright!

However, in the next second, Liu Qian Ping waved his hand, and two black suits held Meng Tianhe's arm and pulled him out of the door!

"Wait, wait! Mr. Zhen, you made a mistake. You threw him, not me... "Br >

Liu Qian listened to the words and immediately sneered," doctor Meng, I suggest you close your mouth, otherwise it will not be just throwing out so easily! "

Meng Tian and I heard that, I was more reluctant to get up and shouted to Fang Zhen on the bed: "this is... Shiye, I can cure your illness..." br >

no need, throw it out! "

Fang Zhen ignored him, and liuqianping directly let people drag him out.

Meng Tian and see that they have no chance to contact Fang Zhen again, a pair of old eyes immediately hate to see Qin Tian!

"Qin, I am not at odds with you!"

The voice was still falling, and two black suits dragged him out of the door, listening to a plop, Meng Tian He was thrown out of the door!

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