Qin Tian has been indifferent to them from beginning to end, not to stop, nor to boost the waves.

"My God, let you see the joke." The square earthquake lying on the wooden bed coughed two times, and said to Qin Tian weakly.

Qin Tian looked at him calmly, and asked for a long time, "you know he can't cure your disease!"

"Nothing can hide from your eyes." Fang Zhen smiled bitterly, "I knew from the beginning that he couldn't cure my illness, and I didn't hope he could cure me. I would be thankful if he could relieve my pain."

Qin Tian nodded at the words.

If he did not know that he could not cure his own disease, Fang Zhen would not ask qinghongzaobai to let people throw Meng Tian and throw it out!

Especially when Meng Tian and Qin Tian have conflicts, they can just kiss Qin Tian without trace.

Qin Tian walked to square earthquake, and sat quietly on the chair beside the bed.

Looking at the eyelids of the two shocks, he spits his tongue again, and the other person says, "give me your hand."

Fang Zhen has been sending people to inquire about Qin Tian. It is clear to his heart that Qin Tian is a miracle doctor of the generation. It is only because his friendship with Qin Tian is limited to "soft" so he is also embarrassed to go to Qin Tian for a visit.

But he did not expect that Qin Tian unexpectedly stepped on the door when he was weak.

Almost without hesitation, Fang Zhen struggled to put his arm in front of Qin Tian, and then looked at Qin Tian with a warm face.

"Pulse beating is strong, pulse is like thick and steady, pulse shape is like waves surging, is a good pulse." Qin Tian said he laughed and then took his hand. "I'm afraid anyone present is not as healthy as you."

Lying in bed, Fang Zhen was one of the stupor, but soon recovered his look, as if he had been admitted to life, lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling.

This is how people are. The more they know they have no hope, the more calm they will be.

"Tiange, you should have come to include my Zhentian Pavilion in Qin palace!"

Fangzhen was extremely weak, but his tone was surprisingly calm.

"Yes." Qin Tian nodded, and there was no intention of concealing it.

For a while, Fang Zhen's face became gloomy and his eyes became sharper.

"If you come today and find that I am not ill, what way are you going to take me to zhentiange?" Fang Zhen's tone is full of war, and the eyes of Qin sky are full of cold light!

The black suits around them immediately surrounded Qin Tian, and a black pistol pointed to Qin Tian!

"Take it by force!" Qin Tian still smile, as if not see the surrounding holes of the gunshot general!

It took only one night for the Qing mountain Gang to be destroyed by the Qin palace. Fang Zhen has been investigating clearly and clearly. If Qin Tian doesn't join in, don't say that one night, even if they are given a year, they can't do it!

And his own Zhentian Pavilion, even if the strength is not weaker than the Qingshan Gang, still dare not to die with Qin Tian!

It took one night to kill Qingshan gang. What about killing my own Zhentian Pavilion!? Two nights enough!?

Fang Zhen lies on the bed, clenches his fist immediately, even the teeth bite into the lips!

Can see square earthquake in this moment how unwilling!

"All back!" For a long time, Fang Zhen squeezed out the three words from the teeth!

Qin Tian looks at him and smiles, because if he doesn't let the black suits around him go back, they will all become dead in three seconds!

"Tiange, if I promise to merge Zhentian Pavilion into your Qin palace, can you promise me a condition?" Fang Zhen is very hard to suppress his emotions, and gradually there is a tone of request in his words.

"You are not eligible to talk to me when you are not ill. You think you are ill now, you can talk to me about the conditions!" Qin Tian said, the tone also appeared a cold, "I take back the north of the city, only need a word, here to speak to you in advance is just to see that you and I know a few sources, but these, not enough to support you, let you to me conditions!"

The voice fell, Qin Tian suddenly burst out a kind of killing gas like a corpse, blood, so that the temperature of the whole room was instantly reduced to the freezing point!

The black suits in the room, including Liu Qian Ping, were shocked to take a breath of air conditioning!

This... It is how many murders have been experienced to accumulate the murderous Qi!

The ancient moon standing behind Qin Tian saw this scene, and I was very happy!

it was the killing intention when I was too pressed to breathe by Qin Tian! But now Qin Tian's strength has long been comparable, killing natural also rise in the water, square shock their pressure, than their own natural also much greater!

Fang Zhen felt the sudden cold, lying in bed of the body shaking!

He had no doubt that Qin Tian would be as relaxed as killing an ant if he wanted to kill himself!"Yes, I'm sorry, God. I said the wrong thing." Fang Zhen wry smile, toward Qin Tian showed a smile that is worse than crying, "I'm not asking for conditions, I want to ask you."

"Oh!? Request!? Is that right this time? " Qin Tian looks at him, his eyes are full of cold!

"Yes, it's a request."

Feeling the cold light in Qin Tian's eyes, Fang Zhen's heart jumped again!

"Oh, request, that's easy to say, in terms of the relationship between you and me, if it's a request, I can still consider it." Finish saying, Qin Tian tiny smile, the murderous spirit on the body all scatter.

It's not that Qin Tian bullies people and wants to scare them. It's really that these people don't deserve Qin Tian's compassion.

Ask these people present, including Gu Yue, which one is not the character whose hands are covered with blood!? In addition to the absolute strength of crushing, there are other things can hold them!?

Fang Zhen gave a bitter smile again, and tried to raise his head to prop up his body. He sincerely said to Qin Tian, "brother Tian, our earthquake is already a person who must die. I am not afraid of death. Even if you tear me apart, it is just a dead word! But God, my old brothers have been with me for more than ten years. I can't bear to let them die with me. So I beg you, after you take over Zhentian Pavilion, give them a chance to wash white, even if it's to let them get out of the Pine Mountain and give them a way to live! "

Finish saying that, see Fang Zhen slightly lift his powerless right hand, stretch out index finger and middle finger, bend vertically, then buckle forcefully at the bedside!

"Zhenye, you can't!"


"Zhenye, we fight with him!"

For a moment, Liu Qianping and those black suits showed a look of incomparable grief and indignation!

Gu Yue's face was gloomy. She was surprised to see this scene!

According to the rules of the road, those who are inconvenient to kneel are replaced by two fingers. Now Fang Zhen bends his fingers to Qin Tian, which means he kneels down to Qin Tian!

Fang Zhen, how could you do this to Qin Tian?!

"Do you mean that you agree that Zhentian Pavilion will be incorporated into the Qin palace and be managed by the Qin palace?" Qin Tian just like did not see the finger under Fang Zhen Qu, safely accepted his kneeling.

"Yes Fang Zhen bit his teeth, unwilling to spit out a word, followed closely then closed his eyes tightly, can't bear to look at the brothers around!

"Are you brothers willing to be ruled by the Qin palace?" Qin Tian picked his eyebrows and glanced at the people around him.

"If they don't accept the arrangement of Qin palace and Tiange and you want to kill them, we have no complaints. Even if we get to the hell, we still appreciate Tiange's great kindness."

Speaking of this, Fang Zhen is almost determined to merge the Zhentian Pavilion into the Qin palace.

"Ah Ping, tell some brothers to come here. I'll tell you what to do."

The word "aftercare" came out of Fang Zhen's mouth as if he had vomited his essence, which made Fang Zhen weak again.

"Zhen Ye!" Liu Qianping looks at Fang Zhen, his eyes turn red instantly!


Fang Zhen didn't look at him, just faintly spit out a word.

"Well, I'll go!" Liu Qianping is unwilling to take a look at Qin Tian and turns to leave the room.

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