Qin Tian looks at Liu Qianping, who leaves with hatred. He has a funny smile on his face.

In less than ten minutes, Liu Qianping came back again, but this time, he was followed by four men of his age.

"Zhen Ye!"

Four people stood in front of the bed and called Fang Zhen respectfully.

"Ping, tell them all what I said just now." Fang Zhen closed his eyes and had no spirit to repeat what he had just said.

"Yes, master Zhen."

Liu Qianping bit his teeth. Even though he was unwilling, he was still ready to tell the four people about Fang Zhen's decision.

However, he did not speak. A strong but slightly short man raised his hand to stop Liu Qianping.

"Master Zhen, on the way, Ping has already told us."

The short and strong man had a rough voice, and his brows were dignified without anger. Obviously, among the five people including Liu Qianping, he was the one who spoke with great weight.

Fang Zhen listened to the short strong man's words, some surprised opened his eyes, "then how do you think?"

"Zhen ye, our idea is very simple, that is..."

before the words fell, five people, including a group of black suits behind them, raised their guns one after another, and pointed the muzzle of the gun at Qin Tian and the ancient moon behind him!

"The fish is dead and the net is broken!"

The short and strong man pointed his gun at Qin Tian, his eyes full of determination!

"No! Put down your guns

Fang Zhen looked immediately flustered, quickly struggling to owe the body, reached out to pull the people around, will their guns down!

However, Fang Zhen's body was weak, and before his hand reached out, he fell off the bed first.

"Zhen Ye!"

In an instant, the short strong man was completely flustered and rushed to help Fang Zhen!

Qin Tian looks at this scene, the expression on his face is still cool and incomparable, as if in front of all this has nothing to do with him.

"Brother Tian, you have a large number of people. Don't be wise with them. We are willing to hand over the whole Zhentian Pavilion. Please let them go."

Fang Zhen struggled, exhausted all his strength, knocked his head on the ground, and let out bursts of thumping sound!

"Master Zhen, what are you doing?"

Seeing Fang Zhen so short and strong, a pair of tiger eyes turned red instantly, and his eyes were covered with a layer of water mist!

"This group of clowns doesn't matter. I won't attack them if I get the Zhentian Pavilion because of your love." Qin Tian said indifferently, and then glanced at the muzzle of the black hole around him, "of course, the precondition is that they don't seek death by themselves!"

"What are you talking about?" The short strong man frowned and looked at Qin Tian's eyes full of killing intention!

"I said, you want to die!" Qin Tian's voice seemed to come from Jiuyou, and his murderous spirit was released without reservation again!

In an instant, all the people present were pressed out of breath!

The short and strong man was sweating on his forehead, but he could not shrink back at this moment!

I saw him bite teeth to stand up, the gun in his hand did not hesitate to point to Qin Tian again!

"Brothers, kill him for me!"

With a low roar, dozens of guns shot out deadly flames at almost the same time!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

a series of gunshots made the room smell of nitrosulfoxide!

At this moment, almost everyone thought that Qin Tian would die!

"Have you finished?"

Suddenly, the figure sitting on the chair slowly spit out a few words. He slowly raised his head and swept to all the people present with a smile on his face!

Not dead!?

Dozens of guns fired at the same time, but they failed to kill him!?

"This... This can't be..." the short and strong man is already stupid!

Because there was an impossible scene in front of him at the moment!

Those bullets, actually all floating around Qin Tian!

In an instant, people's hearts seemed to have been hit by something, and they stood in the same place one after another!

This man can withstand the attack of bullets!

Gradually, Qin Tian's body emerged around a fire red shadow, the temperature of the whole room was driven up by this shadow!

Qin Tian's face appeared a banter smile.

Fire armor, a few days ago, the progress bar in the depth of one's spiritual consciousness has reached 100%!

Moreover, through the perfection of one's own spiritual consciousness, fire armor can not only defend itself, but also extend out of the body, forming a range of defense shield!

At the moment, Qin Tian released a fire red cover just like a yurt, enveloping him and the ancient moon in it!

"You... Who are you..." the short strong man looked at Qin Tian, the gun in his hand was also powerless to hang down.Because he knows, such a strong person, simply is not oneself such person can offend!

Once offended them, the only thing waiting for them is death!

"You don't have the right to know who Mr. Qin is yet!"

Gu Yue stood behind Qin Tian and felt the infinite glory. This moment confirmed his idea of following Qin Tian forever!

Qin Tian, it's so powerful!

"Is there anything else to say?"

Qin Tian looked at them coldly, as if he were looking at the dead!

Fang Zhen smell speech, immediately lie down on the ground and howl!

"God, God, please spare them! I give you everything I have. I just ask you to give them a way to survive, even if it's OK to drive them out of the Pine Mountain... "

among the people present, except Gu Yue, no one knows Qin Tian's terror better than Fang Zhen, and almost without hesitation, he asked Qin Tian for mercy!

"What if I want your life!? Would you like me to let them go? " Qin Tian looked at Fang Zhen with the corner of his eye and asked coldly!

"If my life, which is about to run out of oil and light, can exchange for the safety of my brothers, please take it!" Fang Zhen's red eyes seemed to be ready to die immediately!

"If I tell you, I can cure you!"

All of a sudden, Qin Tian's words fell in the middle of everyone like a bomb, and everyone couldn't believe it!

"God, you say... My disease can be cured?"

Fang Zhen can't believe looking at Qin Tian, his face has become pale!

"Yes, I can, and it will be cured in ten minutes!" Qin Tian sat on the chair and looked at Fang Zhen calmly. "Are you willing to use your life for the lives of your brothers?"


In an instant, everyone's sight fell on Fang Zhen's body!

Fang Zhen's breath gradually became short, and his chest was also up and down, like a bellows!

"And you

At this time, Qin Tian smiles again and looks at the five people including Liu Qianping, "are you five willing to take your own lives for Fang Zhen's life?"


In an instant, all of us took a breath of air-conditioner and looked at Qin Tian in disbelief!

Qin Tian, how could he use human life to test human nature!

"You, are you a devil?" The short strong man shivered his chin and looked at Qin Tian with fear on his face!

Five of them, or Fang Zhen, can only survive on one side!

Qin Tian smelled his banter smile, and saw his right hand slightly shaking. The fire attribute Qi burst out in an instant, and the bullets floating in the air instantly flew back!

Puff, puff, puff, puff...

a series of noises came, and the hands of those black suits holding guns spattered with blood, and the pistols fell to the ground!

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened!

This Qin Tian, too terrible, actually waved to waste dozens of bodyguards!

Qin Tian this hand, almost cut off all the people who want to run!

No matter how fast you run, you can still pass the bullet quickly!?

"What's the matter? Are you all selected?"

"I... I..." Fang Zhen's lips trembled, but his eyes were extremely firm. "I'm willing to take my life for their lives!"

"Zhen Ye!"

"Die together, master Zhen. If you give us your life, how can we have the face to live?"

"Master Zhen, let's fight with him!"

For a time, five people have red eyes to see Fang Zhen.

They are all people who have lived dozens of lives in their hands. They have seen through life and death for a long time. In their opinion, a brother is too big to be his own, even if he is dead!

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