"Oh!? How about loyalty!? If you don't want him to die, you will die! " Qin Tian sneered, "shout so loud, have a fart to use!"

Hearing this, the short and strong man immediately wanted to shoot Qin Tian with his gun. But one second before the bullet came out of the chamber, Liu Qianping grabbed him!

"If we die, you will revive Zhenye!" Liu Qianping bit his teeth and said it word by word!

"Yes, if you die, I'll cure him right away!" Qin Tian looked at him and said calmly.

"How can you promise to save his life after we die?" Looking at Qin Tian, Liu Qianping seems to want to see something from his face.

However, to his disappointment, Qin Tian's expression has always been as calm as ever, it seems that they did not take them seriously!

"Have you ever seen people lying to ants?" Qin Tian smile, open his mouth will be the presence of the public compared to mole ants!

Liu Qianping's face changed, but there was no way to refute it!

Indeed, with Qin Tianxian's general means, there is no need to lie with his group of people. As long as he wants to, he can kill all the people in this room at any time!

"I hope you can keep your promise and cure Zhen Ye!"

Liu Qianping finished, then looked at Fang Zhen lying on the ground, "Zhen ye, you saved my life in those years, and today it's my turn to give it back to you."

With that, Liu Qianping raised his hand and put the muzzle of the gun on his temple!

"And us."

The remaining four men, as if they had already agreed, put their guns on their heads after a struggle!

Fang Zhen, there is a saving grace for each of them!

As soon as you die today, you will be rewarded with gratitude to Fang Zhen!

Thinking of this, five people closed their eyes one after another, and the trigger in their hands was also pulled down!


Fang Zhen eyes are red, struggling to stand up to stop them, but the whole body of powerlessness, but let him unable to move a minute!

In an instant, five shots were fired, and the room was filled with the smell of nitrosulfoxide!

At this moment, the air seems to solidify in general, all people can't believe to look at their heads!

However, the unexpected blood splash did not appear, only saw Liu Qianping's five heads are emerging a layer of fire red film, a bullet is not slanting floating beside the temple!

Qin Tian, actually saved them!

"Congratulations, you passed the test." Suddenly, Qin Tian's voice rang from the side.

In fact, Qin Tian's idea is very simple. As long as they attach importance to love and righteousness, then when Zhentian Pavilion is incorporated into the Qin palace, Qin Tian will still reuse them.

But on the contrary, Qin Tian would rather not shake the sky Pavilion, also can't absorb them in!

But fortunately, they are all men who value love and righteousness. Even if they die, they are not willing to lose Fang Zhen.

In this way, as long as Fang Zhen is willing to join the Qin palace, they will certainly listen to what they say!

Five people couldn't bear the joy of life and death. They sat on the ground one after another!

"You, you mean, you won't kill us, you won't kill Zhenye!" Liu Qianping looked at Qin Tian and gasped.

"Not only will I not kill you, but I will cure Fang Zhen completely as long as you promise me."

"Whatever conditions you want to mention, as long as our brothers can do it, we will never say a word of no!"

On hearing that Qin Tian was willing to cure Fang Zhen, he immediately called out!

"Yes, as long as you can cure Zhenye, we will do anything we want to do!"

"That's what you said Qin Tian laughs.

"A man, a man, a spit and a nail, will never regret what he says!"

"Well, put him to bed first." Qin Tian said, pointing to the square earthquake on the ground, then let everyone help him to the bed.

"You can discuss it. After that, send someone out to call me." With that, Qin Tian got up with a smile and walked towards the stone table in the courtyard.

Fang Zhen asked Liu Qianping to call the four of them to come. The purpose was to tell them that Zhentian pavilion would be incorporated into the Qin palace. However, before he could say it, he was interrupted by the short and strong man. Qin Tian then taught them a lesson and, on the spur of the moment, tried their ideas.

Qin Tian and Gu Yue are sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard. A maid like woman comes out and makes a pot of tea for Qin Tian and Gu Yue.

"Old times, sometimes you should learn from Fang Zhen. Look at the artistic conception of others. It's much better than your big manor."

Qin Tian picked up a cup of tea and felt the mood of drinking tea in the courtyard. He felt very comfortable and even felt a little bit of childhood.

Gu Yue heard Qin Tian say so, it's hard to say anything, just a strong giggle, learning from Qin Tian's appearance, savoring the artistic conception of tea.

Time is not long, the courtyard main room will come out of five shadows, toward Qin Tian then walked over."Mr. Qin, Zhenye told us just now that we agreed to merge Zhentian Pavilion into Qin palace."

Compared with before, this time Liu Qianping said these words, there is no slightest reluctance.

Qin Tian's strength has been seen by them. Not to mention whether he can live a good life against him, it's just that he can save Fang Zhen's life, and it's worth them to send Zhentian Pavilion out!

"Let's go." Qin Tian smiles, and his body goes towards the main room.

Entering the room, Qin Tian orders the irrelevant people to leave the room, leaving only Liu Qianping and the five of them, stripping Fang Zhen's clothes down, revealing his full back tattoo!

"Mr. Qin, let's treat master Zhen. What's good about this tattoo?"

Liu Qianping was very anxious and agreed to treat Fang Zhen. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, he let himself take off Fang Zhen's clothes, and he even began to enjoy Fang Zhen's new tattoo.

"Mr. Qin has his own opinions. If you stand by and watch, there is so much nonsense!" Gu Yue uttered a cold hum and yelled at Liu Qianping!

It seems that even if Zhentian Pavilion is swallowed up, it is still difficult to control them. It seems that we have to find a suitable time to beat them.

Gu Yue thought that Qin Tian didn't know. At the moment, he looked at the tattoo on Fang Zhen's body, and his face showed a relieved look.

"You gangsters like to tattoo things on your body when you're OK. But you don't know the special features of tattoos. You dare to wear anything." Qin Tian shakes his head and tells Fang Zhen to lie down on the bed.

"Mr. Qin, do you mean that Zhenye's illness is related to this tattoo?" Liu Qianping looks at Qin Tian in disbelief, and the remaining four are also looking at each other.

Can tattoos kill people!?

"As the saying goes," the tattooed dragon does not go down the mountain, and the tattooed tiger does not go down the mountain; Guanyin closes his eyes and does not save the world, Guan Gong will kill people when he opens his eyes; if the tattooed tiger does not go down the mountain tiger, the fierce tiger will go down the mountain and bite the LORD; if the tattoo is not tattooed, it will be difficult for Guan Gong to fight against him in 999 1! "

While speaking, Qin Tian recited a tattoo rhyme.

"Now let's see what's on Fang Zhen's back!"

This time, everyone's eyes fell on Fang Zhen's back. There was a lifelike dragon hovering over Fang Zhen's shoulder. It was actually from the chest print to the back!

"Over shouldered dragon!"

The five people took a breath, but they clearly remember the first sentence of Qin Tiange Jue - Wen long is not shoulder!

"Mr. Qin, is there anything to pay attention to The short and strong man had already lost his hostility to Qin Tian, and instead he was sincerely in awe.

"Over the shoulder dragon, also known as the buttonhole dragon, the dragon head is put up from the back right shoulder armor to the right front chest, and then the whole dragon body is crouching in the back. The two front claws are respectively clasped on the muscle connecting the shoulder and the arm, the two rear claws are respectively grasping on the thigh, and the dragon tail extends from the lower left side of the waist to the left foot neck." Qin Tian patiently explained to the public, "those who dare to tattoo this kind of dragon are either the real underground heroes or the real dragon emperor. Otherwise, once the over shoulder dragon is tattooed on the body, it will inevitably lead to disaster for himself!"

Fang Zhen's life is too light to bear this dragon. He has been tattooed on his body by force. He can only crush his body!

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