It is worthy of being the top ten mercenaries in Asia. This group of mercenaries is not simple!

This time, no one doubted Qin Tian's judgment. Zhou enlarges the map and simulates the coverage of four parts of howitzer on the computer. It just circled Qin Tian's position in the middle!

That is to say, no matter which direction they move 100 meters, they will be hit by covering type!


In an instant, these three words immediately appeared in everyone's head!

They don't believe that the other party has not detected their arrival, but they are enjoying the pleasure of cat and mouse!

Jiao Cheng grinned bitterly, "I didn't expect that Qin Tian's brother was still a military genius, but we were disgraced in front of you."

Thanks to the fact that I have just said that we should let others see modern special operations, it turns out that I am a good teacher.

"Are you sure?" Qin Tian smiles and asks the crowd.

If they retreat at this time, Qin Tian will not hesitate to launch the ghosts in the jade and completely eradicate the Wu family. After all, the safety of all is the first priority.

"Yes! Of course! If we get such information, we will lose the battle, and we will lose the face of Chinese special forces! " The monkey gave a crisp answer.

"Instructor, give orders."

"Instructor, give orders."

For a moment, the faces of all the people present showed a look of urgency!

I was humiliated in front of Qin Tian. Everyone was holding back a breath and wanted to perform well and wash away the shame just now!

Jiao Cheng takes two puffs of smoke and takes a look at Qin Tian. When he sees that Qin Tian has no objection on his face, he immediately throws the cigarette end on the ground and says: "check the equipment!"

For a moment, all the people's bodies have issued a burst of click click sound, not long, they completely quiet down.

"Zhou Qianming, one minute later, the interference signal will be released, and the other party's monitoring will be completely cut off." Jiao Cheng glances at Zhou Qianming, and then falls on the monkey and other people. "1234 team, immediately go to the edge of the shrapnel coverage, respectively responsible for the four directions of the East, West, North and south of the howitzer group, and move on time in a minute!"


Almost at the same time, everyone turned on the communication equipment in their ears and bent over to get into the forest!

It was not long after focal range finished issuing the order, but it ordered again.

"5678 team, all snipers are in position, and other members are responsible for intercepting and supporting each other! These scumbags are going to support four howitzers


The special forces team is equipped with military GPS, and soon people follow the GPS instructions to the edge of the shrapnel coverage. The sniper has already arrived at the predetermined position, waiting for the next step of the focus range command!

"Release the jamming signal!"

A minute later, Zhou Qianming pressed the signal jammer.


In a flash, all other signals were interrupted except that the signals of special forces' specific frequency band were not blocked!


In a flash, Wu family village garden rang out a burst of scolding voice!

Because at the moment, all their monitoring equipment has turned into black screen, and more than that, even the small UAV flying outside can no longer transmit signals back!

"Come on, scouts, go and find out!" A commanding man came out of the combat center, leaving only a satellite phone that could still be used. "The second unit, immediately support the howitzer base. These bastards must be running there."

For a moment, the manor was in chaos. A mercenary regiment came out of the side door and sneaked into the four howitzers in the dark!


A sniper shot, Bartley's powerful sniping ability instantly cut a soldier of the mercenary corps into two pieces!

"There are snipers! Look out for cover! "

The captain of the mercenary team immediately ordered.

Being watched by a sniper, especially when the sight is not good at night, will be a fatal disaster. If you do not pay attention to concealment, within a minute, your team will be completely destroyed!


In another direction, another sniper shot took the life of a mercenary again!

“shit! More than one sniper The captain was about to collapse. He made a decision and pointed to the front and said, "break through!"

In a flash, dozens of mercenaries rushed out in front of them under the cover of the woods!

"Boys, it's time to work!"

Ambush in the woods of the veterans have issued a sneer, like a hidden cheetah general, quietly waiting for prey to approach!

At this time, four howitzer groups also launched a fierce battle.

Qin Tian was bored sitting in the battle center, so he quietly started to communicate with the ghosts in the underground. After a while, dozens of them were summoned by him."To investigate the internal situation of the Wu family."

Dozens of ghosts immediately drifted towards the Wujiazhuang garden.

"Report to the drillmaster, team 1 has completed its mission and participated in the war with 10 people, no casualties!"

At this time, the voice of the monkey came from the communication equipment!

He is really worthy of his identity as the leader of the first team. He is actually the first to complete the task!

"Bang, smelly monkey, still let you lead Zhao Donghui was unconvinced and scolded in the communication equipment: "report to the drillmaster, team 2 has completed the task and participated in the war with 10 people, no casualties!"

Jiao Cheng listens to the two people's reports, with a slight smile on his face

Next, several other teams also sent back the battle information. Except for the seventh team, no one was injured, which can be said to be a complete victory!

"instructor, issue the next order, let's give this son of a bitch the Wu family!" The monkey gave a gloomy smile in the messenger.

And at this time, Qin Tian sent out that dozens of Yin ghost feedback back information, let Qin Tian's face immediately changed!

"There are no Wu family members in the Wu family manor except those mercenaries!" Qin Tian bit his teeth.

Did not expect, or let them run away!

When Jiao Cheng hears the speech, he is stunned for a moment, "ran away!"

"Damn it, I'm a little late!"

Qin Tian was unwilling to scold, secretly scolded himself for not being careful!

It's really a big show to go out this time. The Wu family must have received the news in advance, which left the mercenaries to fight with them, and then the whole family fled!

"Brother Qin Tian, are we going to attack now?" Jiao Cheng asked.

Qin Tian looked at the screen and shook his head, "no need, launch four rounds of howitzers to level the Wujiazhuang garden!"

Originally, he came to seize Wu Haitang, the owner of the Wu family in Shanghai, and then forced him to withdraw the underground reward and kill him.

But I didn't expect that now they had all escaped, so there was no need to break in by force.

It's not worth fighting with a bunch of mercenaries.

At Qin Tian's command, all the people in the communicator were excited.

It's a wonderful thing to blow up the Wu family Manor!

In an instant, all the small teams were marching towards the location of the howitzer, and soon they aimed the howitzer in the direction of Wujia manor.


With Qin Tian's command, dozens of m119 howitzers, with a firing rate of six rounds per second, instantly submerged Wujiazhuang garden in a burst of gunfire!

In an instant, the rest of the two mercenaries fell into hell. Countless shells fell from the air to the interior of the manor, and the shrapnel flew everywhere. There was no one alive again!

Qin Tian asked Gu Yue to send dozens of transport vehicles from Songshan. The veterans disassembled the howitzers overnight and loaded them into transport vehicles. All that could be transported were transported away, and those that could not be transported were blown up on the spot!

Busy until dawn, many talents finally set foot on the road to leave Shanghai and the sea.

The next day, the whole Shanghai sea was boiling up!

Huhai Wu family, the first in huhai area, was razed to the ground overnight!

For a while, countless families became cautious, for fear that they would not notice the mysterious figure who destroyed the Wu family , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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