After returning to Songshan, Gu Yue dug a huge pit in the manor, paved the waterproof layer, bought a pile of butter to daub the parts of the howitzer, and finally buried it in the ground.

"I don't know if I can use it, but I can't spit out what I got, isn't it!? If these things are hidden, they can save our lives! "

Qin Tian squats at the edge of the pit and tells Jiao Cheng and Gu Yue.

Jiao Cheng and Gu Yue are both old people. Naturally, they know the particularity of these things. Once they are discovered by the relevant state departments, I'm afraid none of them will have good fruit to eat.

The grand Lord drove out from Guyue villa and returned to the security team dormitory directly. Qin Tian specially approved that they could have a day off.

Just when Qin Tian is going to go home and make up for a sleep, his mobile phone suddenly rings.

Take out a look, it is Xiao Ya to call unexpectedly.

"Hello, brother!"

As soon as he got through the phone, Xiao Ya called Qin Tian affectionate.

Qin Tian listened to Xiao Ya's voice, the corners of his mouth also slightly hook up.

After all, she is a sister for so many years. It is false to say that she has no feelings.

"You girl, I was just about to call you when you called me." Qin Tianchong smiles.

Xiao Ya, on the other end of the phone, wrung her nose and hummed twice, indicating that she didn't believe me. Then she asked, "what are you going to say when you call me?"

"Happy birthday, of course." Qin Tian looked at the date displayed on the mobile phone and said the particularity of today.

Today is Xiao Ya's birthday. In the past years, Qin Tian's mother prepared a birthday party for her every birthday. Although it is not luxurious, it can make Xiao Ya feel warm from the bottom of her heart.

"You have a conscience!" With a smile on her face, Xiao Ya is obviously very happy that Qin Tian still remembers her birthday. "How about having dinner together that evening?"

"Ah!? Why don't you come home to eat? " Qin Tian has some accidents. Needless to say, my mother must be preparing Xiao Ya's birthday in advance. If she doesn't come, the old man will be disappointed.

"Ganma there I have said, don't worry about it..." Xiaoya said, the voice suddenly became small, "brother, I still have something here, I'll call you later!"

Finish saying, also did not wait for Qin Tian to open mouth to hang up the telephone directly.

Simply qintian didn't take care of her, installed the mobile phone and walked towards the villa.

At this time, the top floor meeting room of olan group building, Xiao Ya is in a hurry to go in.

Lin Wanru is sitting in the president's seat with a serious face. The major shareholders are already ready. Seeing Xiao Ya come in, they look at the projector in front of them.

"It's almost time. Let's go! Xiao Ya, chair the meeting Lin Wanru holds a piece of information in her hand. Her legs are stacked together. She leans against her chair and looks at Xiao Ya.

Today's Xiao Ya is wearing a gray professional ol suit with her hair neatly tied behind her head. She connects her computer to the projector and starts talking.

"Although the third ring road is not up to the first grade prime location, it has convenient transportation and large flow of people. According to the news from the municipal Party committee, the land will be expropriated by the state within two or three years..."

"Xiaoya, what I hope to hear is not the conventional words of the auctioneer. I need you to tell the shareholders directly how much money I will spend to buy this land, so as not to lose money Money

Lin Wan such as cold face, directly interrupted Xiao Ya's words!

Xiao Ya is the one who knows Lin Wanru best and has the best relationship with Lin Wanru. Naturally, she doesn't feel embarrassed because she interrupts her. Then she turns to Lin Wanru and other shareholders and says, "after our evaluation, it is acceptable to buy this land within 90 million yuan. If we build a shopping mall, we can get 80% of the cost in three years and five years If it is expropriated by the state within two or three years, the profit will be tripled directly! "

After hearing this, Lin Wanru's beautiful eyes swept directly to the shareholders sitting in the room. "I heard that. This land will be auctioned in two hours. Go or not. Vote!"

With that, Lin Wanru raised her right hand directly.

Those shareholders looked left and right, and finally raised their hands.

"OK, clean up and start. The base price is 90 million!"

With that, Lin Wanru got up first and walked outside.

Xiao Ya looked at Lin Wanru's departure and immediately picked up her notebook and followed her.

At the moment, Qin Tian has already washed his bath and changed his clothes. He is ready to go to bed for a sleep. His mobile phone rings again.

"Hello, brother Tian, there's a bustle today. Would you like to see it?"

Li Zheng is calling.

"What's the buzz?" Qin Tian asked.

"Land auction! Our family has a piece of land in the Third Ring Road, which is not ready to be made. It was entrusted to the auction house. This morning, my grandfather asked me to watch Li Zheng said, showing a forced expression.

During this period, he is developing a new live broadcasting platform. He is busy in the back of his head, but Mr. Li always arranges his family business for him."I'm afraid you don't want to go. Why don't you take me for your company?" Qin Tian grinned and directly broke Li Zheng's mind.

The Li family is a real estate developer. Naturally, Mr. Li will not allow his grandson to become an actor on the Internet. He tries every possible means to move out the family business for Li Zheng to handle, hoping to cultivate his interest in real estate and return to take over the business of the Li family.

"Oh, my God, don't stink at me. Since I know I don't want to go by myself, you can go with me!" Li Zheng was helpless.

"You let one go with you." Qin Tian goes to bed and kicks the ball to Gu Yiming.

"He!? Don't count on it Li Zheng said with a bitter smile, "he has become the most popular fried chicken in Songshan skin care industry because of your skin care products. Now if you want to see him, you have to make an appointment!"

"Well, I said you don't have many friends!? It's up to me! " Qin day has no Nai, this gang of rich second generation all day long idle egg ache, pull who can't, must pull oneself!?

Li Zheng chuckled and said, "brother Tian, since it's a real estate auction, do you think olan group will participate?"

Olan group!? Lin Wanru!?

Qin Tian listen, just lay down the body immediately up!

"Yes, you are cruel!" Qin Tian held back for a long time, and then held out such a few words, "send me the location, I'll be there right away!"


Li Zheng happily sent the location to Qin Tian, and he drove straight to the auction site.

Qin Tian looked at the position in the wechat and sighed slightly. He said that his wife was too much. He had to go with him.

When the Land Rover went to auction, he almost didn't want to open it.

The bidding place is in the banquet hall on the top floor of Songshan hotel. Qin Tian has not been here for the first time. When the TCM Association auctioned here, he made a lot of windfall.

Li Zheng is sitting in the last row of the auction house at the moment. Seeing Qin Tian come in, he quickly beckons to call him.

At this time, the door of the banquet hall was closed and the auction officially began.

The only thing auctioned today is the land of the third ring road. As soon as the host came on stage, he introduced the history and advantages of the land. In any case, he said that the land was the same as a piece of gold. Whoever bought it would earn money.

But all of them are the king players in Songshan real estate industry. Naturally, they won't be induced by his words. Sitting here also has an abacus of their own.

Qin Tian sits in the last row, constantly stretching his neck to search for Lin Wanru's figure. Finally, in the corner of the front row, he sees Lin Wanru and her team.

The starting price of the auction was 30 million yuan. Because it was a good piece of land, Li Zheng didn't rush to set the starting price too high. After all, some small real estate companies are weak. The first point of price setting is to let them participate in the bidding, so as not to come in vain.

At the beginning, some small companies were lifting up hundreds of thousands of yuan. Lin Wanru's olan group sat still, as if they had no interest in this land!

However, when bidding for 50 million yuan, Lin Wanru suddenly raised the brand in her hand and called out with her cold voice, "70 million yuan!"

As soon as Lin Wanru's voice dropped, the whole banquet hall became quiet!

Originally, everyone was increasing the price bit by bit, but I didn't expect that Lin Wan Ru raised the price by 20 million yuan as soon as she opened her mouth! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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