For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Lin Wanru, a strong woman of olan group, is one of the best in the whole young generation of Songshan. She is second only to several second-generation princes with strong family background!

Many people see that she added the price, and they dare not bid again!

The auctioneer chuckled and said to all the people in the auction house, "the total Lin of olan group has already bid 70 million yuan. Do you still have to continue to increase the price?"

Lin Wanru has long been awed by the powerful atmosphere of the scene, no one to speak!

"70 million for the first time!"

The auctioneer has begun to pick up the hammer next to it.

"70 million second time!"

The smile on the auctioneer's face gradually solidified.

According to the price set by the Li family before, this price is still far from enough. If the deal is done like this, the auction house can't explain it to the Li family. Then the auctioneer winks at a man in a suit and asks him to stand up and bid!

However, before the man had time to stand up, a voice came out of the corner.

"80 million!"

When the man opened his mouth, the whole audience was in an uproar!

If Lin Wanru's bidding is a foreshadowing, then this bidding has pushed the atmosphere to a climax!

All the people looked at the bidding people, and even Lin Wanru couldn't help turning around and looking at the past!

I saw a man in a black suit and a pair of black glasses on his face. He was sitting there with a smile on his face. He was very handsome and had a good figure. At first glance, he was the image of prince charming in the hearts of most women.

Qin Tian looks at him, and then looks at Lin Wanru. The man smiles and nods to Lin Wanru. Lin Wanru frowns, symbolically greeting each other, and then turns his head around. It can be seen that Lin Wanru has no good impression on him!

"Mr. Lin, what should I do?" Xiao Ya asked Lin Wanru anxiously.

The price of 80 million yuan is only 10 million less than the bottom price of 90 million yuan set by olan group, and it seems that the other party is not ready to let go of this land!

Lin Wan Ru's face was gloomy and her brow was tight. She thought for a long time before she opened her mouth slowly, "increase the price by 10 million!"

"Ah!? Mr. Lin, this is our reserve price... "Xiao Ya said urgently.

"Add!" Lin Wanru ordered.

If the price increase is reduced at this time, it is no doubt telling the other party that there is insufficient funds, which will only increase the other party's determination to take the land. All they can do is to put all their eggs in one basket!

The auctioneer just wanted to pick up the hammer and ask if there was any increase in price. Xiao Ya took over the brand in Lin Wanru's hand, and called out high: "ninety million!"

"Nine thousand five hundred watts!"

Talking, is still the man in the corner just now!

Qin Tian frowned slightly. He thought that this guy was too much for Lin Wanru. However, as a friend of Li Zheng, he could not stand up and say anything at this time. After all, as Li family, the higher the price is, the better. He simply did not speak on the spot, but just sat on the chair and watched quietly!

This time, Lin Wanru seems to be a little impatient.

Xiao Ya takes a look at the man and sits beside Lin Wanru, because she can see that Lin Wanru is not willing to give up at the moment!

The value of this piece of land is well known to all present. However, the price of 95 million has deterred 99% of the people. Since this auction was held against Lin Wanru and the man in a suit, there has been no other people's business.

"Two million more!" Lin Wanru said obstinately!

"But Mr. Lin, the reserve price of our company is only 90 million, and if you add it, it will be too much..." Xiao Ya reminds Lin Wanru in a hurry!

"If the auction is successful, the more than 90 million will be paid out of my personal account!" Lin Wanru bit her teeth and said firmly to Xiao Ya.

Xiao Ya was stunned for a moment when she heard the words. She then understood Lin Wanru's meaning. She raised the sign in her hand and called out to the auction hall: "97 million!"

Xiao Ya's voice just fell, the auctioneer and the eyes of the people present, subconsciously looked at the man in the corner of the suit.

Sure enough, the suit man didn't disappoint the public. He raised the sign in his hand indifferently and said with a smile: "100 million!"


In a moment, the whole audience vibrated!

This land has been fried to 100 million!

All the people present began to discuss the bidding, because the price was far beyond the value of the land itself!

Even if Lin Wanru had set a price of 90 million yuan, it was determined by stepping on a high line. But I didn't expect that this madman would shout out a price of 100 million yuan without blinking his eyes!

Hearing the price, Lin Wanru knew that she had no chance at all. Without hesitation, she got up with the team behind her and walked toward the door.Xiao Ya is also a sigh, with Lin Wanru behind appears extremely regretful.

All the people around him got up and decided to leave, but one of them was still sitting on the chair with a calm face.

That's Qin Tian!

The auctioneer is also very excited at this time, this time the auction price is so high, their auction house Commission will reach a terrible price, and they will also get a lot of bonus!

"100 million Chinese dollars, is there anyone to increase the price?" Symbolically, the auctioneer still started the last countdown, "100 million Chinese dollars for the first time, 100 million Chinese dollars for the second time, 100 million Chinese dollars for the first time..."

"150 million!"

People who were going to leave the auction house heard the words and stopped their steps immediately and looked at the owner of the voice!

When Lin Wanru heard these words, she was stunned for a moment!

The voice is so familiar...

this time, the eyes of the whole audience were focused on again, but this time, the person they focused on was replaced by a man who looked absolutely ordinary. Although his appearance was reasonable, his temperament was obviously not like a person with status and status.

Qin Tian turned his head and looked at the man who was bidding for 100 million yuan. His face was even more inconceivable.

Lin Wanru looks at Qin Tian, discontented with the frost on her face, once again appears a touch of imperceptible softness.

Is he... Trying to help himself out!?

For a moment, Lin Wanru's heart seems to have a deer in the general, a glimmer of joy can not stop appearing in her mind.

This guy, I didn't expect to be so cute.

However, Lin Wanru's expression became heavy.

Because she knew that Qin Tian was just a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who didn't make money. Even if she had some money in her hand, she would never be able to pay the 150 million yuan!

Although moved, Lin Wanru had to consider the next consequences for Qin Tian.

Because, it's possible to go to jail for cheating!

The auctioneer had already held up the hammer like a freeze frame and stopped in the air. He couldn't believe it and looked at the man sitting with Li Zheng in the last row. He seemed to be in a trance. Then he stammered and said, "this gentleman, did you just call one hundred and fifty million yuan?"

Qin Tian smiles, "I yelled, not 100 million, but 150 million!"

Qin Tian's tone was full of teasing and even counted the stuttering of the auctioneer.

Qin's laughter broke the scene.

For a while, everyone turned back to their seats, including Lin Wanru, who also went back to her group's exclusive seat, but this time she was always looking back to check Qin Tian's situation.

It's time for you to look at the auctioneer, Li Zheng

Although he didn't understand why Qin Tian wanted to spend the money, he couldn't stand idly by, even if the land belonged to their Li family.

Don't say Qin Tian is ready to spend money to buy, even if it is to white, the Li family will never frown!

The auctioneer was shaken by Li Zhenghou, but soon recovered. He asked the crowd, "150 million, is there any price increase?"

"150 million for the first time!"

"150 million, the second time!"

"150 million, the first..."


Just before the auctioneer was about to fall, the man in the black suit got up and stood up! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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