People looked at the past, when they saw that the man in suit spoke, they showed a look of course!

In front of so many people by Qin Tian hit the face, naturally is to stand up and say a few words, save a bit of face.

The suit man's face was livid at the moment and went straight to Qin Tian!

"May I ask your name?" The man standing in front of Qin Tian, the expression in his eyes is a sense of superiority.

"Qin Tian." Qin Tian looked at him and didn't even stand up!

The man frowned discontentedly, obviously felt the discontent on his body, "Qin Tian!? I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it. Can you tell me which family you are? "

Songshan city is such a big city. These two generations basically know each other. Even if they have just returned home after a few years, it is unlikely that there will be a rich second generation who can spend more than one billion yuan and remain unchanged!

"I'm not a childe of any family. I'm just a doctor." With that, Qin Tian took out a business card from his pocket and said, "this is my business card. If I take pictures of this land today and cause any disease in your body, I will cure it!"

With that, a burst of laughter broke out in the auction house!

The man's face was iron green standing on one side, looking at the card of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum in his hand. His face was ferocious for a moment, "traditional Chinese medicine!? Very well, you are very well

With that, the man turned and motioned to the auction house, "I doubt whether this gentleman can pay this 150 million yuan, and ask the auction house to verify it!"

According to the rules, the bidder with the second bid price will try its best to check whether the top bidder is able to pay. If not, the bid price will be automatically reduced to the price of the second bidder, and the second bidder will get the auction.

The man sneered and looked at Qin Tian, then turned and sat back to his seat.

Hum, a smelly doctor who opens a hospital is also qualified to bid in such places!? Look, I won't let you lose face and go to grandma's house this time!

The auction house immediately began to communicate with all aspects of the work with a man's application, and soon the auctioneer stood on the auction table.

"After inspection, Mr. Tang is qualified to check the funds of the person who has been shot. Please come to the stage and verify in public."

The auctioneer politely made a gesture to Qin Tian, and a group of staff members boarded the auction platform with POS machines and various accounting equipment, followed by the security personnel on the scene. It can be seen that Qin Tian was prepared to send Qin Tian to the criminal department when he could not get the money.

As soon as Lin Wan looked, her face immediately became ugly.

"Xiaoya, take the card and pay for Qin Tian!" Lin Wanru took out the card and anxiously handed it to Xiao Ya.

Xiao Ya quickly pushed back, "Mr. Lin, but if you do this, the company will take you to court..."

although Xiao Ya also wants to save Qin Tian, she can't sacrifice Lin Wanru for this!

"Leave the rest alone and pay for it!" Lin Wanru urged.

But at this time, the last Qin Tian moved.

Qin Tian sat on his seat, slowly took out a bank card from his wallet, raised it high to show everyone, and then threw it to the auction table!

"The password of the card is 123456. Please swipe it freely."

With that, Qin Tian leaned on his seat with a smile.

This card is the money transferred from Wang Qingshan through telephone bank after Wang Qingshan gave priority to him. It is the savings of Qingshan gang in the past 20 years. Although it is not comparable to Qin Tian's deposit in Swiss bank, it has reached a staggering amount of more than one billion!

Pay for the land, that's a small thing!

Not to mention paying more than 100 million Chinese currency, even if it is 1.5 billion, Qin Tian can also take it out!

However, the so-called "Mr. Tang" did not know that he was still looking at the changes in the scene with a sneer on his face. In his opinion, the card thrown up by Qin Tian was just a cover cloth used to support the scene. Once pulled down, it would reveal Qin Tian's ugly poverty-stricken nature!

For a moment, Mr. Tang's face was covered with a winning smile!


A light sound, the staff will insert the bank card into the POS machine, the large screen also synchronized live broadcast of the staff action!

In the public's attention, the staff immediately followed Qin Tian's words and entered the 123456 password!

"Payment succeeded!"

The four big characters displayed on the POS machine instantly jumped onto the big screen, and all the people couldn't believe it took a breath of air conditioner!

This doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is really 150 million!

At this moment, Mr. Tang's face was completely stiff!

"No way! It's impossible! " "Mr. Tang" got up and roared. His face had turned to pig liver color!

"Mr. Tang, are you doubting the fairness of our auction house?"

At this time, a woman in a black dress came out of the auction table. The woman's makeup was elegant and her temperament was very cold. It seemed that she had been in a high position for many years!Luo Yin, the only daughter of the boss of Longteng auction house!

Longteng auction house is the leading auction industry in Shanghai and Shanghai. It controls the auction of all popular products, and its financial resources have almost reached the point of adverse weather!

And Longteng auction house has a set of rules. Once they make trouble at the auction, they will be listed in the blacklist immediately and can never participate in any auction at Longteng auction!

This will be a thing that any seven masters do not want to see, because being blacklisted means that they will brush past countless good things!

"Bang!" Looking at the woman who came out, Mr. Tang gave a reluctant thump, and then politely said hello to Luo in: "Tang Qingyang has seen sister in law!"

Luo Yin glanced at Tang Qingyang faintly, snorted and walked towards the auction station.

"Sir, please keep your card. Our auction house will guarantee your rights and interests unconditionally." With that, Luo Yin ordered people to send the card back to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian smiles and doesn't take it seriously. He immediately gets up and asks Luo in front of everyone: "Miss Luo, I don't know if the land I bought can be transferred to others immediately!"

Luo Yin Wen speech slightly Leng for a moment, "you want to give it to others!"

Not only Luo Yin couldn't believe it, but also all the people present showed a look of muddled expression!

150 million, you want to give it to others!?

This little doctor is so rich!?

"Yes, I want to give this land to miss Lin Wanru of olan group!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone focused on Lin Wanru in front of her!

Originally for Lin Wanru, it's common for her to be regarded as the focus, but this time, she felt a little blush!

In addition to the piece of white jade that Qin Tian didn't give himself, this is the first time that Qin Tian gave himself something, and it was still such a valuable thing!

All the people are stupefied on the spot, have begun to guess the relationship between Qin Tian and Lin Wanru!

"Oh!? No, isn't this man the son-in-law who showed up at the dinner party last time? "

"Yes! It seems to be him. He's married. Why did he start sending Lin Wanru things again today? "

"Bang, a loser with bad luck, I don't know what virtue I accumulated in my last life, and I'm so rich!"

For a moment, the whole audience filled with a sense of jealousy of Qin Tian!

Others can't hear Qin Tian regardless, but Qin Tian heard these words, but he didn't care.

Luo Yin looked at Qin Tian curiously, then nodded her head and said, "the procedures have not been completed. You can directly write the person who has been photographed into general manager Lin. this land belongs to olan group."

For auction houses and sellers, it doesn't matter who gets the auction. As long as they can get the money, they don't care who gives them to whom.

The real estate tycoons in the meeting hall saw that the ownership of the land had fallen, and they all went to Lin Wanru to express their congratulations.

And that Tang Qingyang is also a smile, toward Lin Wanru walked in the past.

"Wanru, congratulations. Although I don't know why you did it, you should have given the money to that hick!" Tang Qingyang smiles.

He couldn't think of any way to make a country bumpkin earn 150 million yuan. The only explanation was that Lin Wanru put the money in Qin Tianna in advance, and then Qin Tian paid for olan group.

It's just that he can't figure out why Oran group wants to do this!

Lin Wanru faintly looked at him, "as you think." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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