Tang Qingyang didn't seem to care about Lin Wanru's coldness.

"Wanru, why do you do this to me? You know what I mean. Even if I buy this land, I will still give it to you. Why spend so much money in vain?"

Tang Qingyang's words, let Lin Wanru some discomfort, eyebrows also gradually wrinkled up.

Obviously, Lin Wanru doesn't like Tang Qingyang!

"A little money, I can still afford to spend, as long as Wan as happy, say 150 million, even if it is 1.5 billion, I will definitely not even frown out of it!"

Suddenly, Qin Tian came out of the crowd!

To tell you the truth, in order not to cause others to guess the relationship between Lin Wanru and himself, Qin tianben didn't want to come over, but I don't know why. When he saw this grandson standing in front of Lin Wanru, he was angry!

See Qin Tian speak, Tang Qingyang sneered, "a small Chinese medicine just, careful to say big words flash tongue."

Things have developed to now, Tang Qingyang has no intention of Qin Tian in the eyes, because his identity is not worthy of!

"Flashing your tongue!" Qin Tian smiles and turns around and hugs Lin Wanru's slender waist. "Do you think I'll flash my tongue?"

In an instant, Tang Qingyang's face turned black!

This bastard, actually put his hand on Lin Wanru's waist!

And look at Lin Wanru's attitude, actually did not have the slightest refusal appearance!

For a moment, the whole auction hall was quiet!

Lin Wanru, known as the iceberg goddess in the industry, was actually held by a small traditional Chinese medicine doctor!

"Who are you, boy?" Tang Qingyang bit his teeth, and his face was so ferocious that he couldn't look directly at him!

"Who am I, you have no right to know!" Qin Tian sneered, "don't think you have a few money, you can chase Wanru. No matter who you are, please remember, in front of me, you don't even count a fart!"

With that, Qin Tian took Lin Wanru's waist and walked toward the door of the auction hall.

When Tang Qingyang heard the speech, he showed a gnashing expression. However, he didn't know the depth of Qin Tian, but he didn't dare to act automatically. He had to watch Qin Tian walk out of the auction hall with Lin Wanru swaggering around!

"The moment you decide not to do it, you have already lost. Tang Dashao, you'd better be your second generation at home!"

Luo Yin said with a laugh, and then quickly ran after Qin Tian.

Tang Qingyang's angry heart was instantly distorted by Luo in's stimulation!

Cold hum a, Tang Qingyang left the auction house in a low voice!

Qin Tianzheng is holding Lin Wanru to wait for the elevator at the elevator entrance, and Luo Yin follows up from behind.

"Mr. Qin, please stop!"

Luo Yin is very decent to stand beside Qin Tian and nods to Qin Tian to show his respect.

Hearing the speech, Qin Tian quickly turned to face her and politely said, "Miss Luo, there's something else?"

Luo Yin smiles. "Mr. Qin, don't you think that a person like you, who can easily bring out 150 million beautiful women to smile, is a big client that our auction house should strive for!"

Qin Tian said with a smile, "don't you think this money is Wanru's advance to me?"

"Mr. Qin, do you think I'm on the same level as Tang Qingyang's fool?" Luo Yin smiles, and does not wait for Qin Tian to answer, then continues to say: "Mr. Qin, please forgive me for taking the liberty, but also hope to leave a contact information. There will be a major auction in the future, Luo in will invite you in person!"

Qin Tian and Lin Wanru were stunned a little.

Luo Yin's identity is well-known in the whole Shanghai and sea area. She even said that she invited Qin Tian in person!?

Lin Wanru frowned immediately. She didn't think Luo Yin had come up to invite Qin Tian because of the 150 million yuan. Although it was a huge sum of money for ordinary people, it was only a drop in the bucket for Longteng auction house, or even a hair!

Lin Wanru's expression didn't escape Luo Yin's eyes. She said to Lin Wanru with a smile: "Mr. Lin, don't worry. I just feel that Mr. Qin is not an ordinary person, so I opened the invitation in person. It absolutely does not contain any personal feelings."

Lin Wanru is stunned by Luo Yin's sudden words, but then she responds.

"Miss Luo worries too much. If people like Miss Luo can look up to Qin Tian, it just shows that Qin Tian is excellent. I'm too happy to be happy. How can I be worried?"

"That's good." Luo Yin smiles and faces Qin Tian, "Mr. Qin, you haven't told me what you are interested in."

Originally Qin Tian did not plan to contact her, but she said so, she really had some ideas.

"Miss Luo, if there is an auction of valuable medicinal materials, please let me know. The price is not a problem." Qin Tian was solemn.

"The price is not a problem" once again raised Luo Yin's curiosity about Qin Tian to a higher level, and then said with a smile, "OK, I'll pay attention to it!"Ding!

A light ring, the elevator door opened, Qin Tian took Lin Wanru to say goodbye to Luo in, turned and entered the elevator.

In the elevator, Lin Wanru peeked at Qin Tian and said, "don't you ask me the identity of Tang Qingyang?"

"He's just a younger brother. He wants to compete with me. He can't have any identity." Qin Tian said confidently, his face full of pride.

The younger generation of Songshan, who can compare with Qin Tian!?

Lin Wanru hears the speech and is very happy in her heart. Qin Tianneng can say that she has already regarded herself as his woman.

Then a smile, raised the ear of the hair, began to seriously talk to Qin Tian.

"Tang Qingyang, the only heir of Shuangtian group, has been studying in Harvard University in the United States for the past five years, and obtained a master's degree in finance and management. He just returned home a week ago. This land auction is his first public appearance!"

Lin Wanru said, between the eyebrows can not help but show a trace of worry.

The reason why she knew so clearly was that as soon as Tang Qingyang returned home, he found himself, and even shamelessly confessed to himself. It is not difficult to see that he had ideas about himself.

Soon they arrived at the parking lot. At the moment, Tang Qingyang was standing next to a Maybach S-class, seemingly waiting for someone.

When he saw Lin Wanru, he quickly came over.

"Wanru, I'll take you back." As soon as Tang Qingyang pulled the door, he waved his hand to the car.

"Tang Dashao, we don't seem to be familiar enough to call a nickname." Lin Wanru, with a cold face, gave him a very rude rebuke.

"Wanru, why be so polite..."

Tang Qingyang was smiling and ready to continue to talk to Lin Wanru, but at this moment, Qin Tianzhan took over and pushed him aside.

"Let's give way, let's give way to a million broken cars, which also means to make my family more graceful..."

when Qin Tian pushed Tang Qingyang, his face became ferocious again. "Boy, don't push your luck, soft rice is not so delicious!"

In the heart of Tang Qingyang, Qin Tian was identified as a loser who ate Lin Wanru's soft rice!

"Soft rice is the best. I'd like it. You can't control it!" As soon as Qin Tian pressed the car key, the top equipped Range Rover with more than 3 million yuan issued a unlocking sound.

Then Qin Tian pulled Lin Wan Ru to the car and swaggered out in front of Tang Qingyang!

Looking at the Far Away Land Rover, Tang Qingyang two rows of silver teeth to bite up, and then he got into the car and dialed a phone.

"Hello, today, I need all the information about this boy..."


sent Lin Wanru back to olan group. Just as Qin Tian was about to leave, Lin Wanru held him.

"Accompany me to work today."

Lin Wanru pulls Qin Tian's coat corner, a pretty face nods slightly, and her hair falls down along her cheek. When the wind blows, Qin Tian is stunned.

Today's Lin Wanru wore a black professional suit, a pair of 13 cm hateful sky high, her straight thighs set off more and more slender!

At the request of Lin Wanru, Qin Tian eventually stayed in her office to accompany her to work.

In Lin Wanru's words, this is what any pair of men and women in love have to experience, and she naturally does not want to be an exception.

However, this company attracted the attention of all employees of olan group, because in their impression, no man has ever been able to enter Lin Wanru's office, let alone hold Lin Wanru's waist!

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