At the moment, in a corner of the bar, Tang Qingyang spits out a mouthful of spit, and looks at Chen Er, who was abandoned on the ground, with a cold smile, "a group of useless wastes, they can't even clean up a mess!"

With that, Tang Qingyang left the bar without hesitation.

At the moment, in the top office of olan group, Lin Wanru looks at the pictures sent by Tang Qingyang in her mobile phone, and her beautiful eyes are full of complex expressions that she can't understand...

after Qin Tian takes Xiaoya out of the bar, he drives her to the house she bought for her in the car. But who wants to know, when she is still on the road, Xiaoya has already drunk too much , drunk and unconscious.

Qin Tian opened the co pilot's car door and picked her up. She laughed bitterly as she walked. She was favored by so many women. I don't know whether he was lucky or not!

Qin Tian holds Xiaoya in his arms and pats her as he goes upstairs. "Hello, Xiaoya, wake up. When you get home, where are your keys?"

Qin Tian looks up and down at Xiao Ya as she walks. She has no tight top with a chain pocket, which is not much longer than her underwear. Where does this girl put the key!?

Has been holding her to her door, Qin Tiancai had to shake her twice again, "Xiao Ya, if you put where, quickly wake up!"

Not to mention, maybe it was Qin Tian's voice. Xiao Ya opened her hazy eyes and said vaguely, "in my left hood..."

with that, Xiao Ya changed her posture in Qin Tian's arms and went to sleep again.

Hold the grass!

Qin Tian smiles bitterly, you can really choose a place!

Looking at Xiao Ya who is drunk and fainted, Qin Tian thinks that even if she reaches in her hand, she should not feel it.

Simply a bite of teeth, Qin Tian with lightning speed, lightning will take out the key!

Whoa! Qin Tian breathed out a breath.

However, even if his action is fast, it still can't change the fact that he touched the soft touch. Speed is just a means of self comfort!

Not aware of this, Qin Tian adjusted the position of the key and opened the door. Without taking into account the matter of changing shoes, Qin Tian directly carried Xiao Ya into the bedroom.

He is familiar with this place. Last time, he pretended to be with Xiao Ya Pa Pa Pa on the bed, so he got rid of the dirty man who shared rent next door.

Because Qin Tian drank a lot of wine and carried Xiao Ya up several floors, his clothes were already wet. After putting Xiao Ya on the bed, he pulled his coat off.

But just pulled down, Qin Tian was stunned for a moment!

Lying on the bed is a beautiful drunk beauty who is ready to be slaughtered, and she throws her family on the bed and starts to take off her clothes. How strange is this scene!?

Qin Tian Leng for a while, but then immediately shook his head, secretly scold oneself boring, standing here blind J8 think what!?

Afraid of Xiao Ya's discomfort, Qin Tian turns on the bedside lamp and bathroom lamp, takes off her shoes and socks, turns on the air conditioner, and wipes Xiao Ya with a wet towel. After that, Qin Tian is ready to turn around and leave.

However, Qin Tian just walked two steps, Xiao Ya on the bed then whined, kicked the quilt to the ground, turned over and untied the buttons on her chest!

Qin Tian looked back, and his eyes almost fell out!

With Xiao Ya's posture and angle at the moment, I can see almost everything in the past!

Qin Tian shakes his head and covers the quilt for Xiao Ya again. He turns off the light and leaves without looking back!

After a while, the light in Xiaoya's room lit up again.

Xiao Ya, who had fallen asleep before, is sitting on the bed with a face lost and biting her lips gently. Where is she half drunk!?

Xiao Ya was a little aggrieved. Her eyes were full of tears. She picked up a pillow and leaned on the edge. She murmured to herself, "Stinky Qin Tian, am I not as good as Lin Wanru and Li Xinran!? You don't want to give it to you for nothing...

If Qin Tian didn't want her on the pretext of getting married, but now he even wants Lin Wanru, why can't he have one more!?

However, Qin Tian didn't know Xiao Ya's grievance.

At the moment, Qin Tianzheng is driving Land Rover on the road, and his head is full of things about these women around him.

Li Xinran doesn't have to say that if Qin Tian dared to clap her chest and said that he would never be sorry for her, there is no doubt that it will be a discount now. Lin Wanru's intervention completely caught him off guard.

But Xiao Ya, Qin Tian asks himself, grew up together since childhood, how could he not have any feelings!? What's more, it's still this kind of display that you can pick up!?

Qin Tian's mind is in chaos. Instead of going home, he comes to the hospital, hoping to calm down by practicing.

During this period, Qin Tian constantly tried to run his own skills in his daily life, so that he was always in the state of cultivation.

At the beginning, Qin Tian was greedy to run yanmujue and the immortal formula at the same time, but later he slowly found that he could not cultivate all the time, not to mention running two kinds of skills at the same time.Gradually, at the same time, Qin Tian only used one skill, and at the same time reduced the "quantity" of qi movement!

If at the beginning of the experiment, the true Qi in qintian's meridians was like a river, then the real Qi of qintian's operation could be described as a stream.

Can be such an attempt, let Qin Tian obtain unprecedented progress!

In this way, in the first attempt, he actually operated for nearly four hours!

After more than half a month, Qin Tian can maintain a state of "low power" operation almost all day!

Now what Qin Tian needs to consider is whether to increase the power of true Qi operation, or to increase a low-power method of operation!

Qin Yue's suggestion is to run two low-power techniques at the same time. After all, ghost Qi and true Qi coexist peacefully in his body because of a delicate balance. If only one skill is practiced for a long time, the other will be weak. No one knows what will happen at that time!

Qin Tian sat in the clinic of the hospital and took out a Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic.

"The Yellow Emperor always hears about his ancestors and has a heart hidden in it. If I wish to hear it and hide it, he will lose it. If he wants to hear it, he will be able to govern the people and the body, so that the people will be free from disease, and the people will be able to make peace with each other. The virtue will be good for the lower generations. From the first page, Qin Tian will read aloud, and at the same time, his body will start to operate yanmu Jue and immortal formula according to low power!

Gradually, Qin Tian's tense body became more relaxed!

Because he found that he could really run two kinds of real Qi at the same time!

This discovery, let Qin Tian excited almost tremble, even the mouth of reading is floating!

But at this time, a burst of telephone ring broke the silence of the night and pulled Qin Tian out of the state just now!

"Brother Tian, help..."

as soon as Qin Tiangang connected the phone, Li Zheng's panic cry for help came from inside!

"Don't worry, speak slowly!" When Qin Tian heard this, he immediately stood up and carried several boxes with killing blades on the ground to the trunk of Land Rover as quickly as possible!

From the phone came a burst of gasping voice, obviously Li Zheng is in the state of escape!

"Tiange, we are now in Jiuli mountain in the west of the city. Please come and help me... Ah..."

after a scream, Li Zheng's voice was lost in the phone, and a rustling sound replaced it!

Almost without hesitation, Qin Tian drove to Jiuli mountain in the west of the city!

Jiuli mountain, a famous civilian tomb area in Songshan city!

Different from the random burial mound, the random burial mound is a mound where no one is responsible for burying the corpses. During the war, pestilence and natural disasters, the dead people were buried hastily, so that the bones were everywhere and the weeds were overgrown.

And Jiuli mountain, almost from the pre Qing Dynasty, anyone who has descendants will be sent up the mountain after death.

Needless to say, the day before yesterday, Li Zheng's troubles in such places at this time must have something to do with his bloody horror live broadcast!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian once again stepped on the accelerator a little bit! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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