Jiuli mountain, as its name implies, is not big, and it is only nine miles to walk along the mountain road. But in such a place, there are countless bones buried!

At this moment, behind a hidden giant rock in Jiuli mountain, Lizheng is hiding here with sweat, holding blood in his arms, and he is unconscious of Chen Lei!

A few days ago, Li Zheng received a message from netizens that the elderly people in the village died some time ago. All the younger generation in the village accompanied them to the mountain. According to the custom of Songshan side, they were afraid that the old people would not be used to "live" on the mountain the first day. The younger generation were going to be around the mountain for a night. So these young people took mahjong and cards and these things were supported by the cemetery A tent.

But with the coming of night, the wind in the mountain gradually flourished. The group of children sitting in the tent even started to take a big risk of devious ideas, and opened the coffin board of more than ten graves!

I don't know if I met anything dirty. After the next day, all the people were bedridden, and died one after another in a few days!

Some people in the village have seen Li Zheng's horror live broadcast. After this strange incident, they contacted Li Zheng through the platform for the first time, and Lizheng came here with his team.

Led by the relevant people, Li Zheng and Chen Lei took Ya Ya and walked over the footsteps of the young people, even the coffin plates opened one by one.

But in Lizheng they found nothing, ready to leave here, Jiuli mountain suddenly rose a black cloud, covering the sky and generally fell on their heads!

Although Chen Lei is not good at Taoism, she has the eye power, which can drive the clouds. The ghosts coming from the clouds are not the ones she can resist. She almost does not hesitate to pull Ya Ya and Lizheng and run down the mountain. The poor guide is swept away by black cloud without any reaction. I don't know whether life or death!

While running, Chen Lei hid Ya in the coffin board when she passed a grave, so that the original dead spirit of the coffin hid her from the pursuit of black clouds.

However, the speed of black cloud is not exactly the one Chen Lei and Lizheng can compete with. Soon, the black cloud followed up and fell towards them!

At this time, Chen Lei bit his fingers, and drew ten fingers to connect his heart and blood, and hit his ghost Qi out in a flash!

The powerful explosive force makes Chen Lei's strength as if to improve a realm, and the black cloud is almost split!

However, it is this move, which completely infuriated the black cloud. A black light flashed by, and Chen Lei was beaten all over the body with blood. I don't know whether life or death!

While the black cloud restores his own Kung Fu, Li Zheng holds Chen Lei's undecided running, even several times from the mountain down, still did not give up escape!

Li Zheng escaped to the last physical overdraft, looking at the dying Chen Lei in his arms, want to die of the heart have!

"What a monster, ma'am!"

Li Zheng has lost contact with the team at this time, and even dropped his mobile phone in the woods when he fell down the mountain. It can be said that Li Zheng is the heaven has no way to enter the ground, can only hide behind the stone, silently pray that the monster in the black cloud will not find himself!

"What, don't you run!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from the side of the boulder, Li Zheng was frightened to shake!


Almost without hesitation, Li Zheng raised the rusty blade in his hand and stopped Chen Lei!

Li Zheng appeared in front of, unexpectedly is a late Qing Dynasty Manchu clothing court woman, at this moment is looking at her face cold!

"The blade of killing life!" The woman saw Li Zheng's hand thing a little Leng, but in a moment, she sneered, "if it is a person with Taoism, maybe I will have some fear, as for you... Ha ha."

Only listen to the woman sneer, with a wave is a ghost gas, hit Li Zheng on the shoulder, the killing edge also fell on the ground!


Li Zheng spewed out a breath of blood, and a smile hung on his face.

Although the terrorist broadcast has a great profit, but the risk is not easily borne, once failed, it may be their own life!

"Hold grass, who is this woman!"!? It feels very strong! "

"Nonsense, I didn't see her coming in the dark clouds. This time the host is very lucky!"

"Sister Chen Lei was beaten like this. The host, you can tell us where you are. I will drive a helicopter to save you!"

For a while, there was a wave in the live room!

But Li Zheng didn't know all of this in the studio, because he was tired of running outside the communication range of the signal car, and the broadcast stopped.

But who thought that he turned left and right to the gully, and then approached the signal car again. The camera in front of his chest also sent the signal back, which was then connected to the live broadcast!

"What's on you, boy?" The women in Qing Dynasty dress frown tightly, and constantly look at Li Zheng's body!Because she felt a feeling of being stared at! And it's still a lot of people staring at it!

Li Zheng smiled bitterly, looked down at the bright camera, and wondered how to explain the live broadcast to the woman who died in the Qing Dynasty.

Then the Qing dress woman didn't seem to listen to Lizheng's explanation. She saw her eyes shining and the old and shabby blade fell on the ground and flew into the sky, spinning to Lizheng's neck!

For a time, the air seemed to solidify!

"It's over. The live broadcast is over today!"

"I have a big time. I will give you a reward for the last time. It is a member of money."

"Yes, I will have the money!"

For a while, the reward in the live room suddenly increased, almost 200 yuan by hand, and they shouted "follow the members".

Li Zheng saw this scene, and his eyes closed tightly!

He knew that unless miracles appeared, he would never live today!

For a while, Li Zheng's mind constantly appeared in the picture that has appeared in the past 20 years, making Lizheng more sure that he is going to die!

But just in that killing edge is about to fall on Li Zheng's neck, a green light flash, like lightning falls in front of Li Zheng!


The crisp metal impact sound appeared in front of Lizheng. A long metal knife made of fine steel cut the rusty blade into two parts in a flash!

Waiting for death did not appear, Li Zheng can not believe opened his eyes, when he saw the figure in front of him, excited almost cry out!

"My God, you have come!"

The people who come are not others, it is the Qin Tian who is chasing slowly all the way!

Originally Qin Tian has not so easy to find Li Zheng's position, but why the sky floating that black cloud is full of ghost gas, just like a landmark for Qin day to guide the direction!

"Holding grass, actually not dead!? Give me some money! "

"Bah, do you want to face upstairs, you are still disappointed that the host is not dead!"

"That is, who, the host should pay extra reward if he doesn't die. You are good. I mean, I want some money!"

"Man flesh him, bastard, get him out and see that I don't interrupt his bones!"

For a while, everyone began to criticize the first person, who would never dare to say anything.

The boiling in the live room lasted less than half a minute, and suddenly a message attracted the attention of the public!

"Look, everyone, who is this back image like!"!? [surprised] [surprised] [surprised] "

hold grass, won't you!? [surprised] [surprised] [surprised] "

is it the Qin Emperor!? The Qin emperor is back! [surprised] [surprised] [surprised] "

grandma, Qin Huang, do her, get the girls down and live the ghost

In a moment, the whole live broadcast room has been boiling again, even more than any boiling before!

Qin Tian, who was named Qin emperor by them at the beginning, has become their general existence in the horror broadcast, just as long as he is there, there is no difficulty to solve!

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