"Are you ok?" Qin Tiantou did not return, asked Li Zheng behind him.

"I'm ok, but Chen Lei She..." Li Zheng gasped heavily, and did not have time to enjoy the joy of escape from death, and quickly picked up Chen Lei.

Qin Tian looked back and frowned.

No, Chen Lei!

Almost without hesitation, the ghost of Wang Qingshan appeared in front of Li Zheng as soon as Qin Tian patted the jade on his chest.

"You take the two of them away, find ginseng in the dark room of the hospital, and feed her a thumb size piece!"

Chen Lei's body can't drag on. Originally, he gave her an injection immediately, and she could be saved within half an hour. However, the man in front of her would never give her this time!

He had to let Wang Qingshan take them back and hang his life with ginseng. He would heal her when he went back!

"God, let him take Chen Lei back, I won't go!" Li Zheng had a ferocious smile on his face.

When Qin Tian comes, he is not afraid of it. The ghost girl just chased her several hills. It's time to settle accounts with her!

Seeing Li Zheng's insistence, Qin Tian didn't drive him away. He told Wang Qingshan to hold Chen Lei and fly into the air!

"I'm Jiuli mountain. Do you come and go if you want?"

All of a sudden, the light dressed woman screamed, and the dark clouds all over the sky chased Wang Qingshan!

The strength of qingzhuang women still reached the level of fierce ghost, which was not comparable to that of Wang Qingshan. As soon as the dark clouds gathered around, Wang Qingshan turned his head and ran away!

"Extreme Yang blade, break it for me!"

With a cold drink, Qin Tian, who was standing in the original place, suddenly waved the extremely Yang blade in his hand. A fiery knife light rose to the sky and cut it fiercely on the black cloud!


The huge collision sound of genuine Qi came from the air, and the black cloud was cut into two pieces by Qin Tian!

"Hold the grass, the emperor of Qin is forced by cattle!"

"Niubi + 1"

"Niubi + 10086!"

Followed by a wave of dazzling reward!

When Wang Qingshan saw what happened behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief and flew towards the hospital with Chen Lei in his arms!

Qing dress woman saw this scene, a pair of narrow eyes suddenly contracted for a moment!

What he is holding in his hand is the extremely Yang killing blade!?

The Jiyang killing blade is different from the ordinary one. It is forged by killing countless male creatures and absorbing the Yang Qi in the blood. Its killing power to ghosts is twice as strong as that of the ordinary killing blade!

There is no doubt that this man's strength is not as good as himself, but with this knife, it's hard for him to stay if he wants to escape!

Only a moment Qing dress women will be the strength of the two comparative analysis out.

"Boy, are you going to get involved in this?" Qingzhuang woman cold looking at Qin Tian, eyes full of cold!

"Well, they are my friends. I'll take care of it. If you have anything, just come to me." Qin Tian looks at her faintly, the extremely Yang blade in the hand grasps more and more tightly.

"To you The Qing dress woman sneered, "who do you think you are and can bear the fault they have made?"

"Fault!" Qin Tianwen one Leng, then looked at Li Zheng behind, "what did you do?"

Li Zheng has been listening to the ghost's words. When he heard the ghost say that he had made a mistake, he was also confused. Then he said to Qin Tian, "I, I didn't do anything..."

from his team to here, he just walked away from the place where the more than ten coffins were opened. Is it wrong to look at it!?

"I dare to be hard spoken!"

A cold drink, Qing Zhuang female ghost raised her hand is a strong ghost gas, severely hit Li Zheng!


With a dull sound, Qin Tian's extremely Yang blade suddenly waved out and intercepted the ghost gas!

When Li Zheng saw the ghost, he didn't even say hello. He immediately got angry. He jumped three feet high and scolded the ghost!

"Crazy woman holding grass NIMA, you killed more than a dozen young men in a row. It's good that they didn't come to settle accounts with you. Do you dare to bite back?"


When the woman in Qing Dynasty heard the speech, she raised her hand and was a ghost. However, Qin Tian stopped in front of her. This level of attack was hardly effective!

"Well, well, since you have to turn black and white, don't blame me for being rude!"

With that, a black ghost was swept around the body of the female ghost in Qing Dynasty, which almost covered the whole Jiuli mountain!

Qin Tian Leng hummed, and then threw the box behind his back in front of Li Zheng, "since you don't go, let's fight together!"

Hearing this, Li Zheng quickly picked up the box on the ground and opened it to see that it was a long and narrow knife!

"Another blade of killing life!" Li Zheng used that broken knife for such a long time. Naturally, he was very familiar with the breath of the killing blade!Hehe, a smile, although I don't know how Qin Tian did it, it's a good thing to upgrade the killing blade. Then Li Zheng stood on the side of Qin Tian, ready to fight with him!

But in the next second, the black clouds covering the whole Jiuli mountain covered Qin Tian and Li Zheng!

"Hold the grass, I can't see!"

Being blocked by black clouds, Li Zheng was in a panic. He took a knife and swayed left and right for fear that the female ghost in Qing Dynasty would suddenly come out!

Qin Tian felt the dark clouds that covered the sky and the sun, and his eyelids suddenly jumped!

"Big five emperor money!"

Before the words fell, five glittering copper coins were thrown at Li Zheng's feet by Qin Tian, which instantly formed a gold shield with a diameter of about one meter!


A crisp sound, a sharp ghost claw suddenly appeared in the black cloud. It just caught on the mask in front of Li Zheng!

The sudden attack made Li Zheng sit on the ground, and he began to be scared. If it wasn't for the money from the five emperors of Qin Tian, he would have killed himself just now!

"Stay inside and don't come out!" Qin Tian solemnly ordered!

Just at that moment, Qin Tian's spiritual consciousness gave out a tinkling sound!

"Shadow kill, reprint begins!"

If it was not for this light sound, Qin Tian would not have thought that the Qing dress female ghost would be in this way!

"Don't bother!" Qin Tian licked his lips and said to the black fog in front of him, "there is no difference between you and me. The money of five emperors under my cloth is absolutely not what you can break. You don't want to kill him!"

Five emperors money, with the help of the five emperors' afterglow, expel demons and ward off evil spirits. Unless there is a huge difference in the realm, it is absolutely impossible to break the protective shield formed by it!

"Well, I'll kill you first."

Voice did not fall, a ghost claw without warning will appear in the heart of Qin Tian, toward Qin Tian mercilessly grasp down!

Qin Tian, who had already covered his whole body with genuine Qi and radiated out towards the surrounding area, naturally felt the appearance of the ghost claw for the first time. He turned around in a hurry, and the extremely Yang blade fiercely chopped at the ghost claw!


The sound of the long knife cutting through the air came. I saw that ghost claw turned into a little black fog under Qin Tian's knife, and disappeared in the black fog in a flash!

Can't hurt her!?

Qin Tian frowns, just now that ghost claw was obviously cut by himself, but why is it like cutting on this black cloud, giving people a feeling of light floating!?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian didn't dare to hesitate again. His body was in a flash. A fire red Qi suddenly appeared, and a set of red armor was wrapped on Qin Tian's body!

It's fire armor!

"Huh?" A puzzled voice came from the air, "boy, there are two kinds of real Qi in your body. You don't want to live!"

The female ghost clearly remembers that Qin Tiangang just fell down and showed the wood attribute Qi. But after a few minutes, how did it become the fire attribute!?

Qin Tian sneered and replied that she only had the extremely Yang blade in his hand. Without hesitation, Qin Tian turned his body around. A burning breath appeared on the extremely Yang blade, which led to the black air all over the sky. It actually formed a huge whirlwind mixed with flame and ghost gas!

"Burn it for me!"

Qin Tian yelled, and dozens of fire cloud darts appeared around him. They shot into the whirlwind in the air at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye!

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