The flame formed by genuine Qi is different from ordinary flame. Even if there is no fuel, it can still go up against the wind. In almost a moment, it will burn the black clouds all over the sky!

See this scene, Qin Tian's mouth slightly hook up, even the next to Li Zheng can't help but call a good!

Can be in two people think that the Qing dress female ghost has no place to hide, the smile on two faces actually all solidified up!

The originally burned out black clouds condense again and cover Jiuli mountain in an instant. It takes less than a second!

Qin Tian cursed secretly and tightened the extremely Yang blade in his hand again.

"My black cloud is the corpse gas that was bred by burying corpses in Jiuli mountain for hundreds of years. Do you think it can be broken by the strength of your master in the early days?"

In the dark clouds, the cold voice of the female ghost in Qing costume sounded, as if from all directions!

Qin Tian sniffed the speech and sneered, "why, don't you still look down on me as a master in the early days?"

According to Qin Tian's guess, the strength of the female ghost in Qing Dynasty is just the early stage of the fierce ghost. At most, she is so much stronger than herself. The reason why she can cause pressure on herself is just relying on the corpse gas all over the sky.

If it was the mid-term of the fierce ghost, I'm afraid that he would have been crushed to death!

Knowing this, Qin Tian didn't have any fear.

Female ghost likelihood understand the meaning of Qin Tian's words, a cold hum, the air will suddenly condense out of the road to kill, towards Qin Tian gathered over!

In a flash, there were ghost claws all over the sky in the dark cloud, each with an unmatched breath!

"Since you are so confident, take my move and try it!"

The female ghost snorted coldly. Suddenly, the whole Jiuli mountain was like falling into the nether hell. Countless ghost claws were flying all over the sky, and Qi Qi flew towards Qin Tian!

Qin Tian looked at it, and immediately gave a cold hum. The extremely Yang blade waved without hesitation!

Driven by the true Qi, a flame awn several meters wide will appear after each blade of Jiyang blade is cut out, and it will tear away towards the ghost claws in the air!

boom, boom, boom...

a series of sounds of real gas collision come from the air, and each knife awn destroys at least ten ghost claws before it is annihilated in the dark cloud.

But such a battle did not let Qin Tian feel relaxed!

Constantly waving the extremely Yang blade, Qin Tian's face also gradually became gloomy!

At this moment, it seems that he has made a draw with the ghost in the dark cloud, but in fact, he has suffered a loss and has always been passively beaten!

And gradually Qin Tian found that while the ghost claws in the black cloud were constantly reborn, the density also increased. His sword awn could no longer keep up with the speed of ghost claw's rebirth. The claws transformed by ghost Qi fell mercilessly on Qin Tian's fire armor!

Boom and boom...

a series of bombardments came from the fire armor. Qin Tian had no choice but to run the real Qi to repair the part broken by the ghost claw!

If you go on like this, once your true Qi is exhausted, you will surely die!

Thinking about it, Qin Tian made a quick decision and beat the jade on his chest, and the ghost pocket flew out!


Almost no time interval, ghost pocket just appeared, it turned into a black gas covering Qin Tian's body, turned into a piece of black gas armor!

The moment of soul attachment, whether it is perception or agility, power, Qin Tian's abilities are improved instantly!

At this moment, the black and red light on Qin Tian's body twinkles, just like the devil from hell!

"Boom and boom..."

a series of ghost claws hit Qin Tian again!

But this time, Qin Tian's face did not show any dispirited state!

after being possessed with a soul, his keen perception made him clearly aware that the Qing dressed female ghost would appear at the ghost claw for a moment at the moment when each ghost claw was issued, but that period of time was too short to be noticed at all!

This discovery, let Qin Tian once again ignite the hope of winning!

As long as you don't create ghost claws, you can catch her!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian gives up resistance completely, all the true Qi is used to maintain fire armor, his face is full of madness!

According to the habit of spirit consciousness re carving martial arts, the more contact you have with this martial art, the more information you can collect, and the faster the speed of re engraving will become!

Qin Tian gave up resistance, the purpose is to let the spirit know more contact shadow kill, with the fastest speed to complete the re carving!

Looking up at the ghost claws all over the sky, Qin Tian's expression becomes more and more crazy!

Almost without any distracting thoughts, Qin Tian sat on the ground with his knees crossed and maintained the fire armor skill. The two internal skills worked at the same time!

For a while, the Qi absorbed from heaven and earth is almost the same as that consumed by fire armor and possessed soul. With very low consumption, it can resist the opponent's attack!

Found this, Qin Tian in the practice of mouth hanging a bloody smile.If it goes on like this, even if the ghost spirit of Qing Zhuang female ghost is exhausted, she will not have any loss at all!

In this way, Qin Tian didn't know how many claws he got, and finally he remembered a crisp sound in the depth of spiritual consciousness!

"Shadow killing is a success in reproduction and perfection."

Almost in the moment of this sound, Qin Tian Shua, disappeared in place, countless ghost claws fell into the ground!

"What?" Qing Zhuang female ghost couldn't believe her eyes widened!

Because Qin Tian just disappeared that moment, is really too familiar!

"It's impossible, it's impossible, he can..."

the female ghost's whispering voice has not fallen, suddenly, a knife light flashed, Qin Tian appeared beside her!

See this scene, clear dress female ghost hastily retreat!

"It's too late!" Qin Tian a low drink, extremely Yang blade without hesitation to cut to the female ghost's slender waist, "shadow kill skill!"


A huge sound, extremely Yang blade without deviation in the female ghost's body, forcefully smashed her from the mid air into the ground!


With a scream, the dressed ghost stood up from the pit with her hair all over her head!

"No way. How can you shadow kill?" Qing dress female ghost can't believe looking at Qin Tian!

At the moment, Qin Tian stepped on the two temporary summoned ghosts, floating in the air, bent down to look at the female ghost who was smashed by himself, with a disdainful look on his face.

"Why, shadow killing belongs to your family. You can do it!"

However, Qin Tian didn't know that the shadow killing skill was really the only female ghost in front of her!

The female ghost was buried here since the Guangxu period. After hundreds of cultivation, she finally stepped into the stage of fierce ghost. She was met by the ghost king of mountain mang. This shadow killing skill was given to her by the ghost king after she swore allegiance to the ghost king of mountain mang!

It can be said that the whole Chinese ghost world, except for her, will not have a second person who can learn this martial arts!

But Qin Tian used it in front of her!

The female ghost in Qing Dynasty sneered, "boy, you'd better explain the origin of your martial arts, otherwise, I promise you, you will die without a burial place!"

The leakage of martial arts is something that any sect and hermit family would never allow. If Qin Tian didn't know how to learn this shadow killing skill today, once she told the ghost king of mountain Mang, Qin Tian would be hunted down infinitely!

Qin Tian listened to the ghost's words, his face gradually darkened. He was not stupid, and quickly analyzed the meaning of the ghost words.

"In that case, I can't leave you today!"

Qin Tian sneered and immediately launched a perfect and successful shadow killing technique, and seized the ruling power from the female ghost's control!

This shadow killing skill is a very strong martial art, which can almost achieve the effect of instant movement!

However, shadow killing also has a fatal flaw, that is, it must be used in places full of corpse Qi. Once it is separated from corpse Qi, this martial art is no different from that of waste!

Qin Tian, who wanted to understand this point, seized the corpse Qi under the control of the female ghost by using the shadow killing technique with improved spiritual sense, and dissipated it in the air in a flash!


The ghost roared, and she couldn't imagine how Qin Tian could take the corpse gas from her own control!

"Do you want to resist?"

Qin Tian landed on the ground, and the blade did not hesitate to point on the female ghost's forehead! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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