From the moment Qin Tian dissipated his corpse Qi, the whole world became clean!

[hold the grass, what's the situation? A burst of black, and then the emperor of Qin won!? 】

[I'm blind upstairs. I haven't seen the black and gold armor on Qin emperor. I must have fought hard! 】

[it turns out that the emperor of Qin is so handsome. Emperor Qin, I want to have a monkey with you! 】

at this time, the camera on Li Zheng's chest also restored its original function, transmitting all the scenes of Qin Tian descending from the sky and pointing a knife at the ghost, followed by a dazzling reward!

Especially after Qin Tian showed his face, some female fans were not calm for a moment. They were fighting to keep Qin Tian and follow Qin's born monkey!

At the moment, Jiuli mountain has already fallen into a dead silence. The extremely Yang blade of Qin Tian is wrapped with layers of Yang fire, which sticks to the female ghost's forehead and makes a crackling sound, as if burning the ghost's soul body all the time!

"Die, or fall!" Qin Tian's eyes are cold. It seems that once the ghost resists, she will be killed immediately!

Qing dress female ghost bit teeth to cry out miserably, followed then red eyes!

"Down!" The female ghost in Qing Dynasty sneered, "boy, I have not written the word" down "since our ancestors entered the customs pass

Said, female ghost body burst out a strong ghost gas, just a moment, will hold the blade of Qin Tian to shock back ten meters!

"What?" Qin Tian a low cry, it seems that did not expect this sudden change, not easy to stabilize the body!

At the moment, Qin Tian looked up again and saw that the female ghost in Qing Dynasty was floating in the air, covered with ghost gas, and the whole Jiuli mountain seemed to be integrated with her!

"I, yehanala Qixia, have been guarding the ancestral temples since inheriting the fiefdom of Jiuli mountain a hundred years ago. But now the invasion of foreign enemies has forced us to start the grand battle of protecting the clan. Please forgive me!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole Jiuli mountain suddenly vibrated. The tombs seemed to be alive. All kinds of corpse gas rose from the tombs one after another. Unexpectedly, they sketched out a huge array in the air!

"Formation, corpse ghost way!"

Qixia's ferocious face was staring at Qin Tian. The huge array in the air instantly turned into a round black hole, as if opening a portal in the air!

"No, Qin Tian, break that gate

With a cry of surprise, Qin Yue flew out of the jade without waiting for Qin Tian's call. As soon as she landed, she lost her voice. Dozens of Blue Water Dragons rushed into the air and attacked the gate!

When Qin Tian saw Qin Yue's expression, he had no time to ask. He ran out of his genuine Qi and threw all his martial arts towards the big array!

However, to the disappointment of Qin Tian and Qin Yue, the gate is like a bottomless cave. No matter what kind of attacks they send out, they can be swallowed up in an instant, as if those attacks never existed at all!

"Hum, who dares to invade the national prestige of Qing Dynasty?"

All of a sudden, a very majestic voice came from the gate, Qin Tian was instantly shocked to spit out a mouthful of blood!

"It's over Qin Yue forced to stabilize his empty soul body, unwilling to bite his teeth!

"Auntie, what is that?" Qin tianqiang tolerated the injury in his body and raised his head to ask Qin Yue next to him!

"Corpse ghost road call door!" Qin Yue said this sentence, almost every word!

The underworld is divided into six ways, namely, the way of heaven, the way of Ashura, the way of humanity, the way of animal, the way of hungry ghost and the way of hell!

Some people commit excessive crimes before their lives, kill countless people, and even cause human disasters. After falling into hell, they are not allowed to enter the six paths for reincarnation, and they will be divided into the corpse ghost road and fall into the hell forever.

Correspondingly, those who fall into the path of corpse ghost are all powerful beings who have lived for countless years!

Hearing that the female ghost said that she was a member of the yehanala clan, the ghost she summoned might be the first generation of Qing Dynasty generals who slaughtered countless Han people when the Qing Dynasty entered the pass!

And if they live to now, they have at least had hundreds of years of Taoism, absolutely not Qin Tian and other people can fight against!

Almost instantly, the heaven and the earth changed color, and all kinds of ghost Qi came from the array, even if it was just a little scattered, it would make Qin Tian unable to lift his head!

"Hahaha, boy, the ancestors of the yehanala clan are coming to the world. You are waiting to die!"

Qi Xia floats in the mid air and laughs loudly, as if having seen the miserable phase of Qin Tian and others!

At the moment, Qin Tian almost saw the figure inside through the clothing delivery door. As expected, as Qin Yue said, he was a general of Qing Dynasty wearing eight banners and riding horses!

"Is it over?"

Qin Tian reluctantly raised his head and tried to resist the powerful ghost spirit which oppressed him. However, no matter how he struggled, he could not move his body!

At this time, a dark horse's head has been stretched out to wear the door, only a moment, the general on the horse will be able to come to Jiuli mountain!"Who agreed you were born?"

All of a sudden, a tender voice came from afar. A young body kicked open the coffin board and suddenly stood out from inside!

Qin Tian and Li Zheng have a close look. They are hiding in the coffin!

At the moment, Ya Ya's two blood pupils are flashing a very terrible red light, to the dark Jiuli mountain, add a strange!

"Yaya, run!"

Qin Tian struggled to raise his head, the blue veins on his forehead were raised, and he almost used all his strength to roar at ya ya!

"Big brother, thanks for your care, I'm afraid I have to let me save you today."

Ya Ya smiles at Qin Tian, showing a totally different look with her strange eyes on her immature face!

Qin Tian looks at ya ya's expression, immediately feels wrong, but at the moment, he is forced to move by the ghost pressure escaping from the transmission door, and he can't stop ya ya!

"The eyes of yin and Yang become immortals and communicate with Yin and Cao of the earth. The blood pupil appears in front of the six doors and seals it between my eyebrows

In an instant, Ya Ya's eyes are full of blood, turning into silk thread and winding towards the transmission door in the air!


A fast passing sound sounded, and the silk thread bound up the transmission gate in an instant. Even the general of the Qing Dynasty who was about to come out was blocked out of the door!

"Take it

A low drink, saw Ya Ya's hands, the red silk thread in the air was like a big net, and pulled the portal towards ya ya!

With a muffled sound, the portal fell into Ya Ya's eyebrows, and the whole Jiuli mountain instantly returned to its original appearance!

"Aunt, take care of ya ya!"

Relieve the pressure of Qin Tian instantly jumped up, stepped on two Yin ghosts then rushed to Qixia!

Qin month see Qin Tian can move, quickly a flash body flew to ya ya side, a hug fell down ya ya!

"Damn you!"

Qin Tian was furious, and the spirit of the ghost pocket between the state of instant release, replaced by Li Xiaoshuang, in a moment, Qin Tian's strength instantly soared!

See Qin Tian a knife, as if to tear the whole sky, a huge flame knife awn toward Qixia swept in the past!

This knife covers the sky and the moon, and the stars and the moon have no light!

"Qin Tian, don't be impulsive!"

At this time, Qin Yue, who hugged Ya Ya, exclaimed, and instantly blocked several water dragons in front of Qixia!


The blue water dragon collides with Dao mang instantly!

However, Qin Tian's knife was angry. The water dragon only insisted on a few breaths and was cut into two sections!

But it was just these few breaths for a short time that Qixia seized the opportunity to quickly dodge the knife with the destruction of heaven and earth!

Qi Xia, who was still alive and dying, was breathing heavily in the air. Looking at Qin Tian's eyes, she was full of fear. She turned to run away!

Qin Yue places ya ya to Li Zheng in the money of the five emperors, and then she floats into the air, blocking Qi Xia's retreat. Several Water Dragons surround her and protect herself in the middle!

Qin Tian stepped on the ghost and flew over slowly. His face was blue. "Auntie, ya ya, because she is still alive or dead, why should I keep her?"

Qin Yue looked at Qin Tian and shook her head slowly, "this matter will be discussed later. I'll take her as a servant first, which is of great use."

Qin tianben didn't want to accept this female ghost, but Qin Yue said that it was useful, and he could not directly wipe it out. He had to ask again, "die, or fall!"

This time, Qin Tian said this time, but it was very different from before. This time, Qin Tian really moved his heart! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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