In the afternoon, Qin Tian received a phone call from Lin Wanru, saying that Tang Qingyang would invite him to dinner in the evening, and specially told him to take Qin Tian with him.

Although Tang Qingyang and Lin Wanru are competitors, on the surface, the two groups get along well. Under the warm invitation, Lin Wanru accepted the invitation for Qin Tian.

Lin Wanru is also selfish. After all, most of the people who attend such an invitation are couples or unmarried couples, as well as men and women friends who have established a relationship. Lin Wanru wants to take Qin Tian to deceive herself and let him be a man for a day and enjoy the feeling of occupying Qin Tian.

In the evening, Qin Tian drove his range rover and stopped at the gate of olan group on time. Lin Wanru finally walked out of the office building to meet a large number of white-collar workers.

Looking from a distance, Lin Wan looks like a long hair shawl, wearing a backless black dress and a pair of silver high-heeled shoes, which makes her straight legs more and more slender, which makes the white-collar workers around her show their amazing eyes one after another!

Lin Wanru is really beautiful. With her cold face, she is so beautiful that she dare not invade!

Qin Tian pressed the horn, and Lin Wanru looked at him. After a smile, she twisted her body and sat on the co pilot of Range Rover.

As soon as Lin Wanru twisted and tied up her seat belt, Range Rover drove towards Hyatt grand hotel.

Qin Tian, sitting in the driver's seat, looked at Lin Wanru from time to time, smashed his mouth and said to Lin Wanru: "the drunken man of Tang Qingyang doesn't mean to drink. I'm afraid you didn't mean to ask me for dinner."

Lin Wanru said with a smile, "are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid not to..." Qin Tian said a little pause, "is afraid to affect the relationship between your company and their family in law."

In the bar last night, if not for Lin Wanru's position, Tang Qingyang would still like to bolt out of the bar!?

Qin Tian is not stupid. Naturally, he knows that Tang Qingyang was behind everything last night.

"Our company has nothing to do with Yue's family. You can do whatever you like."

As the saying goes, peers are like enemies. Although olan group and Shuangtian group seem to be more harmonious on the surface, they also have some ghost stories behind their backs.

So Lin Wanru doesn't care if Qin Tian will destroy this relationship. What she cares about is only the man around her.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanru secretly glanced at Qin Tian, showing a trace of bashful expression on her face.

In the evening, Range Rover slowly opened to the door of Hyatt grand hotel. The grand hotel gate gives people a sense of oppression from a distance. If it is not for people with status and status, I am afraid that they will not be able to lift their heads when they come here.

As soon as Qin Tian got out of the car, his original serious appearance became flowing. He said with exaggeration at a gate: "the hotel with good atmosphere is still a five-star hotel!"

It's like a country bumpkin.

Lin Wanru takes a look at Qin Tian. She is angry and funny. Although she doesn't know why Qin Tian looks like this, she believes that Qin Tian must have his intention. She doesn't care about him, so she goes straight to the hotel.

At this time, the two little sisters at the door saw Qin Tian's appearance. Even though his face and mouth were very respectful, his eyes showed a look of disdain.

In the eyes of outsiders, Qin Tian's performance at the moment is that the countrymen go to the city and look left and right.

Maybe only the real professionals can understand what Qin Tian is doing - he is not curious at all, but is looking at the layout and monitoring position of the hotel, and carefully remembering the details of every corner of the hotel!

All suitable for ambush, assassinate position, all know like the palm of one's hand!

He didn't think that Tang Qingyang invited himself to come over, but he really invited himself to dinner!

At this time, Tang Qingyang met Lin Wanru from the inside. When he saw Lin Wanru, he felt like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years. "Wan Ru, welcome to the banquet!"

With that, she hugged Lin Wanru in a ceremonial way. Lin Wanru also cooperated with her and laughed appropriately. "It's very kind of you, Tang Dashao. I should have invited you back five years after you left the country, but I didn't expect to let you spend money."

"Hahaha, Wanru, you're so polite. Let's sit upstairs, eat and talk."

Said Tang Qingyang is going to take Lin Wanru upstairs. Qin Tian wants to follow him, but he is stopped by several bodyguards. "You can't get in here, such as people who are idle."

"I'm not a layman. I'm Wan Ru's boyfriend! How dare you stop me? " Qin Tian exaggerated a cry, regardless of their own image.

Tang Qingyang gave a slight smile without trace. He turned back to the bodyguards who stopped Qin Tian and said: "Oh, let that man come here. There are not many opportunities for him to have dinner with Wan Ru. After all, it doesn't take long to spend money on women. Give him a chance."

The meaning of Tang Qingyang's words is very simple, this is a soft meal. If you can make him eat one more meal, you can eat one more meal. Anyway, there are not many opportunities to eat.

Several bodyguards understood Tang Qingyang's meaning in an instant. After showing disdain on his face, they released Qin Tian."Now you know who I am?? I'm Mr. Lin's boyfriend. I'm more than ten thousand people a person. I'm sure I'll have a big meal in the five-star hotel today. None of you will stop me! "

Qin Tianyi's arrogant and charming feeling of being a villain once again makes the role of a country bumpkin into the air.

Lin Wan Ru covers her mouth and smiles. She doesn't care about him and allows him to make mischief.

"Tang Qingyang, right!? The young man is good and has a bright future. In the future, our olan group will cooperate with you more. " Qin Tian walks to Tang Qingyang and pats him on the shoulder. He has the momentum of being the helmsman of olan group.

Tang Qingyang eyebrows slightly wrinkled, but good self-restraint let him or endure down, "then thank you very much."

With that, Tang Qingyang took Lin Wanru rate to the advanced box.

It has to be said that despite the fact that Tang Qingyang likes Lin Wanru, Tang Qingyang is still a gentleman. He opens his chair for Lin Wanru and pours a cup of Lafite for Lin Wanru in 1982, and then he sits back to his position.

"Oh, drink red wine!" As soon as Qin Tian came in, he said in a loud voice, "red wine is good, Tang Dashao, do you know how to drink red wine?"

Qin Tian asked a word, all the people present were blinded, how to drink red wine!?

When everyone was forced, Qin Tian grinned and asked the waiter to go out. After a short time, the waiter came in with a bottle of Sprite.

"To drink red wine, it is better to drink it with Sprite."

With that, Qin Tian snapped the sprite, mixed it with the bottle of Lafite in 1982, and then drank it with his back!

Everyone at the scene was stunned. This is Raffi in 1982! A bottle is going to sell for 40000 yuan, but he drinks it with Sprite!?

Lin Wanru gave a low smile. Tang Qingyang was angry and scolded the soft eater for being ungrateful. However, Lin Wanru didn't yell, so he was not good at speaking. After all, it was up to the owner to beat the dog.

Forced to suppress his anger, Tang Qingyang pretended to be a gentleman and said, "Wanru, order. I like to eat here before I go abroad. The food here is good."

"I don't know how to order. I'd better come to Tang Dashao." Lin Wanru didn't take the menu.

On hearing this, Tang Qingyang nodded and was about to take the menu back. However, as soon as his hand reached half, the menu was taken away by Qin Tian. He only left his hand which stretched out half of it, holding it in the air in embarrassment.

What does this soft eater want to do!? Tang Qingyang felt that the dignity of his superior was provoked, and a trace of unhappiness began to flow from the bottom of his heart.

"Tang Dashao, my family Wanru doesn't like to order very much. I'm usually the one who serves. Do you mind!? Don't worry. I'm very experienced in ordering. I'm sure you can eat and drink well! " Qin Tian patted his chest to ensure that he was a migrant worker drinking at a roadside stall.

Tang Qingyang took a look at Lin Wanru. Lin Wanru understood what he meant and nodded to him. Tang Qingyang said to Qin Tian, "OK, thank you."

"Look at what you said. It's easy to order a dish. It's too expensive. A dish of caviar costs 1700 yuan! Tang Dashao, let's not eat here. I know a place where the food is cheap and the beer is free. If I take you there, it's economical...

"no need!" Tang Qingyang quickly a low drink, tough interrupted Qin Tian's words, beer free!? Think I Tang Qingyang is what identity!

"Whatever you want to eat, you can order it. I'm not good at it. I can still afford a meal." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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