"Why is Tang Dashao still angry?" Br... But Miss Qin looked around and looked at the people around us!? Three, please

This word a, the waiter is stupefied for a moment, just put his smile to hold back to go back, "Sir, this is a high-grade restaurant, do not have these things."

waiter deliberately deliberately advanced two words bite is very clear, so that everyone can hear, for a time, Qin Tian woodlouse's name is flooding in everyone's mind.

"Why is this so? I don't even have fried rice with eggs. I like to eat fried rice with eggs most..." Qin Tian murmured, constantly looking at the menu, turning over and over again, but not ordering.

"Mr. Qin, you don't have to think about money. Tang has some savings. If you have a meal, you can take the most expensive point." Tang Qingyang's heart has been furious, but today is after all his own banquet, it is not good to turn his face.

"This... That's OK." With that, Qin Tian ordered the dishes quietly with the waiter next to him. Tang Qingyang also began to chat with Lin Wanru.

"Well, that's all." Qin Tian closes the menu and leaves the waiter with a confused face.

"This..." the waiter didn't know what to say, but just muttered, "Mr. Tang, would you like to have a look at the menu..."

"according to the order of this gentleman, do you think that we Tang Da Shao can't afford this meal?" Tang Qingyang's bodyguard suddenly a cold drink, scared the waiter to leave the box quickly.

Just as Tang Qingyang's bodyguard angrily drank this sentence, Qin Tian's mouth was filled with an imperceptible sneer, which was just caught by Lin Wanru.

This guy must have done something bad!

"Wan Ru, I asked you to come today. For what reason, you must know that you and I are well matched. As long as Shuangtian group marries olan group, it will not be difficult to overthrow the Li family's dominant position in real estate." Tang Qingyang finally spoke.

Lin Wanru smile, dignified said: "Tang Dashao, we'd better talk about Songshan's real estate, as for marriage, I still want to follow my own choice."

"Wanru, some people may not be your best choice. It's better to choose someone who is helpful to your career. After all, shopping malls are like battlefields. It's better to have one friend than one enemy." Tang Qingyang took a sip of Lafite.

Of course, Lin Wanru could understand what he meant, but she was not upset. With Qin Tian there, she didn't worry about everything. "Tang Dashao is worried. Olan group doesn't have to rely on marriage to maintain its strength."

Needle to wheat! Lin Yuen Ru's words "no marriage" are very clear. At this time, Lin Wanru no longer has her usual grace. Instead, she turns into a powerful woman in a shopping mall. Women are not inferior to men!

Just when Tang Qingyang wanted to continue talking, Qin tianbang knocked his glass on the table. Obviously, he had a glass of Sprite and red wine just now, "it's really delicious! Tang Dashao, your wine is good! Why do you need more than 100 bottles? "

The momentum that Tang Qingyang just accumulated was broken up by Qin Tian. He was so angry that he almost vomited out blood!

This son of a bitch, is it really stupid or fake!?

Rafi in 1982, even if I didn't drink it, I should have heard of it?!

Soon, the dishes were served one after another. When Tang Qingyang saw the first dish of caviar served on the table, he was still surprised - this country bumpkin would order such high-grade things!?

However, he soon found out that it was wrong, because he saw that the waiters were constantly serving caviar towards this side!

"Oh, this hotel is too stingy. Seventeen plates of caviar are not enough for a bite!" Qin Tian swallowed the caviar from the plate into his mouth, and yelled to the waiter behind him: "waiter, hurry up. I'm starving to death. Your shop is too dark. You can use a large bowl to serve caviar for more than 10000 yuan. Can you serve it in a big bowl?"

I'm afraid that the waiter will not pay for the fish sauce on the back of the plate!

Is that how you eat caviar!?

Looking at the plates of caviar continuously sent up, one plate of caviar was finished by Qin Tian with a spoon. Tang Qingyang's face began to change. At this time, he realized that the waiter called himself to look at the menu just now. He didn't think that qintian's order was expensive, but that he ordered something abnormal!

The bodyguards were stunned. The stupid soft rice man ate caviar as his meal!?

That's right. Qin Tian ate it as a meal and yelled, "Oh, I'm a little thirsty to eat this food. Waiter, another bottle of Lafite from 1982 will quench his thirst, and the taste is good..."

in a short time, more than 200 plates of caviar went into Qin Tian's stomach, and watched the last plate go into Qin Tian's mouth. I saw this guy bawl twice "Don't you think it's too bad for you to eat?" said Tang QingyangTang Qingyang was not only unhappy with his food, but also uncomfortable everywhere. He immediately replied, "it's quite unpleasant."

"I knew you were not happy, so I ordered you a cool thing. It must be very cool!" Qin Tian said mysteriously to Tang Qingyang.

Sure enough, the time is not long, two male waiters together carry a half meter diameter enamel basin, gently placed on the table, and then carefully lifted the lid, "Sir, the dragon and tiger soup you ordered is ready, please use it slowly."

Dragon and tiger soup!? Cat and snake soup!?

Tang Qingyang frowned when he heard the name, but Qin Tian came to him and told him, "this is the king fish with tiger pattern in the deep sea. It is the fish that looks like a dragon most, and the one next to him is... Hahaha..." Qin Tian's face showed a mysterious smile.

"This is the tiger whip of the Northeast Tiger!"

With that, Qin Tian laughed, but Tang Qingyang was black! This son of a bitch, let me eat this dirty thing!

Tang Qingyang's face is not good. The two bodyguards around him suddenly step forward and look at the posture. If Qin Tian dares to say a word of disrespect, they will rush up and tear Qin Tian!

Qin Tian chuckled to himself, and then picked up the tiger whip in the enamel basin with chopsticks. The service provided by the attendant was very good. With a click of the special scissors at the right place, the tiger whip broke into a size just suitable for eating into the mouth.

Qin Tian looked at this step and took a cold breath. He could not help looking at the scissors and clamping his legs.

"It's a big help."

Qin Tian put the chopsticks into his mouth as he said it. Lin Wanru was watching. He felt his stomach churning and prayed that Qin Tian would not eat it.

But how can Qin Tian let go of such a good thing? Oh, I swallow it.

"Ouch ~" Lin Wanru couldn't help it any longer. She rushed out of the box and went to the bathroom.

At this time, Tang Qingyang also understood that Qin Tian was not only a local old hat, on the contrary, he was very clever. This guy was calculating himself from the beginning!

"Your name is Qin Tian!"

After Lin Wanru went out, for the first time, Tang Qingyang faced up to the "soft rice man" in front of him.

"Well, yes!" Qin Tian didn't add sprite to the red wine this time. He picked it up with a smile and tasted it. The action was more temperament than any upper class person.

"You should be more than just a soft eater!" Tang Qingyang's eyes were overcast and his tone gradually became cold.

He can give away 150 million yuan at will, and killed so many bastards last night. Today, he deliberately humiliates him and stirs up the mess of his meal. He absolutely does not believe that he is willing to eat a soft meal!

Unfortunately, he found it a little late!

"What's wrong with a soft meal?! I specialize in soft food! " Say, Qin Tian one mouthful of the wine in the cup, the face also showed let a person elusive smile.

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