"Hum, shameless..." Tang Qingyang words did not finish, the door opened, Lin Wanru just walked in.

"Wanru, it's very kind of Tang Dashao to invite us to eat so much delicious food! It's about time we left, right? " Now that he was exposed by Tang Qingyang, Qin Tian didn't want to pretend. He leaned on the chair and picked his teeth with a toothpick.

"Brother Qin Tian, it's very kind of you. But for you, I didn't know that caviar could be eaten like this." Tang Qingyang sneered and squeezed this sentence out of his teeth!

"Not only delicious, but also expensive." Qin Tian said shamelessly.

Tang Qing's Yang Qi was shaking all over his body, and his hands were under the table. He had already turned white because of excessive force.

At this time, the waiter also came in, but different from the normal situation, there was a manager like man behind the waiter.

"Distinguished guests, because the consumption of the guests is really a little high, so in order to ensure that there will not be any unpleasantness in arrears, please buy an order before leaving the table!" The manager bowed very politely.

Tang Qingyang heard this, show a Leng, with even a laugh out of the sound, but look at the cold in his eyes can know, this is angry and laugh!

"You are still the first one to say that Tang Qingyang will be a liar!"

Shame! For the first successor of a group, this is a naked face!

Qin Tian chuckled. When he entered the front door of the hotel, he saw the manager's phone number on the front desk. While Tang Qingyang was talking to Lin Wanru just now, Qin Tian edited a message to the hotel manager, saying that the people who eat here can't afford to eat the overlord's meal. As expected, the manager came in person.

Of course, Qin Tian knew that this had no effect on Tang Qingyang, but he was still very happy to see this despicable bastard eat flat.

Even if it's naive!

Tang Qingyang took out a bank card and put it on the tray that the manager brought up. The POS machine, which was respectful to the manager, brushed it down. The number on the card broke through five million!

"Wow, such a meal costs five million!" Qin Tian pretended to be surprised and cried out!

In fact, he knows the price of this meal better than anyone else. It costs more than one million yuan just for that northeast tiger whip!

After swiping the card, Tang Qingyang did not have any stay. He left the Hyatt Hotel without saying a word. As soon as he arrived downstairs, Tang Qingyang said grimly to the two bodyguards around him: "I want him to lose sight of the sun of tomorrow."

The two bodyguards looked at each other and showed a cruel look!

These bodyguards are different from those thugs in the bar yesterday. They are professional in killing or setting fire!

Qin Tian and Lin Wanru smile when they see Tang Qingyang's embarrassment. Lin Wanru looks at the time and urges Qin Tian to leave.

"Why do you go? There are so many delicious food. I ordered bear's paws. I'll come up later and go after eating!"

That's right. Qin Tian added two bear paws and twenty deep-sea abalones at the moment when Tang Qingyang paid the bill, just for two people to eat!

Until more than nine o'clock in the evening, the two people left with satisfaction.

Send Lin Wanru home, Qin Tian drives to his parents in law's house.

It's been nearly a month since Wang Qin was thrown downstairs and broke her leg. The rehabilitation training has been almost done. This time, Qin Tian will give Wang Qin a final needle, and then take Xinran back home with Xiaoyao.

Qin Tian was in a good mood when he drove all the way, and finally recovered some interest from his account last night.

But when qintian was driving on the road of the Development Zone, two black Volkswagen cars appeared behind the range rover!

Qin Tian looked at the two cars in the rearview mirror and frowned slightly, because he clearly felt the hostility released from the two cars!

Qin Tian sneered, the Revenge of Tang Qingyang is fast!

Then Qin Tian did not hesitate. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, the range rover swung out a beautiful curve on the wide road and drove towards the river.

After seeing the direction of Qin Tian's driving, several bodyguards in suits looked at each other and laughed at each other. They didn't worry. They slowly followed Qin Tian, because in their opinion, the riverside is a good place to deal with the corpse, so that they could not finish the work and transport the corpse.

It didn't take long. Under the leadership of Range Rover, the three vehicles soon arrived at pier 4. This is the old place for Qin Tian to deal with things, and he is familiar with the road.

"Did Tang Qingyang send you here?"

As soon as he got out of the car, Qin Tian was too lazy to be coquettish. He asked the bodyguards who got off the bus directly. He saw two pairs of familiar faces. They were the two strong men who stopped him in the hotel just now!

"If you know, why do you ask me more?" One of them sneered.

He didn't cover his face when he got out of the car. Naturally, he was not afraid that Qin Tian would recognize him, because in their opinion, this soft food loser would be thrown into the river to feed the fish tonight.At this time, a Mercedes Benz S-class slowly appeared on the road along the river. With a gentle brake, it stopped on the side of the road not far from pier 4.

"Dare to play Tang Qingyang as a fool, I will let you pay the price!"

When the window rolled down, a familiar face appeared beside the window, and looked at the direction of No. 4 wharf from a distance. This person is not Tang Qingyang, who can it be!?

Several bodyguards stood opposite Qin Tian, with malicious smiles on their faces.

"Do you want to leave me behind just because you're a bunch of trash?" Qin Tian put his hands in his pocket and looked at these bodyguards with disdain.

"You want to die!" Standing in the front of the bodyguard frown, eyebrows suddenly inverted, eyes full of murderous gas!

"You're here to kill me!? What else can I do for you? " Qin Tian sneered.

"Ha ha..." that angry extremely counter smile, "I still see so anxious to die for the first time!"

At this time, a bodyguard nearby also came up and said to the former man, "don't talk to him. Start early. I've also asked the little maid of Tang family."

Said, this bodyguard then wretched smile.

After Tang Qingyang came back, they followed them to the Tang family. These people were not good men and women. As soon as they lived there, they began to look for women everywhere. Many maids and servants became their playthings on the bed. There were even several people playing with a maid together.

Qin Tianwen eyebrows slightly frown, but he is also too lazy to talk to them nonsense, this kind of person is not a good thing.

Six bodyguards agreed to go back to play the little maid in turn, and in a flash Qin Tian was surrounded in the middle!

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