The standard tactical fighting posture was put forward, and the six people were full of amazing murderous spirit. Needless to say, these people did such killing and killing things for Tang Qingyang!

"Do it!"

I don't know who called out. Six people came forward together!

Qin Tian snorted coldly. He didn't even bother to use his true Qi. He rushed into the middle of six people in a flash!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Qin Tian, like a ghost's body method, shuttles among the six people. A series of noises come. Before the six bodyguards react, Qin Tian falls to the ground!


The Mercedes Benz S-class in the distance burst out a rude, Tang Qingyang just lit the cigarette before he had time to take two mouthfuls, he was angry to fall out of the window!

This group of useless waste, can't even deal with a soft potato!

Tang Qingyang casually pressed the walkie talkie on his collar, "use the gun! This bastard must die tonight

Almost at the same time, the six bodyguards lying on the ground changed their faces one after another, and they stood up with a wheel. Then they took out a black iron pimple from their arms and faced Qin Tian together!

Today's Qin Tian is no longer an ordinary person. Even if Qin Tian doesn't listen to the voice in the walkie talkie, he still can't escape his ears.

For a while, Qin Tian began to look for it in the distance.

Since Tang Qingyang can command them through the walkie talkie, he will not be far away!

Finally, at the side of a road, Qin Tian saw the familiar Mercedes Benz S-class, and from the window, he could see Tang Qingyang's ferocious face!

"Oh!? Interesting... "Qin Tian sneered and compared a middle finger to Tang Qingyang.

"Damn it!" Tang Qing slaps the door of the car with Yang Qi. He gets down from the car with anger on his face. Learning from Qin Tian's appearance, he puts up his middle finger in both hands!

This damn soft rice man!

"Boy, should you think about your own situation?"

The bodyguards' faces are very ugly, because they find that even if six guns are pointed at Qin Tian, he still looks the same, and even faces Tang Qingyang. What a heart it is!?

In addition, just now his six people didn't even see clearly, they were left on the ground by Qin Tian, and they were more or less afraid of Qin Tian!

"My situation!" Qin Tian sneered and said, "the gun depends on whose hand you are. Don't give you a few guns. Even if you give the cannon to you, you still can't help me!"

"Grass, you want to die!"

At this time, the bodyguard who said about the maid swore, and his index finger pulled the trigger!


A shot, the bullet mercilessly toward Qin Tian flew past!

However, the expected blood spatter did not appear on the spot. On the contrary, Qin Tian stood in the same place as an innocent man, looking at the shooter with a face of irony!

"You... You're ok?" The bodyguard couldn't believe that he took a look at his pistol. There was still a tiny smoke on it. It's impossible that he didn't fight out!

Is it wrong!?

The distance is only three or four meters, but it's crooked!?

"Grass, this boy is so weird. Don't hesitate to shoot him together!"

The first bodyguard who spoke seems to be the leader of this group of people. With an order, everyone aimed at Qin Tian and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang...

after a series of gunshots, Qin Tian stood in the middle, shaking left and right, almost perfectly avoiding every bullet. It was a unique tactical escape for special forces!

"You... Who are you?"

The bodyguard with good sense saw Qin Tian's moves, and his mouth was scared to death!

It's not fun for people who get into the army!

"Me!? Isn't it just a loser who eats a soft meal? "

Qin Tian sneered. As soon as his voice fell, he rushed to the bodyguard who asked. His right hand shook, and his finger bounced on his elbow. The pistol fell in response to the sound!

In the next two seconds, Qin Tian used the same method to receive the pistols of the other five people!

"Remember, don't make fun of such immoral people or other women's bodies in the next life."

Finish saying, Qin Tian hands a shake, two pistols then pour out bullet!

Six shots, six miserable shouts, six people have covered their lifeblood, a pale face lying on the ground!

Qin Tian, it is actually the tool that broke them to harm people!

"No, drive

At this time, Tang Qingyang, standing on the road in the distance and watching the battle on the wharf, turned around and got into the car and told the driver Lao Wang to drive quickly!

The driver had long wanted to leave. At the moment, he heard Tang Qingyang's voice and started the car in a hurry and stepped on the accelerator!However, just when Tang Qingyang and the driver Lao Wang thought everything was going well, a gun shot came from the river, and Lao Wang's left leg suddenly burst out a bloody arrow!

Qin Tian's bullet went through the door!

"Grass Mud Horse, drive quickly!" Tang Qingyang saw Lao Wang's car parked on the side of the road, and immediately cursed!

Lao Wang took a look at Tang Qingyang in the rearview mirror, followed him and pretended to be unconscious on the steering wheel!

This kind of situation still drives, unless he has a brain problem, who knows if Qin Tian's next shot will hit his head!?

Tang Yang, ready to get out of the car and scold him!


There was a gunshot again, and Tang Qingyang's running body instantly fell on the ground!

"Oh, my legs!"

Tang Qingyang's face turned white. Qin Tian actually shot through his leg!

Lying on the ground, he did not dare to move any more, and Qin Tian walked over from the river with a loose pace.

"Tang Dashao, long time no see!" Qin Tian squats on the ground, looking at the pain of Tang Qingyang, his face showed a trace of migrant workers unique simple and honest smile!

Tang Qingyang cursed in his heart. He didn't see it until dinner. Did it take so long!?

"If you have a gun in your hand, you can draw it quickly. Don't think you dare to do anything to Laozi if you have a gun in your hand. I am the CEO of Shuangtian group and the only heir of Tang family. If you move me, I promise... Ah...

before Tang Qingyang's words are finished, there will be another scream!

Qin Tian squatted next to him, with a slight smoke coming from the muzzle of the gun. He was taking it away from another uninjured leg of Tang Qingyang. There was obviously a blood hole the size of peanuts!

"Tang Dashao, you just said that if I move you, what do you promise?"

Qin Tian looks harmless to human and animal. If Tang Qingyang didn't know how cruel this boy was, he might have believed him!

"I promise, you will die very ugly... Ah...

Tang Qingyang screamed again, and once again he had a blood hole the size of peanuts!

"I'm going to kill you..."

Tang Qingyang is full of ferocity. He didn't expect that Qin Tian would dare to treat himself like this when he knew his identity!

"Kill me!" Qin Tian sneered, "do you deserve it?"

With that, Qin Tian fired another shot in Tang Qingyang's leg without hesitation, just like Tang Qingyang was his toy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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