At this moment, Tang Qingyang is almost desperate. This country bumpkin is one track minded, no matter what kind of identity he has!

For a moment, Tang Qingyang's eyes turned red, and his face was ferocious looking at Qin Tian, "Grass Mud Horse, today you have the ability to kill Laozi, otherwise, I must let you regret coming into this world!"

Tang Qingyang roared loudly and struggled furiously. He tried to stand up from the ground, but he was shot several times by Qin Tian on both legs, which was useless at all!

"Oh, is Tang Dashao trying to stand up?" Qin Tian jokingly raised his eyebrows, followed his face with a bloody smile, "if you want to stand up, you can say, I'll help you!"

Finish saying, Qin Tian did not hesitate to grasp Tang Qingyang's hair, forcefully pulled him up from the ground, the pain of Tang Qingyang can not stop crying!

All of a sudden, Tang Qingyang's distorted face became ferocious in an instant because of pain. He touched his right hand back and a pocket electric shock stick appeared in his hand and stabbed Qin Tian's chest!

Who is Qin Tian? As early as Tang Qingyang was just touching his back waist, he knew that he didn't hold back any good fart. When he flicked his finger, he hit Tang Qingyang's wrist and the electric shock stick fell!


A light sound, Qin Tian will electric shock stick in hand!

"Oh, it turns out that Tang Dashao likes this tone..." Qin Tian sneered.

When Tang Qingyang heard the speech, he scolded him. But before the voice came out, Qin Tian turned his wrist and grabbed Tang Qingyang's hair to the ground!


Tang Qingyang's head almost smashed into the roadside soil, the huge impact force, the ground all smashed out a big pit!

"Tang Dashao has a big head!" Qin Tian squatted on the ground and measured the big hole that was smashed out with his hands. His face showed a very surprised look!

"I, I will let you... Life is not as good as death..." Tang Qingyang lay on the ground, mouth a mouthful of spraying blood, obviously hurt by Qin Tian!

However, Tang Qingyang is really a tough guy. Qin Tian beat him like this, but he still dares to scold him. This is something Qin Tian has never seen before!

However, hard bone depends on what kind of scene, today's occasion, let Qin Tian feel very uncomfortable!

You want to kill me. I didn't even have the attitude of admitting mistakes after I put them over. You are such a hard bone. You are really not popular!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian raised his hand and slapped him in the face of Tang Qingyang!


The huge sound spread out at least 100 meters by the river in the middle of the night!

Tang Qingyang opened his mouth and several teeth flowed out along the saliva and blood.



"Your code..."


"I'll kill you..."



in a series, Qin Tian squatted on the ground and slapped Tang Qingyang 40 times in the face. With great force, half of Tang Qingyang's head was beaten and swollen, and there was no tooth left in his mouth!

"Don't... Don't fight..."

Tang Qingyang's mouth kept flowing with blood and saliva, and his speech became inarticulate!

Qin Tian held up his hand slightly and then sneered, "why, I'm tired of scolding?"

Tang Qingyang breathed heavily and looked at Qin Tian with fear!

"You've been beating me for a long time. I don't think you want to kill me. Tell me what you want!"

Tang Qingyang was slapped more than 40 times, and he was beaten to sober up.

If Qin Tian wants to kill himself and move his finger, there is no need to abuse himself like this!

"What do you want?" Qin Tian laughed, "you sent someone to kill me, which scared me to death. I don't think I can sleep well when I go home at night. What do you want?"

Tang Qingyang's eyes brightened, and he immediately understood the meaning of Qin Tian's words. Then he immediately said, "I'll lose money, I'll pay for your spiritual loss..."

at this moment, it's as if losing money was what he took advantage of!

"Well, that's right." Qin Tian touched Tang Qingyang's head just like coaxing a child. "Say it, how much compensation?"

To tell you the truth, Qin Tian doesn't make money when he opens a medical center. Li Zheng and Gu Yiming don't always collect money from them. He can only rely on these people to support himself.

"I... I'll pay you 50000 yuan..." Tang Qingyang looked at Qin Tian and tentatively said a number.

"Pa!" Say

a crisp slap in the face of Tang Qingyang!

"I scolded the people next door. You spent more than five million yuan on a special meal. After a few hours, you took 50000 yuan to deal with me. What about the beggars?"

After Qin Tian finished, he did not know whether he felt unhappy in his heart. He raised his hand and was a big mouth fan on Tang Qingyang's face.Tang Qingyang couldn't even cry if he wanted to cry. His heart said that if it hadn't been for you, I would have spent more than five million yuan on a meal!? What's more, you are a soft eater, less than 50000 yuan or how!?

But Tang Qingyang did not dare to say these words, so he shivered his lips and said again, "that's five million...

" pa! "

It's a bus fan again!

"Do you mean that my price is the same as that of a meal?"

"Six million..."


"That's 10 million!"

Qin Tian raised his hand and was a big mouth again!

Tang Qingyang was going crazy. He was beaten by Qin Tian and cried. He almost roared at Qin Tian: "how much do you want?"

"No more nonsense, 100 million!"

Qin Tian's face is serious, there is no joking element in it!

Qin Tian didn't forget that the boy said that he would give her a piece of land worth 100 million yuan in order to bubble Lin Wanru that day, which means that 100 million yuan is not a big money for him!

In this case, don't blame me for being rude!

"You, what are you talking about!? You are blackmail

Looking at Qin Qing Yang, he thought that he was not joking at Qin Qingtian!

Qin Tian smile, "you are right, I am blackmail!"

With that, Qin Tian's face sank, and his body burst out a murderous spirit. Tang Qingyang was covered in a flash. His right hand shook, and the muzzle of the gun immediately aimed at Tang Qingyang's head, as if he could be killed in the next second!

Although Tang Qingyang has a group of bodyguards who have seen blood, he has never seen such a strong murderous spirit. In just a moment, Tang Qingyang was scared to shiver, and his eyes to Qin Tian were filled with boundless fear!

Under the general murderous atmosphere of corpse mountain and blood sea, Tang Qingyang has no doubt that Qin Tian will really kill him!

"Here, here, I'll give it to you!" Tang Qingyang couldn't stop lighting his bloated head. The muzzle on his forehead clearly made him feel the approach of death. This time, he did not dare to insult Qin Tian any more!

"It's too long to finish..."

Qin Tian smiles and puts the gun away, and his murderous spirit is also withdrawn.

"But I can't take so much money now..." Tang Qingyang looked at Qin Tian, his eyes full of fear, for fear that Qin Tian would continue to clean up himself if he could not take the money.

In fact, Tang Qingyang didn't lie. He didn't have so much money in his personal account. He was willing to spend 100 million yuan to buy land for Lin Wanru because he could pay in the name of the company and take the company's account. Now he has no authority to ask him to take out so much money.

However, to Tang Qingyang's surprise, Qin Tian didn't get angry. Instead, he patted him on the head so that he could not be afraid. Then he turned around and walked to the position of Mercedes Benz S-class co pilot and turned out paper and pen from the car.

"Here, write an IOU and pay it back later."

Qin Tian's smile can be said to be better than the five-star hotel's service attitude. Tang Qingyang felt chilly and had to sign a hundred million yuan debt on the paper. He even pressed a bright red handprint with his own blood.

"Well, that's all right." Qin Tian played the IOU, his face full of satisfaction.

"Can I... Can I go now?" Tang Qingyang looked at Qin Tian, how he hoped Qin Tian could nod his head and let him go!

"Ah Qin Tian was immersed in the joy of 100 million yuan. He was suddenly interrupted by Tang Qingyang and was stunned for a moment. "You can go, of course you can, but I have to give you some small gifts before leaving..."

with that, Qin Tian's face showed a trace of malicious smile. Tang Qingyang's body trembled in his eyes.

Sure enough, Qin Tian picked up the pocket electric shock stick that Tang Qingyang used to poke himself just now, and stabbed it at the back door of Tang Qingyang...

half a minute later, Qin Tian covered his nose and shook his hand, walked to the side of Mercedes Benz S-class, opened the door of the cab and woke up the driver Lao Wang.

"All right, don't pretend to be a driver. I don't want to embarrass you as a driver. Take your master back quickly, and don't pollute the environment."

Qin Tian is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and he is also a Chinese medicine man forced to heaven. The driver is not faint. Even if he pinches half of his eyes, he can see it.

Lao Wang listened to Qin Tian not to embarrass himself, and quickly raised his head and bowed with Qin Tian to express his gratitude.

Qin Tian waved his hand, turned and walked towards the range rover parked on pier 4.

The driver Lao Wang sent Qin Tian away. He turned around and went to Tang Qingyang. But when he saw the appearance of Tang Qingyang, he was so disgusted that he almost vomited out the overnight meal!

At the moment, Tang Qingyang was incontinent by Qin tiandian, and his trousers were yellow and smelly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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