Qin Tian looked at the IOU in his hand as he walked, and his face showed a satisfied smile. He was not afraid that Tang Qingyang would not admit it. In Songshan, no one could rely on his account!

With a range rover, Qin Tian galloped all the way. However, it was too late to go to my father-in-law's house due to the waste of time by Tang Qingyang. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, he drove towards the film and television base. He was vaguely impressed. Gu Yiming told himself that he would shoot the advertisement of health cream there today, and his role had changed to Jiao Jie.

After a short time, Land Rover appeared at the gate of the film and television base. As it was midnight, there were fewer people here, and soon found Gu Yiming's team in the innermost opinion studio.

"Mr. Qin?"

Zhou Jingzheng and director Wang sat on the shooting position and chatted about the shooting of the advertisement. Looking up, he didn't want to fight. Unexpectedly, he saw Qin Tian coming in from the door, and quickly got up to meet Qin Tian.

Hearing the speech, he got up to greet him with excitement.

It's the Buddha in front of you to keep your job!

"Mr. Qin." Wang Dao stood in front of Qin Tian with half bow, full of flattery.

"You keep shooting, don't mind me, I just come to see the excitement!"

Qin Tian was not used to being surrounded by people, nor was he used to being served as his ancestor. He simply put the two people on the chair and walked towards the side.

He came here only because he was worried about Jiao Jie. After all, he was Jiao Cheng's daughter and introduced him by himself. In case of any accident, he and Jiao Cheng could not explain.

Qin Tian slowly walked past, a group of staff are surrounded by the studio.

At the moment, Jiao Jie has changed into a set of regular professional suit, and the ponytail tied in the back of the head all day was also put down by the makeup artist and put it on his shoulder.

The original delicate and smooth skin is more and more broken by the lens. Even Qin Tian can't help exclaiming when he sees it.

After a tour around, Qin Tian found that all the male staff at the scene almost uniformly focused on Jiao Jie's body!

Needless to say, it must be her pure Yin body!

In the past, Jiao Jie was not good at make-up, but she always looked simple and plain, but even then, people like Zhao long could be attracted. What's more, there are professional makeup artists to decorate!

Perhaps many people don't understand what pure Yin means. If we mention some famous pure Yin styles in ancient times, we must be familiar with them. For example, Su Daji, who bewildered King Zhou in Shang Dynasty, Baosi, a feudal warlord in Zhou Dynasty, LV Zhi, who was a disaster to the kings of the two dynasties in the late Qin Dynasty and the early Han Dynasty, and Zhao Feiyan, known as "thin and fat" in the Western Han Dynasty, all of them have congenital pure Yin bodies We can see the extent of the disaster to the country and the people!

This is also modern, no emperor will bring it into the harem, if placed in the ancient times, Jiao Jie will certainly be the role of shaking the super class, once deliberately trained, will become a generation of demons who bury mountains and rivers and confuse the saints!

Jiao Jie also found Qin Tian at this time. Looking back at Qin Tian, Jiao Jie's pretty face turned ruddy and made the men around him intoxicated!

"God." Jiao Jie gently called Qin Tian.

She never dreamed that she would have a chance to be on TV one day.

"I have already said hello to Gu Yiming and Li Zheng. The directors here are also my friends. They will take care of you. If you need anything, please tell them!"

Qin Tian smiles. He says that the appellation between himself and Jiao Cheng's father and daughter is really a bit chaotic. He calls Jiao Cheng elder brother, and Jiao Jie calls himself elder brother... This generation is simply.

"No, no, no, God, don't worry about me. They are very polite to me, and I don't have any special requirements." Jiao Jie refused in a hurry, for fear that she would cause trouble to others.

Jiao Jie was born in a bad family. When she graduated from University, she had three part-time jobs. She could eat any kind of hardship, let alone be held in the palm of the public like today.

"Mr. Qin, you can rest assured that Li Dashao has sent a special bodyguard to protect Miss Jiao. After the advertisement is finished, she will be escorted home immediately." Wang pointed to four black suits in one corner and politely said to Qin Tian.

Jiao Jie has passed Li Zheng's interview, and the newly opened live studio has decided to let Jiao Jie be the anchor. In addition, Jiao Jie has such a relationship with Qin Tian, Li Zheng attaches more importance to it.

"That's good." Qin Tian nodded, "since all arrangements have been made, I will not be involved. You are busy."

Then Qin Tian said hello to Jiao Jie and left.

Looking at the back of Qin Tian's departure, Zhou Jing and Wang Dao looked at each other and understood the meaning of each other's eyes one after another. Jiao Jie, I'm afraid, is Qin Tian's outer daughter!

For a while, they no longer dare to look at Jiao Jie as before, and even remind several people who have a good relationship with them to keep a distance from Jiao Jie.

In this way, the shooting went on smoothly.


at the moment, in a private hospital in Songshan city."Lao Wang, who hurt Qingyang?"

A fat middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa in the VIP room, kneeling in front of a middle-aged man in his fifties. He was the driver who had been confused before, Lao Wang!

Lao Wang was shaking at the moment. In addition to Qin Tian's left leg, his body had already been covered with scars. Even though he was separated from his clothes, the blood still penetrated out.

"It's... It's Lin Wanru's little white face of olan group..." Lao Wang's lips trembled and his words were not clear.

"Hum!" Tang Guomin a cold hum, a slap down, the hands of more than ten years of walnut clapped into a few pieces!

"A soft eater dares to move my son!? Oran group, how brave The common people of Tang Dynasty are ferocious. In his opinion, a little white face doesn't dare to attack his son. It must be ordered by the woman of Oran group!

"Mr. Tang, do you think it leaked out?"

At this time, a bodyguard behind him lowered his voice and stuck it to the ear of Tang Guomin.

"No way!" Tang Guomin shook his head firmly. "Even if it was the last time that Zhentian pavilion was bought and Lin Wanru was kidnapped, it was through the second dimension that the Jedi would not disclose it!"

The piece of land that Lin Wanru bought in Myanmar has attracted international attention. She has to take this land before the international consortium starts!

In fact, Tang Guomin thought very simply that he had no ambition to mine the jadeite mine. He just wanted to use this land to climb up to some international forces and let his Shuangtian group soar into the sky with the power of international consortia and become one of the top real estate companies in China!

"General manager Tang, I'm going to kill this soft eater and give the young master a breath..." the bodyguard who spoke just now frowned and burst out with a surprising killing intention.

Tang Guomin waved his hand. "No, I can deal with a little white face at any time, but I have to find a way to take advantage of this soft meal. Lin Wanru has hurt my son like this. I can't let it go!"

With that, Tang Guomin got up and walked outside.

"General manager Tang, can I go now..." Lao Wang knelt on the ground and looked at Tang Guomin pitifully.

"Go!? Of course. " Tang Guomin sneered and told his bodyguard, "take Lao Wang home!"

With that, Tang Guomin left without looking back.

"Thank you, thank you...

" pa! "

Lao Wang's words did not finish, that bodyguard is a slap in his head, only listen to the GABA, Lao Wang then lay on the ground!

If Qin Tian was here, he would be surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. The bodyguard actually broke Lao Wang's cervical spine with a slap!

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