In the early morning of the next day, Qin Tian went to the hospital early after helping Qin Guangyuan and his wife. As everyone knew the opening time of jishengtang, there were almost no people waiting at the door all morning.

But today, as soon as Qin Tiangang left the community, he saw a figure waiting at the gate of the hospital.

"Doctor Qin!"

As soon as he saw Qin Tian appear, he warmly welcomed him.

"You are..." Qin Tian looked at her, feeling very familiar, but suddenly can't remember who it is.

"It's me. My name is Hu Anzi. I came from the imperial capital. I left you a business card." The woman quickly reminds Qin Tian.

Qin Tian immediately remembered.

It's the imperial woman who is born with no pulse!

At the beginning, I compared my medical skills with Lu Bingqian, and it was because of her appearance that she made me better than Lu Bingqian.

Hu'anzi saw Qin Tian think of himself, and immediately he nodded happily.

"What's wrong with you, then?" Qin Tian was puzzled because hu'anzi didn't look like a sick man.

Hu'anzi heard the speech, and suddenly appeared a little embarrassed, but still forced to open his mouth.

"Mr. Qin, please allow me to apologize to you first."

With that, Hu Anzi swept the floor in front of Qin Tian.

Seeing this, Qin Tian dodged in a hurry.

It is the so-called "no merit without reward" and "ordinary gratitude" will damage the moral integrity.

"Ms. Hu, you'd better explain what happened first." Qin Tian looked serious and didn't seem to be ready to get close to Hu Anzi.

As soon as Hu an Zi saw Qin Tian avoid, his embarrassed look became more and more intense. Then he gave a bitter smile and asked Qin Tian, "doctor Qin, I don't know if it's convenient for Fang to come to your hospital for a while!"

"Well... Yes." Qin Tian pauses for a moment, opens the door and asks Hu an Zi to enter.

As the saying goes, people come to the door by themselves. Even if they don't help, they won't even refuse to come in and have a drink.

As soon as hu'anzi entered the door, Qin Tian took her to the lobby of the hospital. A cup of tea was brought to her, and Qin Tian sat on the throne.

"Ms. Hu, I have something to do when I come to Songshan this time?" As soon as he sat down, Qin Tian made a speech and broke the silence between them.

Hu'anzi didn't know how to say it. Seeing Qin Tian asking himself, he quickly answered, "yes, there is an elder in the family in Songshan. This time, he came to see his old man and come to talk about business

"Oh? People in the imperial capital also have relatives in Songshan! " Qin Tian was a little surprised. After all, it was rare that the two places were separated by thousands of miles.

"Yes, he didn't want to live there because he thought the imperial capital was too chaotic. He lived alone in the antique street of Songshan. He always had nothing to repair shoes and talk to people. It was a peaceful life." Hu Anzi replied with a smile.

"Repairing shoes in antique street!" Qin Tian a listen, eyes immediately stare up!

Surname Hu, antique street shoes repair, this is not Mr. Hu, who else can be!?

Qin Tian vaguely remembers that the old man once vaguely answered that his family name was Hu.

"Ms. Hu, if you have any difficulties, just tell me. As long as you don't violate the principle, Qin is willing to help."

Then Qin Tian laughed and decided to help hu'anzi for the sake of the old revolution.

As soon as Qin Tian was willing to help, Hu an Zi's eyes brightened. "Doctor Qin, to tell you the truth, I have an unkind request that you accompany me to see a doctor."

Qin Tian sniffed speech and said with a smile, "it turns out to be seeing a doctor. You said it early. This is the duty of a doctor. It's not an invitation."

With that, Qin Tian got up and walked toward the clinic, ready to pack up the medicine box and go with Hu Anzi.

"Doctor Qin, I haven't finished my words yet. Don't worry." Hu an Zi got up in a hurry and stopped Qin Tian. His face was full of embarrassment.

Qin Tian looked at it and stopped to pack the medicine box. "Is there anything else?"

Hu an Zi gave a bitter smile, "doctor Qin, to be honest, the patient I asked you to see is actually the family of one of my business partners. This time they came to Songshan, they also ran to seek medical treatment."

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, "there's nothing abnormal. I'll go with you directly to show them."

"Doctor Qin, things are not so simple." Hu Anzi respectfully asked Qin Tian to sit down, followed by himself and slowly opened his mouth to explain.

"This man is one of the four families in the imperial capital, the successor of the Shen family. His sister has a congenital disease. In recent years, famous doctors all over the world have failed to cure her disease. It is said that the disease has deteriorated a lot in recent years, and it seems that it is going to die soon."

"But I can't afford to offend this person, so I want you to accompany me and pretend to be my assistant. First of all, see if you are sure you can cure the disease. If you can, we can start again. If not...

" if not, don't delay your business, right? "

All of a sudden, Qin Tian interrupted Hu Anzi's words, and his face sank.No wonder from the very beginning, she was so low that she wanted me to be her tool!

"Doctor Qin, don't be angry. I know this is too much and I don't respect you. But I can't help it. Our Hu family is on the verge of life and death. I have to do this. If I don't get this business, I'm afraid decades of family business will be defeated..." and Hu Anzi kneels down in front of Qin Tian and hits the ground heavily??? Doctor Qin, you must help me this time

Qin Tian looks at her, his face is still not good, but think of the old man Hu, the heart will be soft again.

If the Hu family really can't do it, the old man may not be able to live in such a stable way.

"I only know how to see a doctor. I don't know how to talk about business. It depends on you whether you can succeed or not." Qin Tian said coldly.

Hu'anzi knelt on the ground, his body suddenly trembled, followed by a surprise question and answer: "doctor Qin, you agreed!"

Qin Tian glanced at her, still thinking that she was using himself as a tool and was not happy. Then he gave her a blank look and asked "when to go", which was an answer to her.

"As long as Mr. Qin is free, go immediately!" Hu an Zi was afraid of changes and wanted to do it urgently.

Qin Tian didn't speak. He got up and went to the clinic and carried the medicine box out.

Without Qin Tian driving, Hu Anzi politely invited Qin Tian to her special Audi A8 and left the hospital with Qin Tian.

Time is not long, two people stop in front of a high-rise building in the center of the city. Qin Tian looks up and sees that it is the most famous No.1 residence in Songshan. The people who settle here are either rich or expensive!

Sitting in the elevator, Juan Zi pressed the button on the top floor directly.

"Doctor Qin, you will be wronged after a while..." Hu Anzi politely asked.

"Don't worry. Since you have promised to come here, I will certainly help you." Qin Tian answers indifferently.

In Hu Anzi's thanks, the elevator finally rose to the top floor. As soon as he came out of the elevator, Qin Tian saw two rows of bodyguards in black suits and earphones standing on both sides of the corridor. After searching Hu Anzi and Qin Tian, they were allowed to enter.

The two servants opened the door and saw a very spacious house. Looking at it, it was at least three or four hundred square meters, occupying almost the whole floor!

Just walked to the living room, Qin Tian saw two figures sitting on the sofa chatting.

"Young master Shen, Miss Hu is here!"

The bodyguard who led the way reported to the man on the sofa, and the two chatting people looked back.

"I see. You go down first."

It is Shen Tianhao, the first heir of the Shen family!

At this time, the person sitting next to him chatting with him laughed at the moment when he saw Qin Tian.

"Old Lu!"

I didn't realize that Lu Bingqian had heard of him!

"Doctor Qin." Lu Bingqian nodded with a smile, "I'll tell you, no one can cure Miss Shen's illness except you!"

Hearing Lu Bingqian's words, Shen Tianhao was stunned, "doctor Lu, this young man... Is also a doctor

Then Shen Tianhao looked at Qin Tian suspiciously, but there was a slight disdain between his eyebrows!

"Mr. Lu, you flatter me too much. You are the Taishan Beidou in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. With you, Miss Shen's illness should not be a problem." Qin Tianke airway.

Today, different from the past, I have taken over my granddaughter. According to the truth, I have to call my grandfather. I should be polite. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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