Shen Tianhao watched the two exchange greetings and waited for them to finish their conversation. At this time, Hu Anzi stepped forward and politely said hello to Shen Tianhao.

"Hello, Shen Dashao. I'm hu'anzi from the Hu family." With that, Hu an Zi took out a red letter from his shoulder bag, indicating that he had made an appointment with Shen Tianhao.

"I remember you." Shen Tianhao nodded slightly, and then he accepted the invitation. "You're here for the business of Songshan!"

I went to find a doctor to come here. Needless to say, I want to get on with my sister by treating her.

With a smile on his face, Shen Tianhao glanced at Qin Tian lightly, which means that nothing can be concealed from him, and the breath of the superior can be displayed incisively and vividly!

Qin tianbang, too lazy to bird him, rolled his eyes and sat beside Lu Bingqian.

"Doctor, Mr. Shen didn't let you sit down!" At this time, a very fierce looking man came over and looked at Qin Tian coldly, which means to let Qin Tian stand up!

In front of the Shen family, no one can be presumptuous!

"Well, I know he didn't let me sit, but I'm tired and want to sit for a while." With that, Qin Tian also reached out to the teapot on the tea table and poured a cup of tea.


The strong man not only did not listen to his instructions to stand up, but also poured a cup of tea for himself, and his anger immediately rose!

In his opinion, that cup of tea can be worth a year's salary of Qin Tian!

Without hesitation, the strong man directly reached for Qin Tian's shoulder!


A muffled sound, Pu fan sized hand pinched on Qin Tian's shoulder, followed by the strong man and then gave a cold hum. His knuckles suddenly contracted. Unexpectedly, he wanted to pinch Qin Tian's shoulder in such a way that he could not help but stand up!

Shen Tianhao frowned slightly. Looking at all this, he did not speak. He took care of himself to deliver golden tea to his mouth.

Seeing Shen Tianhao acquiesce to his action, the strong man sneered and his right hand closed up quietly!

"Shen Dashao..."

when Lu Bingqian saw this scene, he quickly turned around to plead with Shen Tianhao, but before the words were uttered, Shen Tianhao gave him a smile and interrupted him, "doctor Lu, try this tea. I know that you like the tribute tea that you specially sent to the imperial capital. It's only a few catties a year...

Lu Bingqian His face is ugly, which has the heart to drink tea, turned to look at Qin Tian, want to let him quickly admit a mistake, also save suffering.

But I didn't expect that Lu Bingqian just turned around and saw Qin Tian's smiling face.

"Mr. Lu, this tea is really good. Try some."

With that, Qin Tian seemed to have no idea that he had a hand on his shoulder and drank the tea in front of him.

When Lu Bingqian heard the words, he immediately choked back. The choking old man almost didn't come up!

For a moment, all the people present were stupid.

The strong man looked at his right hand and wondered if his hand strength was getting smaller!?

Shen Tianhao is even more surprised. I'm afraid that no one knows song Hu's strength better than him. Once his hands are pinched down, even his head will be broken into several pieces, let alone human shoulders!

And Hu an Tzu is as pale as death!

The purpose of bringing Qin Tian here was to win Shen Tianhao's favor. But I didn't expect that the patient didn't see him and didn't say anything. He was treated coldly by Shen Tianhao as soon as he entered the door. His business was completely yellow!

Qin Tian, Qin Tian, my Hu family can be destroyed in your hands!

Thinking of this, Juan Zi's face became more and more ugly.

Shen Tianhao called song Hu, a strong man, but Qin Tian didn't respond. He snorted again. The strength of his hands immediately increased from 30% to 70%!

"Ouch!? Do it! " Qin Tian's tea hand was stunned for a moment, and he took a surprise look at Song Hu. "The Shen family is really particular about it. They don't say that they have prepared the tea, but they also send someone to massage them. It's good, not bad!"

After that, Qin Tian deliberately exaggerates to drink a cup of tea, coldly said: "use some force, Shen family did not give you to eat how?"

Slap in the face! Face naked!

Not only hit song Hu's face, but also the Shen family's face!

For a moment, Shen Tianhao and song Hu's faces sank one after another!

"Hum!" Shen Tianhao snorted coldly, and the teacup slapped on the tea table. He leaned against the sofa with his face as heavy as water. He said coldly, "Song Hu, since the guests are not satisfied, you should use more force to save the gossip of outsiders, saying that the Shen family has treated the people below badly!"

"Yes, Mr. Shen!" With Shen Tianhao's consent, song Hu immediately brightened his eyes. "Boy, today I'll teach you a lesson to let you know what it's like to look down on Shen's family!"

With that, song Hu's right hand joint made an instant force and suddenly pinched Qin Tian's shoulder!"How dare you teach me a lesson if you're just in the training period?" Qin Tian suddenly sneered, suddenly burst out a strong murderous spirit, targeted will song Hu in the inside, the true Qi is transferred to song Hu's shoulder, as long as a little more force, song Hu's hand will be broken by him!

Before Qin Tian didn't know that song Hu had entered the period of physical training, but just now when he tried to pinch himself with all his strength, there was a trace of genuine flavor. At this time, Qin Tiancai thought that the song tiger had entered the period of physical training and reached the same level as Jiao Cheng's group of veterans!

After listening to Qin Tian's words, song Hu grabs Qin Tian's hand and suddenly trembles! Especially after feeling the cold killing intention and genuine Qi, his face turned pale in an instant!

This young man, the realm is so high!?

Song Hu suddenly silly, no wonder people take their own things, with other people is a capable person!

"Song, song Hu can't understand Mount Tai, please forgive me!"

In a hurry, song Hu took back his arm and stood by Qin Tian's side with a bow, sweeping the floor and bowing to Qin Tian!

Shen Tianhao frowned as soon as he saw it. "Disgraceful thing, song Hu, do you know what you're doing?"

This bastard, how could he lose his face in front of so many people!

Song Hu trembled and turned pale. Hearing Shen Tianhao speak, he quickly reached out to stop him, for fear that his next words would offend Qin Tian!

"Mr. Shen, I can't tell you something now. When all the guests leave, song Hu will report it truthfully. Even if the Shen family fired song Hu, song Hu will never complain!" Song Hu's voice is resolute, full of sincerity in the eyes!

Shen Tianhao immediately sat up against the sofa.

Song Hu is a bodyguard who has been with him for more than ten years. He has never done anything that disappoints him. Today's reaction is absolutely hard to say. Thinking of this, Shen Tianhao immediately nodded, "OK, let's wait until the guests leave... You go out first!"

What happened just now was like a riddle. Lu Bingqian and Hu Anzi didn't know what had happened. They were just surprised why Qin Tian was so disrespectful to the Shen family that they were not punished!

For a while, Lu Bingqian's eyes on Qin Tian became more and more profound, and Hu Anzi's heart also raised a silk of hope!

"What do you call this doctor?" Shen Tianhao's tone is still very high. Even though he heard Lu Bingqian call Qin Tian a little doctor of Qin, he still asked him last time to show his disdain for Qin Tian.

Qin Tian smelled the speech and frowned a little, but at this time, hu'anzi showed a look of praying to himself.

A little sigh, Qin Tian indifferent answer: "Qin Tian!"

"Oh, doctor Qin..." Shen Tianhao was very satisfied with Qin Tian's attitude. With a slight smile, he said to Qin Tian falsely and carelessly: "since you are here, let's have a look. Doctor Lu is going to treat my sister soon. You can also take this opportunity to learn more from Lu Shenyi. After all, there is not much chance of seeing the difficult and complicated diseases with your own eyes..."

with that, Shen turned to look at him Lu Bingqian.

"Shen Dashao, you don't know, this little doctor Qin's medical skills..." Lu Bingqian heard that Shen Tianhao wanted Qin Tian to learn from himself, so he hastened to explain.

"Ah Shen Tianhao put out his hand and stopped Lu Bingqian. "Old doctor Lu, you were recommended by our Shen family elders. I came to see my sister-in-law for their face. Naturally, I only trust your medical skills. As for some idle people, it's better to stand aside." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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