Shen Tianhao's words were very clear to all the people present.

I'm afraid Qin Tian will not be welcomed today.

Lu Bingqian was in a hurry. As soon as he patted his thigh, he immediately wanted to explain to Shen Tianhao that Qin Tian's medical skills were higher than his own, not a little bit!

But at this time, Qin Tian calmly patted Lu Bingqian twice and said with a smile, "old Lu, follow the fate."

Hearing this, Lu Bingqian felt sorry!

Qin Tian can come here, this Shen family miss's body should have had hope, but Shen Tianhao's such a toss, hope has become a lot less!

However, Shen Tianhao didn't know this. Song Hu had the heart to remind Shen Tianhao. However, in front of Qin Tian, he didn't dare to make too many mistakes. If he offended such existence, he would not have enough life to die!

Shen Tianhao orders his servant to call the lady out. He is chatting with Lu Bingqian while drinking tea. Qin Tian is too lazy to pay attention to him, and he still pours and drinks himself.

Not to mention, although Shen Tianhao's character is not very good, his tea is really good to drink.

Time is not long, the door was pushed open sound.

"Mr. Shen, here comes the young lady."

Qin Tian turned to look at the past, saw a slightly thin body, pale face with a morbid beautiful girl is being supported from outside to enter.

"Doctor Lu, let me introduce you. This is my sister-in-law Shen Qianxi." Seeing his sister coming, Shen Tianhao got up in a hurry and helped her to sit on the sofa. It can be seen how much he cared for her!

Shen Qianxi is 21 years old this year. Because of his illness, he has been attended by special people from childhood to adulthood. Even teachers come to school to teach at home.

Because he doesn't see outsiders very often, Shen Qianxi's personality is still more introverted and gentle. When his brother introduces himself to others, he immediately nods to everyone.

"Are you feeling better today?" Shen Tianhao asked Shen Qianxi with concern.

Shen Qianxi smile, just want to say better, let elder brother rest assured, then gently cough up.

Qin Tian saw the appearance and frowned slightly.

Shen Qianxi saw that her cough caused people's attention, and immediately looked at them embarrassed, but when she saw Qin Tian, an inexplicable feeling rose from her heart.

What was this feeling? She couldn't even tell herself.

"Qianxi, if you don't feel well, you'll see a doctor another day..." Shen Tianhao looked at his sister nervously, his eyes unspeakable.

Qin Tian saw this scene, constantly speechless, did not expect that Shen Dashao, who looks like some stinky fart, actually has such a side.

"Brother, I'm ok. People are here. Don't let them go for nothing. I can live." Shen Qianxi gave a considerate smile.

Hearing the speech, Shen Tianhao nodded, and then pointed to Lu Bingqian. "Qianxi, this is the doctor Lu, who was invited by his grandfather himself, and took time to come to see you."

After saying that, Shen Tianhao pointed to Hu Anzi again, "this is the lady of Hu family in the imperial capital, Hu Anzi."

Shen Qianxi nodded to them one after another, but when she was ready to listen to Shen Tianhao introducing Qin Tian, Shen Tianhao unexpectedly jumped him over.

For a moment, Shen Qianxi felt a little embarrassed because of his elder brother's impoliteness, so he nodded to Qin Tian with a smile.

Qin Tian saw Shen Qianxi so, and politely replied with a smile.

But Shen Tianhao did not know, because his sister's polite smile to Qin Tian completely changed Qin Tian's attitude towards Shen family.

"Miss Shen, can't you let the old man check your pulse?"

Lu Bingqian is a kind-hearted man with a white hair and a childish face. He is easy to be liked by his younger generation. When Shen Qianxi heard that he wanted to feel his pulse, he handed his wrist over almost without hesitation.

After a while, Lu Bingqian took his hand off Shen Qianxi's wrist and asked Shen Qianxi, "Miss Shen, have you ever monitored your body temperature over the years?"

Shen Qianxi smelled the speech and nodded slightly, "my father and elder brother are very related to Qianxi's body. There is a whole set of modern medical equipment at home, and there is also a whole medical team. I am under their examination almost all the time, and the temperature will be measured every other hour."

"That your temperature..." Lu Bingqian tentatively asked.

"Our young lady's temperature is about 35 degrees centigrade all year round." The maid next to Shen Qianxi replied.

The annual low temperature, Lu Bingqian a look, the fruit does not come out of his expectation, "but also accompanied by sleep puzzled, loss of appetite, right?"

"Yes." Shen Qianxi nodded slightly.

"Doctor Lu, what's wrong with my sister?" Shen Tianhao asked eagerly.

Over the years, the Shen family visited famous doctors, but no matter how they were treated, Shen Qianxi's illness did not get any better, leaving the whole Shen family in a state of grief.

"If I am right, Miss Shen's illness is due to the cold of her mother's mother when she was in her mother's womb, which caused her to fall into the root of the disease, resulting in the stagnation of cold and poisonous Qi in her body and the weakness of Qi." Speaking of this, Lu Bingqian pauses for a moment, looks at Shen Tianhao, and then continues to speak, "if I'm not wrong, your mother's body is suffering from body cold?""Yes! I remember my mother fell into the water when she was pregnant with my sister. If this is the reason, it should be the disease at that time! "

When he was pregnant with Shen Qianxi, Shen Tianhao was already sensible. It is not surprising to remember these things.

"Doctor Lu, how can I treat my sister's illness?"

"Drive away the cold poison in her body, and Miss Shen will be cured naturally." Lu Bingqian said, then from the side of the medicine box took out paper and pen, ready to give Shen Qianxi medicine.

"Miss Shen's body is full of cold and poison for a long time. I'm afraid it's not something that can be treated by ordinary decoction. In addition to some mild drugs, she also needs several pieces of tiger and wolf's medicine to fight poison with poison!" Lu Bingqian wrote a prescription on the yellow paper as he spoke.

"Good, as long as there is no danger, all listen to doctor Lu!" Shen Tianhao nodded.

Qin Tian listened to Lu Bingqian's medicine and nodded slightly, but then he shook his head.

"Old Lu, I don't know if you have noticed that Miss Shen's body..."

"when doctor Lu prescribes medicine, you'll have to talk more

In the middle of Qin Tian's words, Shen Tianhao quickly scolded him and blocked what Qin Tian was going to say next!

"Miss Hu, if the people you bring are specially for troublemaking, please go back. We Shen family dare not do business with your Hu family!" Shen Tianhao said coldly to hu'anzi.

As soon as Hu Anzi saw that the atmosphere was not right, he simply bit his teeth and quickly stood out. "Shen Dashao, doctor Qin is also a very capable doctor. He once cured my Tianyin Jue pulse. Today I brought him here to ask him to help Miss Shen see a doctor. I hope he can help...

" see a doctor!? It's up to him! "

Shen Tianhao sneers. Even if he believes that Qin Tian is a doctor and has some skills, he can only look at his twenties. Where can his medical skills be!?

"Mr. Shen, you can't say that. Although the doctor of Qin is young, his medical skills are really superb." Seeing that the situation had reached this stage, Hu an Zi simply put all his eggs on Qin Tian's body!

"Yes, Mr. Shen, I have seen doctor Qin's medical skills. His medical skills are not inferior to me." Lu Bingqian looks at Qin Tian apologetically. He is afraid to say that Qin Tian's medical skills are higher than him. Shen Tianhao doesn't believe him. He exaggerates himself and says that Qin Tian is not under him.

"Oh!? Well, I'm curious. How old is such a highly respected doctor of Qin? How many years have he studied medicine? " Shen Tianhao looks at Qin Tian coldly.

Qin Tian was ready to fight back to Shen Tianhao. Unexpectedly, the other party threw such a question. Then he scratched his head and said unnaturally, "it's not long since I studied medicine. It's two months..."

"two months?" When Shen Tianhao heard this, he immediately let out a big drink. "If you dare to come to see my sister in two months, do you think my daughter of Shen family is a beggar on the road?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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