The faces of the bodyguards showed the sound of sneer, as if Qin Tian had just said that sentence how ridiculous in general.

"Doctor, you are the one Mr. Shen wants to see. We don't want to fight with you. We will ask you once again whether we will go up with us or we will invite you up!"

The head of the bodyguard frowned, and obviously felt that Qin Tian's words were a little pompous.

Sure enough, with the words of the head of the bodyguard, the black suits around have been surrounded by bad intentions.

Qin Tian glanced at the group of people around him with a smile, "well, three minutes, you go together. If you can force me to do it in three minutes, I will follow you up!"


Qin Tian's words are like a bomb fell on the public in general, completely ignited the anger of all of you!

"Look, you've been forced to pretend that you can do it!"

"Damn it, I've been here for so many years. I didn't expect to be looked down upon by a doctor!"

"Don't get used to him, boss. It's his own request. Get him!"

For a moment, people have to reach out to deal with Qin Tian!

The head of the bodyguard frowned, but the long-term professional training did not allow him to really do as Qin Tian said. Then he nodded to a man beside him. The man immediately understood, and took a step forward to catch Qin Tian!

Qin Tian looked at it, and immediately picked up his eyebrows with banter.

The bodyguard is steady, without any hesitation. He grabs Qin Tian's neck with his hand. Obviously, he is an enemy who is used to one move!

However, as soon as he was about to catch Qin Tian, Qin Tian flashed like lightning, and his whole body instantly shifted 20 cm. The bodyguard did not even touch the clothes on his shoulders, let alone his neck!


This time, people were surprised!

Men's ability they all know, not to say is 20 cm short, even if it is a CM difference, we will not believe it!

The only explanation is that Qin Tian moved his body!

For a moment, people's faces were dignified, because they did not see clearly how Qin Tian acted!

"It seems that we belittle your majesty!"

The head of the bodyguard is a man of insight. Seeing that Qin Tian evaded the attack so easily, he made a decision and immediately waved to the bodyguards around him.

Almost no hesitation, clattered for a while, Qin Tian was surrounded by a circle of black suits, so that the first floor of the crowd have a look!

No. 1 residence itself has security, but when they see the posture of these bodyguards, they choose to take the initiative to retreat.

The black suit that can get in and out of the No. 1 residence is not something they can get into!

Qin Tian's shoulder trembled slightly and clamped the medicine box a little bit. He stood in the middle and laughed.

"This young man is not scared to be silly!"

"No, it's certainly not a simple role to get so many black suits ready!"

"Don't make any noise, just sit down and watch the play!"

On the sofa in the hall of No.1 residence, many people with identity paid attention to the drama at the elevator entrance, lit cigars one after another, and watched leisurely.

Even a few boring also opened a mouth - young people win a hundred, black suit won 80 to 1!

Actually, there are many people with money to participate in it!

"Well, don't blame me for not reminding you, you still have two and a half minutes!"

Qin Tian extremely peaceful smile, but by this group of bodyguards to see in the eye actually became to their ridicule!

For a time, there were four opportunities to kill, and they rushed to Qin Tian one after another!

Qin Tian smiles at the sight of the situation, and the genuine Qi in his body is released towards the surroundings. The whole scene of the hall on the first floor is instantly under his control. The movements of these black suits gradually become slow in his mind!

Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! ...

after a series of fists, Qin Tian was like a ghost in the crowd, and none of these bodyguards could meet Qin Tian!

The people watching the drama on the sofa in the distance are stupid. When have they seen such a scene!? Even the most powerful bodyguards around them are not as good as Qin Tian!

"These black suits are very similar to my bodyguards. They should also be special forces soldiers. I didn't expect that they could not even touch the corners of his clothes!"

"It's amazing that you can avoid such a high-density attack!"

"This young man, absolutely a master

Soon three minutes later, Qin Tian jumped out of the black suit!

At this time, the bodyguard who pushed Qin Tian's eyes was about to rush towards Qin Tian, but he was stopped by the head of the bodyguard!

"Three minutes." Qin Tian glanced at the black suit, and then burst out the murderous spirit. "If you start again, don't blame me for being rude!"Hum!

A group of bodyguards are stunned by Qin Tian's sudden murderous spirit. When they look at Qin Tian, Qin Tian stands in the middle of a sea of corpses like a demon coming, as if he would be torn to pieces if he took another step forward!

For a while, all the bodyguards held their breath, until Qin Tian turned to leave, only to feel the sweat seeping into the back!

At the moment, Shen Tianhao was drinking tea with Lu Bingqian, and suddenly the micro earphone in his ear suddenly vibrated.

"What's the matter?" Shen Tianhao asked indifferently.

"Shen, general manager Shen, the doctor... We failed to keep him..."

the head of the bodyguard at the end of the walkie talkie was shaking. It was not that he was afraid of Shen Tianhao blaming him, but he was scared by Qin Tian just now and didn't calm down.

Shen Tianhao frowned slightly, "was he escaping?"

"No, no, it went out from the main gate in good faith. Our joint efforts failed to stop him..."


Shen Tianhao's eyes widened in disbelief!

These bodyguards are all elite veterans selected by song Huqian. Even in the whole imperial capital, no bodyguard team can match them. Even if they are mercenaries on the border, they have the power to fight. Qin Tian is thin and weak, and can break through them!?

"Are you afraid of hurting him, so you didn't do your best?" Shen Tianhao frowned.

The head of the bodyguard was humiliated by Shen Tianhao's another question. He had to bite his teeth and reply humbly: "Mr. Shen, we tried our best. Even if we didn't even meet the corner of his clothes at the end of the day, maybe I couldn't stand and talk to you without his mercy..."

when Shen Tianhao heard this, he opened his mouth wide, but fortunately, his mind was excellent Immediately, he covered up the look on his face, and then calmly said to song Hu, "before dinner, I want to see all the information about this man!"

Song Hu smell speech, eyes dodge two times, but still brave scalp agreed to come down!

Then Shen Tianhao looked at Hu an Zi, who was standing on one side with a smile. "Miss Hu, the doctor you've got is really extraordinary. My Shen Tianhao's face has been slapped by him."

Hu'anzi didn't know the news from Shen Tianhao's earphone. Seeing Shen Tianhao's expression, he immediately fell into a cold sweat.

"Shen Dashao, is something wrong?" Hu an Zi asked uneasily.

"What happened?" Shen Tianhao asked back, followed by a sneer, "it's OK. It's just that Dr. Qin has a bad temper. My bodyguards didn't get him back..."

"gone Hu'anzi's face changed, and a sense of despair burst out of his heart.

My business is completely destroyed!

However, hu'anzi did not blame Qin Tian. If he was repeatedly humiliated, he would never choose to stay.

Lu Bingqian sighed in silence. Although he had some confidence in himself, Qin Tian reminded him that he had to start taking medicine carefully. If something happened to Miss Shen, he could not afford it.

After that, Lu Bingqian gently sketched several pieces of tiger and wolf medicine on the prescription and went away...

the Shen family took the prescription to go without mentioning it. Qin Tian took a taxi and went back to the hospital. When he got there, a group of students in casual clothes surrounded him.

"Mr. Qin, we've come to learn health preservation from you!"

The first student was the boy named Yang Fan who had reminded Qin Tian to pay attention to the maintenance of his body in class. Now he came to find Qin Tian. It was he who managed it!

"Well, as long as you are willing to learn, I will teach you well!"

Qin Tian smiles and calculates the time. It has been summer vacation for more than a week. These children should have enough at home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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