He told Gu Xiaomin to take care of the clinic at home. Qin Tian took the group of students to the park not far away. There are many Taiji masters or old ladies dancing square every day. It would not be too abrupt to take these people by himself.

In this way, a dozen students followed Qin Tian and went to the park noisily.

Yang Fan came to Qin Tian's side without a trace, looked around, lowered his voice and asked Qin Tian, "Mr. Qin, can you really strengthen your kidney?"

Qin Tianwen speech, slightly Zheng for a moment, "don't worry, as long as you persist in cultivation, don't say strong kidney, even if the life can be extended!"

Qin Tian said this is not aimless. This health preserving skill is one of the most classic works in his memory inheritance, which is almost comparable to the Wuqinxi.

However, Wuqinxi has one drawback, that is, it requires a higher degree of physical coordination, without a certain foundation, it is difficult to learn Wuqinxi.

Yang Fan heard Qin Tian say so, immediately satisfied with a smile.

When Qin Tian saw this, he also laughed in his heart. He said that no matter what age a man was, he was most concerned about this problem. He thought that he couldn't even get in the door, so he thought about all the ways.

Soon a group of people arrived at the square of the park. Sure enough, it had been occupied by some old people who were doing exercises. It took a long time to find an open space in a corner where more than ten people could fight.

Just stood a fixed position, Qin Tian told them to stand in accordance with the formation of radio gymnastics.

"I've already introduced health preserving exercise in class, but since it's a kind of exercise, the effect is certainly not as fast as the medicine."

"Teacher, we understand that the medicine is three parts poisonous. If it comes slowly, we are willing to do so." Yang Fan suddenly answers, and the most active one is this boy.

Qin Tian said with a smile, "you're right. It's not good to take medicine after all. Health preservation is better than this. However, you should be prepared mentally, and you should stick to it for a long time."

Qin Tian finished, then swept a circle, the people are also very polite to respond to Qin Tian.

"Well, pay attention to it. I'll call you again, and then we'll learn it slowly."

With that, they all watched Qin Tian's boxing.

If we say that before Qin Tian, a group of young people walking on the square is not very eye-catching, then this moment has attracted almost everyone's attention!

"Oh, there are still young people who are willing to fight. It's rare!"

An old man who was playing Tai Chi stood still and said surprisingly.

"What's more, it's not uncommon. You can see that this young man's boxing is different from our Taijiquan. How can you feel so artistic..."

another old man watched, and his hands moved with Qin Tian. The more he moved, the more he felt that the boxing was not simple.

"Oh!? Then I'll try! " The old man who began to talk began to fight with him.

These two old men, who have been playing Taiji for more than 20 years since retirement, can see at a glance that this boxing is not simple.

However, they only know one of them, but they don't know the other. This set of boxing is not only artistic conception, but also very practical. As long as you practice it well, even an 80 year old man can defeat a 20-year-old boy with his fist technique!

"Oh!? Isn't the doctor Qin who took the lead in jishengtang? "

"Really, he came here to teach others boxing!"

"Hurry up, let's learn. This little doctor Qin is not a simple character. His boxing skills must be extraordinary!"

A group of people you a word I a word, then began to walk towards Qin Tian they side in the past.

After a fist, Qin Tian began to teach people one by one. Unconsciously, the old people around him began to follow Qin Tianxue.

Qin Tian looks back and smiles at the crowd.

Whether it is hanging pot to help the world or to spread boxing, the meaning of Qin Tian is the same. As long as it is conducive to people's health, it is to make contributions to traditional Chinese medicine!

Boxing law in full swing, almost in the park square set off a wave!

"Special, who let you fight here?"

All of a sudden, there was a burst of swearing.

Qin Tian turned his head and saw a dozen gangsters in hip-hop suits with colorful hair on their heads. They skated and came near. When they stopped, they kicked down a folding stool brought by an old man and made a crackling noise.

They all looked at the past one after another, and all of them unconsciously took a few steps back.

"What are you doing? This place is not yours. You can't fight here!" As soon as Yang Fan saw the man kick down the old man's stool, he immediately wanted to go up and argue with them.

But before he came forward, an old man grabbed his arm.

"Young man, don't be impulsive. This man is a gangster in this area. The place where we fight boxing is usually the place where they practice skateboarding..." the old man said with an ugly face.Qin Tianyi, no wonder there are so many people in the whole square. They have occupied the whole square for a long time.

The gangster heard that the old man was so afraid of himself that he suddenly burst into laughter, "how about, you little bastard, who owns this place?"

Yang Fan looked at them and didn't know how to retort.

Qin Tian closed his posture at this time, walked through the crowd to the front, said calmly to the skater: "even if you practice skateboarding, you can't make this place your private place, right?"!? In public places, you can skateboard here, and we can fight here. "

"Pooh! Which onion is your special code!? What public places do you dare to tell Laozi? " The skateboard man spat on the ground with a mouthful of phlegm, pointing his finger at Qin Tian and swearing.

Qin Tian is used to seeing this kind of muddle, also not angry, still standing there.

There is an old man who is afraid of Qin Tian's loss. Quietly, he hopes that he can step back. Don't take a broad view with these gangsters. It's just a matter of changing places.

But where is Qin Tian the kind of person who can tolerate these thugs!?

"If you are willing to practice skateboarding here, I still say that, this is a public place, no one can occupy it, we can give you half of the space, but if you are still so unreasonable, then don't blame me for not giving you any place!"

Qin Tian's words are reasonable and well founded. They are neither deceiving nor humble. A reasonable person can agree.

But it is obvious that these people in front of Qin Tian are not reasonable people.

"I'll go to your mother's house. Who are you going to share equally with?" The skateboard man's face was full of ferocity, and his mouth was dirty. He pushed Qin Tian up and said, "hurry up and get rid of me. Otherwise, don't blame my friends for being rude!"

With that, the skateboard man kicked down a folding stool again!

"Get these stools up, now!" Qin Tian drank coldly, and his face gradually sank.

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