Skateboarding man seems to have not expected Qin Tian to dare to be so tough in front of himself. He is stunned by Qin Tian.

"Oh, who is your special code, the thing between two legs? Dare to talk hard to our elder brother!"

A gangster like man came out from behind and kicked Qin Tian in the past!

For a moment, everyone took a breath!

Xiao Qin is a famous doctor. He is good at medical skills. But I didn't expect to be so impulsive and dare to fight with a group of gangsters.

It's so irrational!

Just when everyone thought Qin Tian was going to suffer a loss, he saw Qin Tian's body deviated and his left leg swung. Then he lifted the leg that the Hun kicked out. For a time, the Hun not only kicked an empty leg, but also the leg had a forward trend!

At the sound of tearing and pulling, the bastard's two legs were put out and sat on the ground. A huge opening was opened in the crotch, revealing the sultry T-shirt inside!


a group of new-born calf students immediately burst into laughter when they saw that the Hun made an embarrassing mistake. At this time, many people remembered that Qin Tian was the master who could defeat even the school taekwondo coach, even if he was a little jerk!?

"Oh, I'll go!" The little gangster howled, covered his crotch and lay on the ground. It really hurt.

Qin Tian went over and bent over, grabbed the collar of the little gangster and threw it out suddenly. He knocked down several things until he finally stopped in the square!

"I'm grass mud horse, even Lao Zi's people dare to beat, kill him for me!" The skateboarding man saw that his little brother was beaten, and with a wave of his hand, four or five thugs behind him took out the guys and rushed to Qin Tian. One of them also took up the folding stool on the ground and smashed Qin Tian's head in!

Qin Tian saw this scene, his body deviated, and seized the folding stool. He clapped his back hand on the Thug's head. The little gangster fell on the ground without even humming!


a series of muffled noises, and all the little thugs with the guy were lying on the ground. The rest of them, including the skateboard man, screamed and rushed to the ground!

Qin Tian stood in the same place, even did not hide, folding stool up and down, backhand will hit, is a burst of bang bang, those little bastards all lie on the ground!

From the beginning to the end, before and after absolutely no more than half a minute!

The old people around him clapped his hands to Qin Tian one after another!

"Good boy!"

"If I'm 50 years younger, I'll get rid of them too!"

"If only our grandson could be like this young man

Sighing sound bursts of, all people are facing Qin Tian, compared with the thumb.

"Damn it, you can't go!"

Skateboarding man struggled to get up from the ground, said while retreating, twinkling of an eye from Qin Tian more than ten meters away!

"Don't worry, this place is a public place. I'd like to be here, and I won't leave!"

Qin Tian said indifferently, secretly determined that we must clean up the people who occupy the territory today!

The skateboard man groaned in pain and made a phone call. Before long, a group of gangsters poured into the other side of the square. The first one was a strong man, with a cigarette in his mouth. He looked very murderous!

"Damn it, who dares to make trouble in Laozi's territory? I'm impatient to live!" The strong man is very arrogant to drink a sound, even if separated by dozens of meters can hear clearly!

The skateboarding man walked with a twinkle, nodded and went to the strong man's side and said, "Mingge, it's this boy. He not only robbed our territory, but also hit our people. Mingge, you must make decisions for us!"

The strong man called Mingge slapped the skateboard man's head with a slap and said, "useless things, a group of people can't even beat one person. What do I want you to do?"

"No, Mingge, this boy has some skills and Kung Fu in his hand..." skateboarding man said with some grievances.

"Kung Fu!? Then he's afraid of this! "

With that, Mingge had a knife in his hand!

As the saying goes, "no matter how high your Kung Fu is, you're afraid of a kitchen knife." I don't believe it. You can't bleed if you're stabbed!

With this, the man named Mingge went to Qin Tian!

"Boy, it's crazy. Please give me a name on that road."

Mingge drank coldly, and the knife in his hand was tossed up and down, as if he would poke a hole in Qin Tian.

Qin Tian glanced at them and said faintly, "don't you come to find the court for them!? Do you think you can leave after I give you a name!? If you want to fight, you can fight together

"I'm a grass mud horse. I don't need our brother ming to do it. I'll take care of you!"

With that, a little gangster stepped forward and stabbed Qin Tian with his knife!

Those who can follow Mingge are all with some Kung Fu in their hands. If this knife goes out, ordinary people will not be able to escape!Qin Tian looked at the knife that was getting closer and closer. His face gradually cooled down. Raising his hand was a slap in the face. The rascal turned three times and lay still on the ground!

Ze a slap in the face to suppress all the people present!

Qin Tan glanced at them coldly and asked, "who else!? I'll have to teach students health preservation

At this time, Mingge seems to think of something, looking at Qin Tian's eyes become complicated up!

"You, you are..."

the more he saw Qin Tian, the more familiar he felt. He was surprised at the last sight, and then his legs became soft and almost knelt on the ground!

When Qin Tian swept the Phoenix Terrace and hundreds of hooligans at the gate called "Mr. Qin", he hid in the crowd around him. The figure of Qin Tian's cattle was always kept in his mind. He even took Qin Tian as his own example and determined to be like Qin Tian in the future!

But who could have thought that I met Qin Tian on such an occasion!

Qin Tian looked at Mingge's reaction, raised his hand and put it down. He asked in surprise, "do you know me?"

As soon as Mingge looked at Qin Tian's question, he quickly changed into a smiling face, "how can you not know Mr. Qin? Last time you swept the Phoenix Terrace, hundreds of gangsters raised their arms and yelled, I was hiding and looking. Because it was too far away, I didn't see your appearance clearly. I just recognized it just now..."

brother Ming is tall, but I don't know why. When I said this, I did Always feel short qintian half.

Qin Tian heard, suddenly realized, "then you say, your little brother was beaten by me, what are you going to do?"

As soon as brother Ming heard this, he immediately looked straight, "Mr. Qin, you are good at fighting. These little brats are not sensible. I have long wanted to fight. Today they collide with Mr. Qin. You can deal with it as you like. I will never cover them up!"

I'm kidding. I don't think my life is long enough to protect my younger brother in front of this Buddha!?

Qin Tian took a look at the group of little thugs who were shaking with fear. He didn't want to see them in the same way. Then he shook his hands and said to Mingge, "tell them that from today on, you are not allowed to play in the square. Even if you let me know that they bully the old people, don't blame me for being rude, even you will do it together!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Qin said that I would tell them not to make the same mistake again..."

with that, Mingge slapped the skateboard man on the head again!

"Go away!"

Go away, Mingge, if facing the amnesty, quickly took his men to slip out from the square.

Skateboarding man runs with Mingge and asks Mingge, "Mingge, who is this person? Even you have to be so polite?"

Mingo wiped the sweat on his forehead and slapped him in the face of the skateboard man.

"I'm a grass mud horse. Do you know that if you're not lucky today, it's not enough for all of us to die there just because of the things you've just provoked?"

"Mingge, I'm wrong..." a skateboarding man who slapped his face cried and apologized to Mingge, and then asked, "Mingge, who is he in the end?"

"Who is it?"!? Do you know the Qin palace!? That's the boss of Qin palace just now, Mr. Qin tianqin! "

Mingge's words fell. All these bastards at the scene were weak and almost knelt on the ground! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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