These bastards left with luck. Qin Tian's Kung Fu has aroused the interest of all present. More and more people gathered behind Qin Tian to fight with him.

"Get out of here!"

At Tang Qingyang's command, the woman jumped out of bed in a hurry and left the room without even putting on her clothes. Because she knew too well that if she didn't meet the requirements of Tang Qingyang, she might be beaten by him!

"Young master!"

At this time, the bodyguard waiting for a long time outside came in slowly.

"How are things going?"

Tang Qingyang wiped his body and asked questions.

"Young master, we have paid a lot of money to contact Thai boxing champion Nai guess, he has agreed, and will arrive in Songshan in a week!"

"Within a week!" Tang Qingyang's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face also showed a cruel look, "then let the soft eater be arrogant for another week, just in time, I can also raise my legs..."

lying in bed these two days, Tang Qingyang has hated Qin Tian to the bone, and he will be killed immediately!

"Go, and find me a couple of little internet stars!" Tang Qingyang told the bodyguard.

This period of time to lie in bed, just take advantage of this opportunity how refreshing!

"Yes, young master!" The bodyguard went out very dutifully.


in the afternoon, Qin Tian returned to the medical center, and was rarely free. Qin Tian prepared to guide Gu Xiaomin and Chen Qiang on medical skills.

But when Qin Tiangang sat down, Gu Yiming called him with great excitement, and said to him in a very excited tone: "brother God, this week, the sales of our health cream have reached a new high. In the evening, we will organize everyone to go out to play and build a group. You can also come along!"

"Ah!? I know one person from your company. It's not suitable for me to go there! " Qin Tian said with some embarrassment.

Although the formula is provided by myself, I have never done anything. I don't know anyone in the company. If I go there, I can only sit and drink. It's better to go home and sleep more.

"Come on, the company has recruited a vice president, who is very capable. I can introduce you to her, so that she can contact you if the company has something to do." Gu Yiming smiles, and when the company is on the right track, he is ready to be a shopkeeper!

"Well, send me the location later." Then Qin Tian hung up the phone.

In fact, Gu Yiming and Qin Tian have done the League building several times. Qin Tian refuses to invite Qin Tian every time, and Gu Yiming doesn't ask for it. But this time, Gu Yiming is surprisingly moved out of the vice president, which shows how satisfied he is with this deputy.

At more than seven o'clock in the evening, Qin Tian came out of the hospital and drove to the royal court bar not far away. Qin Tian vaguely remembers that he had a fight with Lin Wanru in that bar some time ago. The boss there seemed to be Chen Er Ge.

While driving on the road, Qin Tian prayed in his heart that he would not make any mistakes this evening. He really didn't want to fight with a group of gangsters who had drunk medicine. How could it be that he always fought with a group of thugs without saying his identity!?

After a short time, Qin Tian came to the gate of the imperial court. Looking from a distance, a group of people gathered at the gate, as if waiting for someone.

As soon as qintian's Land Rover drove over, many people were attracted by the huge machine, and they guessed what kind of person they would drive such a car!

"Mr. Qin!"

The car was just fine, Zhou Jingbian trotted over to open the door for Qin Tian.

In the movie and Television City, he saw Qin Tian's car and recognized it at a glance.


Qin Tian smile, he pulled the door, slowly from the car down.

Zhou Jing seems to be a little embarrassed, but then he eases up and takes Qin Tian to the crowd.

"Dear colleagues, this is Mr. Qin, a good friend of President Gu, and also a distinguished guest of our company. Please applaud

As he spoke, Zhou Jing took the lead and clapped his hands.

Qin Tian looked at so many people eagerly looking at himself, looking a little embarrassed.

How did you not find out several times ago that Zhou Jing was so philistine!?

After a short time, a pink Porsche stops in front of the crowd. Gu Yiming steps down from the co pilot and stands with Qin Tian.

Pink Porsche, needless to say, is driven by a girl.

As soon as Gu Yiming finished, before Gu Yiming had time to answer, a woman came down from the driver's seat. The woman's Black Halter Top showed her exquisite clavicle. Her business line became indistinct with a touch of white and tender bulge. A leather skirt, lace pantyhose and black pointed high-heeled shoes made her look extremely sexy and charming!

"How are you, pretty?" Gu Yiming stabbed Qin Tian with his elbow. His face was extremely proud.

"What's the matter, girlfriend?" Qin Tian raised his eyebrows.Since Qin Tian knew him until now, he has never seen any girl entangled with him.

"What girlfriend? This is the daughter of my father and his brothers. She has been abroad before and just came back. Since I have nothing to do, I have been playing as a vice president. The old people of the two families are willing to set us up, but we don't call, just like brothers!" Gu Yiming shrugs his shoulders, obviously speaking the truth.

Qin Tian takes a look at the girl again. In addition to wearing sexy and charming clothes, a pretty face is also delicate and enviable.

"Gu Yiming, what are you doing there?" As soon as the girl looked after a man standing together with a thin man and whispering to himself, she came over with her waist in.

"No, no, I don't dare, I'm not going to introduce friends to you..." Gu Yiming raised his hands in a hurry, as if afraid to make her angry.

"Brother Tian, this is my childhood sister, Cheng Yi, the new vice president of the company!"

Gu Yiming introduces Qin Tian very formally, and then stands by Cheng Yi's side, pointing to Qin Tian, "my good brother, Qin Tian, you can follow me to call Tian Ge!"

"I'm not your daughter-in-law. Why do I follow you?" Cheng Yibang, followed by a slight smile on Qin Tian, very refreshing extended his right hand, "Hello Qin Tian, I'm Cheng Yi, glad to meet you!"

Qin Tian Wen speech slightly a Leng, surprised, quickly back to God, hand stretched in the past, "my name is Qin Tian!"

"The name is very manly, unlike some people, the name is like a baby who can't live without a mother." Cheng Yi said as he spoke, looking at Gu Yiming intentionally or unintentionally.

Gu Yiming immediately widened his eyes, "Hello, Cheng Yi, you can make it clear, who is the mother's child?"

Cheng Yi smiles and doesn't care about him. He pulls Qin Tian to the door of the bar, leaving Gu Yiming and a group of people in disorder in the wind!

Being pulled by Cheng Yi, Qin Tian can't help but drop his sight on her body. His eyes can't help but glance at the lace pantyhose under her skirt. He can't help but feel a burst of heat.

I haven't touched a woman for more than half a month. As soon as I see a woman dressed like this, Qin Tian's heart is itchy and unbearable. It seems that some of her heart is stirred up!

But it's not to blame Qin Tian. Any man can't be immune to such a woman. Even if he doesn't make mistakes, he still can't help itching. This is also a common problem of men. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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