Qin Tian hears the speech and waves directly to the bartender inside the bar.

Bartenders are usually the owners of watching the fun. They can sell wine and watch the fun. They can kill two birds with one stone. They put two bottles of vodka on the bar counter and put six vodka glasses on the bar!

At this time, the activity in front of the bar also attracted the attention of these people in the bar. Many people gathered around, hoping to see something lively.

"Can you drink?" Cheng Yi looks at Qin Tian in surprise, because when he was drinking with everyone on the card seat just now, Qin Tian hardly carries the cup.

Qin Tian looked at her with a smile, "for you, you can't drink, you have to drink!"

Cheng Yi listens to slightly a Leng, Qin Tian seems to be a joke, let her sour heart instantly become a lot of warm.

Simply do not stop Qin Tian, let Qin Tian like a hero in front of himself to block wine!

Qin Tian, who was ready, took the wine bottle and poured it into the cup. The sound of the wine was heard, and he soon filled six cups.

"Drink it The man looked at Qin Tian with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Six glasses of wine is close to the amount of three jin, no one dare to drink three jin high wine at one breath!

I'll see how you can resist these six glasses of wine without taking medicine!

The people in the periphery also focused their attention on Qin Tian, as if they were waiting to see the scene of Qin Tian drinking and then falling to one side!

Qin Tian smiles, just like roll call, picks up the wine glasses in front of him one by one, and drinks six cups of wine in one breath!


I don't know who called out, and the whole bar was boiling up, as if cheering for Qin Tian's drinking capacity!

But they don't know that Qin Tian's back has already become extremely wet at the moment, and even drips down his legs.

In other words, the bar is a place with strong liquor taste. If you change a place, people will find that Qin Tian's back pores are full of alcohol instead of sweat!

If in the past, let alone vodka, even if it is more than 30 degrees of low alcohol wine, Qin Tian is also a cup to pour, but now is not the same, the body with genuine Qi qintian, as long as a little operation, will be able to the body's alcohol along the pores out of the body!

It's a dream to get Qin Tian drunk!

The man saw Qin Tian drink up six glasses of wine on the bar in one breath, and then sat there like a man who didn't have a problem. He opened his mouth in an instant!

"You... You're ok?" The man asked in doubt.

"Why, you wish I had something to do?" Qin Tian smiles slightly, indifferently asks back.

"Yes, you cow The man gave a thumbs up to Qin Tian and sneered bitterly in his heart, "waiter, serve wine!"

Then two more bottles of vodka were put on the table.

"Brother, don't say I'm unkind. Just now that she's female, I'll have two drinks and she'll have one. But now it's you. Do we have to be one-on-one?" The man pointed to the cup in front of him and said very hard.

Qin Tian looked at him and nodded, "yes, you are so kind."

"All right, let's have a cup for each of us..."

the man was about to say how to drink when Qin Tian interrupted him.

"Just now you let her go. Now I'll give you the favor. I'll drink two, you can drink me, and you can take her away!"

When the man heard this, he immediately widened his eyes, "man, are you crazy?"

I don't want my life for a woman!?

"Why, are you afraid?" Qin TianChao picked his eyebrows and asked in disdain.

"I'm afraid you scold the next door! I'm afraid to drink you to death The man immediately yelled, and then he picked up the cup in front of him and dried it in one mouthful!

seeing that he had drunk the wine in the cup, Qin Tian quietly picked up the two wine cups in front of him and slowly poured them into his mouth.

At this time, a man in a suit came out of the side door of the bar. Standing next to the bar, he said very impolitely, "you guys, we don't stop you from drinking, but there is one thing I have to make clear in advance. If you drink something good or bad here, our bar is not responsible!"

"Don't worry. You won't be held responsible." Qin Tian waved his hand and let him go.

When the man saw Qin Tian didn't care, he nodded and motioned the suit man to leave.

There are monitors everywhere in the bar. The man in suit turns around and leaves when he sees the steps he reminds him to do. He tells the bartender to pay the bill for each bottle when he gives them another drink. He saves money and confiscates the money.

In a blink of an eye, the two bottles of wine on the bar once again saw the bottom.

Just when Qin Tian is ready to order another two bottles with the waiter, Cheng Yi grabs his hand.

"You can't drink any more. You'll lose your life if you drink any more!"

Qin Tian saw Cheng Yi's nervous look for the first time!

"If you lose it, you have to drink it. You can't watch you being taken away by someone else!" Qin Tian said half jokingly to Cheng Yi."I'd rather go with him myself than see what happened to you." Although Cheng Yi said it with a smile, he was deeply moved by Qin Tian.

"If you say that, I'll have to drink more."

Can't because of this wine, still take your innocence!?

It's a bit obscene. I can see from Qin Tian's first sight that Cheng Yi is a full-fledged girl. How can he get such goods cheap!?

At this time, the man has been with the bartender good wine, three bottles of vodka placed in front of him, two of them directly pushed in front of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian immediately understood what he meant. He pushed aside the cup in front of him and said to the man, "come on, brother, this time it's simpler. Let's not use the cup either. I'll have two bottles, and you'll have one. Let's blow them directly."

The man heard, immediately silly!

His wine so divided, the purpose is to give Qin Tian some sense of oppression, did not expect that the sense of oppression did not increase, but let the other party will give him an army!

Fortunately, he was also a veteran of the wine market and soon calmed down.

He took the medicine and drank less than he did. He was absolutely worse than himself!

If he can still drink these two bottles, it will be his own bad luck!

"Just drink it!" The man saw Qin Tian pick up the bottle of wine, he also took it up.

However, he drank very slowly. He watched Qin Tian while drinking. He was ready to wait for Qin Tian to stop.

But what he didn't expect was that Qin Tian drank as much as water. He poured it into his neck, even gasping!

"Come on, come on, come on..."

for a moment, the bar sounded a cheer for Qin Tian!

"Brother, drink it. It's going to be a bottle after all. You've only had two drinks now. You're cheating!"

At this time, the onlookers can't see it anymore, and they yell loudly.

For a time, the man became the focus of the crowd, had to look up and began to learn to drink like Qin Tian.

However, at the moment, his body's wake-up medicine has been almost consumed, the strong smell of alcohol floating in his nose, immediately there is a sense of vomiting rushed up, finally pressed down.

Cheng Yi looks at Qin Tian nervously. The first time he met, he drank so much, for fear that he would have problems drinking.

Qin Tian gulps and gulps down two bottles of vodka. He tosses it casually. The wine bottle is like a switch that starts the excitement. It falls on the ground with a slap, and the whole scene cheers up!


People who watched the excitement kept shouting hello to Qin Tian. Seeing that Qin Tian was so fierce, those employees of Gu Yiming company clapped hands for Qin Tian one after another, especially several female staff members in their twenties who had just graduated from university. Don't look at Qin Tian with much admiration!

This is the hormone of walking! If you can have such a boyfriend, who would like any fresh meat!?

After cheering, all the people's eyes were focused on the man's body, only to see the wine bottle hanging in the mouth, actually did not pour down a mouthful!

"Oh, my brother, it's not authentic!" At this time, several gangsters like to walk past.

Don't look at them as mischievous. What they despise most is that they are slippery and insipid!

Up from the back of the head is a slap, the man almost swallowed the bottle!

"Hurry up and drink specially. If you don't drink it, you can eat the wine bottle!" If you don't drink, we'll help you drink!

The man was scared to shiver, quickly endure the desire to vomit, speed up the speed of drinking!

However, after all, the emperor's golden bottle is only a simple wine medicine, which can make him stay up to now is a miracle. After the man poured a large mouthful of wine into it, he vomited it out with a whoop, and the wine bottle was also smashed on the ground!

"Oh, NIMA, are you disgusting?"

The crowd dispersed in an instant, because the man's spitting attitude was just like that of the fountain, which actually spewed out several meters away. It can be seen how much wine he had just drunk!

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