There was no accident that the gang beat him up!

The man was beaten by them and almost cried. Finally, Qin Tian said a few words to the gangsters before they let the man go.

Rubbed a body vomit, the man no longer has the face to stay in the bar, got up and then ran away in a gray.

"Go, let's go dancing!" Cheng Yi's face was flushed. He didn't know whether he was drinking wine or Qin Tian was angry and excited for her just now. He hooked Qin Tian's neck and walked towards the dance floor in the middle of the bar!

Just now the good play let the crowd have excited up, DJ a look, quickly with this force sounded deafening music, dance floor people also have crazy twist up.

Qin Tian stood on the dance floor awkwardly wriggling. Although he had been to the bar several times, he never danced.

At this moment, Qin Tian was actually praying for the spirit consciousness in his head to activate the ability to re engrave their dancing appearance.

But there are no rules for dancing in bars. One person is the same. Even if it's a replica, it's impossible to copy all the dancing movements of everyone, right!?

Seeing Qin Tian jump like a stroke, Cheng Yi can't help laughing. He grabs his hands and puts them on his waist. While twisting, he signals Qin Tian to follow his own rhythm.

In foreign countries, those yellow haired students like to have parties. They are always ready to get up. Cheng Yi will play with them when he is free. He can be regarded as an old hand.

Put his hand on Cheng Yi's waist without any weight. Smelling Cheng Yi's smell, Qin Tian's blood boils up unconsciously!

Especially when Cheng Yi is so enchanted that he can't get rid of it. When he rubs to Qin Tian, Qin Tian becomes more and more excited and uncontrollable!

In fact, Cheng Yi didn't mean to do it. It's very common to dance in the evening. Especially when the surrounding atmosphere is high, it's hard to avoid getting excited.

Qin Tian looks at the female vice president with a red face in his arms. He lowers his head in embarrassment, and his action is not as sexy as before.

Qin Tian a look, quickly find an excuse to return to the card seat.

The first time I met people, this kind of thing happened. Qin Tian wanted to find a crack to drill in.

But who knows Qin Tian's buttocks haven't settled down yet, Cheng Yi also follows him to sit over, a pair of beautiful big eyes still from time to time toward Qin Tian's pants.

"Is that your compliment to me?" Cheng Yi has a bad smile. His eyes look at Qin Tian's pants again. "First hard for respect!"

Cheng Yi, I don't care if I'm touched by a man

With that, Cheng Yi took up his glass and poured it down with a sip. His eyes flashed again with a lost light.

The reason why Cheng Yi returned home is that her lover is going to get married, and she is going to marry the most famous dandy in her class!

That son of a bitch, married his girlfriend, actually also hit his head, want to play a dragon and two phoenix in bed!

Qin Tianwen speech, mouth open almost can be stuffed under a steamed bread.

She's the legendary lace!?

"What!? Are you surprised? " Cheng Yi looks at Qin Tian and smiles.

She has long been used to the expression of men after they know they are lace. When Gu Yiming knew the news, she was more excited than Qin Tian.

"Er, it's not..." Qin Tian noticed his gaffe and quickly put up his expression, explaining: "I haven't seen it in my life circle, and I don't understand it, so I'm surprised..."

"it's OK, you'll understand it slowly!"

With that, Cheng Yi doesn't care about Qin Tian and goes back to the dance floor again, but this time she's dancing with women in the company.

To be honest, she would never dance with a man she felt especially good about.

At this time, in an office inside the bar, a pale, but still heroic man was sitting in front of the screen, looking coldly at the screen.

"Are you sure it's him?" The man's voice was hoarse and cold.

"Big brother, I know him even if he turns to dust. Last time, he abandoned the second brother!"

A little punk stood next to the man and pointed to the figure on the screen and replied!

Last time Qin Tian made a big noise in the bar, two knives were thrown out, and dozens of brothers were admitted to the hospital. This devil like figure will never be forgotten in his life!

If someone stands here, they will recognize the figure on the screen, not Qin Tian, who can it be!?

And this pale man is Chen Jun, the boss behind the scenes of this bar, and Chen Er elder brother, who was abandoned by Qin Tian, is the younger brother of his compatriots!

The two brothers have been running this bar for more than ten years. They have been playing with the people on the Songshan road. The people on the road are playing with black, while their brothers are playing with poison!

A girl in exposed clothes stood by, dripping unknown liquid into it with a dropper."In the last fight, the bar business was cut by nearly half, and the ice couldn't be sold. This time, I'm going to find a quiet place." Chen Jun leaned back on the chair, and a cold killing idea flashed under his eyes. The girl was very sensible and put the cigar in his mouth to light it, "arrange good hands, do it clean!"

"Yes! Don't worry, brother. We will not let him run away this time! "

With this, the bastard opened the safety of the pistol with a click, and more than a dozen people followed suit!

Playing with poison is a business in which the head is pinned on the belt. The reason why people on the road don't offend the river with their well water is that they don't fear death and dare to fight for it!

A group of thugs with pistols came out of the office, glanced at the inside of the dance floor, then sneered and went to the parking lot outside.

At the moment, Qin Tian is sitting on the card seat drinking wine, but he did not know that someone has arranged for him tonight's "activities.".

Looking at the men and women wriggling on the dance floor, Qin Tian doesn't know why. He suddenly feels a bit bored. He takes a look at Gu Yiming, who is drunk like a dead dog on the sofa. He sits down and puts his true Qi into his body, promoting the decomposition of alcohol in his body.

After ten minutes of shaking his head, he did not think about it.

"Oh!? God, why didn't you go to play? " Gu Yiming is very surprised. Didn't he drink a lot of wine just now!? How come these people are still playing after waking up!? Is it already early morning!?

When he looked at his watch, he completely froze - less than an hour before he came to the bar!

"OK, you wake up and you'll be OK. Take care of your childhood sweetheart and I'll go back first."

Qin Tian waved his hand and left the bar regardless of Gu Yiming's request.

The bar at eight or nine o'clock was the most exciting moment when the parking lot was full of men and women waiting for their companions.

Qin Tian gets on Land Rover and drives towards Li Chengjia.

I always want to give Wang Qin a needle, but I still can't spare time. I didn't stay up too late today. The time is right.

However, as soon as qintian's car drove out of the parking lot, four black cars quietly followed up.

Qin Tian looked at the car in the rear-view mirror like a ghost, and immediately frowned!

With the lessons of previous times, Qin Tian has a strong sense of prevention!

Almost without hesitation, Qin Tian stepped on the accelerator and Land Rover raised the speed to over 100!

"No, he found it. Catch up!"

Several cars listen to the leader of the gangster in the walkie talkie roar, instantly followed up!

Land Rover's own power is very strong. In addition to its fast acceleration, the limit speed is not slow. However, this is an urban area. Qin Tian couldn't predict the situation ahead, so he had to keep the speed around 100. However, Rao was so, which still attracted a lot of shouting and swearing from the roadside!

Four black cars followed closely, and soon Qin Tian's Land Rover was surrounded by four corners in the middle!

Qin Tian disdained to bang for a while, had to be held by them to drive in the direction of the Development Zone in the past.

"Today we have to make a quick decision. My happy wife is still waiting for me."

Qin Tian murmured in the car and guessed who sent him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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