After getting out of the car, Qin Tian casually throws the car key to the parking master at the door of the hotel. He takes Lin Wanru and walks into the hotel gate. This time, Qin Tian doesn't look around like he did last time, because the layout here is all under his control. In case of an accident, he will take Lin Wanru to escape with the fastest speed.

The box reserved by Tang Qingyang was replaced by the most luxurious presidential banquet hall of Hyatt Hotel. When he reached the door, Qin Tian pushed in the door without waiting for the bodyguards to report!

There is only a round table in the center of the magnificent banquet hall. It seems that there are about six or seven people sitting there. Tang Qingyang is sitting on the throne, smiling at Qin Tian, and his eyes are full of confidence!

"Oh, Tang Dashao, he looks good. He has recovered from his injuries!"

Qin Tian sat in front of Tang Qingyang with a smile. As soon as he landed, Tang Qingyang's face changed slightly. After a violent flash, he was immediately hidden. "Brother qintian, I've been waiting for you for a long time, you can come!"

Tang Qingyang greets Qin Tian with enthusiasm. I don't know how much friendship they have behind them.

However, even if Tang Qingyang is very good at hiding, he still can't escape Qin Tian's eyes. With a slight smile, Qin Tian patted the chair beside him, "come, Wan Ru, sit down."

Tang Qingyang was also attentive, "Wan Ru, sit down!"

Qin Tian listened, and immediately glanced at Tang Qingyang, "Wan Ru is also your name!"

The sudden reprimand made Tang Qingyang slightly stunned for a moment, but in a flash Tang Qingyang changed his mouth with a smile, "look at my mouth, it should be general manager Lin, general manager Lin, please sit down!"

Lin Wanru was too lazy to care about their men's boring possessive game, so she sat beside Qin Tian.

It seems that in order to get angry with Tang Qingyang, Qin Tian intentionally moved the chair to Lin Wanru's side, and his body was close to each other.

Seeing the two people's postures so ambiguous, Tang Qingyang's face changed again and again, but he still did not dare to say anything. He was just cruel and dignified again, but he soon disappeared.

Qin Tian looked at Tang Qingyang, who dared not to speak. He said, "Tang Dashao, I heard that you have something to give me. Are you ready?"

"Er..." Tang Qingyang can said with a smile, "brother Qin Tian, please come here today. The things must be ready. But this is not in a hurry. Before we give you things, we still have to give you a toast and apologize. Before that, we were all misunderstandings. Today, I'd like to offer you a glass of wine, and let's go of our past gratitude and resentment."

At this moment, Tang Qingyang's face is completely formal and polite, as if he had changed into a person, without any arrogance.

Lin Wanru has been blinded. If she wants to give something to heaven, she still doesn't know each other. Is Tang Qingyang's head squeezed by the door!?

Qin Tian naturally knew that his words were all fake, but he didn't care. Since he came, he might as well have a good meal. As for the one hundred million Chinese dollars... Or that sentence, in Songshan, no one can rely on his Qin Tian's account!

"Well, since you have the heart, let's eat first." Qin Tian nodded slightly.

When Tang Qingyang heard this, he looked at Lin Wanru very gentlemanly. "Mr. Lin, can I serve you?"

"Serve!" Lin Wanru is a little confused.

This Tang Qingyang is good at learning, and won't let Qin Tian order any more. If he still asks Qin Tian to order, he will definitely be slaughtered again according to his habits.

"Serve it." Lin Wanru gave a slight smile, which was very appropriate.

At this time, Tang Qingyang raised his hands and slightly patted two times. A row of young girls in high slit cheongsam came in from the door with trays. It was obvious that they had been waiting outside for a long time.

Qin Tian looked at the table full of exquisite dishes, and his face showed a joking smile, "Tang Dashao, don't you want a dragon and tiger soup today?"

Tang Qingyang was smoked by Qin Tianwen's mouth!

The last time that dragon and tiger soup, not only made his face completely lost, but also directly spent more than one million of his own. I didn't expect that this bastard would have the face to bring it up!

"Brother Qin Tian, this soup is too tonic for us. Let's have some ordinary dishes and drink some red bar." Tang Qingyang cancan said, even if his family has money, he can't bear to eat like this.

"It's OK." Qin Tian nodded happily and reached out to greet the waiter, "Lafite in 1982 came to play."

A dozen, twelve bottles.

Tang Qingyang listened, the corner of his eyes immediately trembled!

This soft boiled bastard really thinks Lafite in 1982 is a street beer!? It's half a million when we get down to it!

However, Tang Qingyang didn't care about this little money with him. Anyway, he didn't want to walk out of the banquet hall today. The wine was still his own!

Thinking of this, Tang Qingyang sneered in the bottom of his heart, and then politely asked Qin Tian, "brother Qin Tian, there is a friend coming from Thailand today. There is no place for dinner for the time being. Do you think you mind calling him to have a meal together?"Lin Wan Ru's eyebrows immediately wrinkled slightly.

She is a personal essence, all of a sudden guess Tang Qingyang gourd sell what medicine, just want to remind Qin Tian, Qin Tian then smile opened mouth.

"Well, I like to make friends, especially Kung Fu, but I don't know what kind of Kung Fu you are." Qin Tian looked at Tang Qingyang with a smile, as if to see how he picked up his words!

Just as soon as he entered the door, Qin Tian had already noticed the strong blood in the side door. Needless to say, Qin Tian also knew that it must be Tang Qingyang who specially invited someone to deal with himself.

Tang Qingyang's face changed as soon as Qin Tian said this, but he had already been hidden by him. He immediately replied to Qin Tian with a ha ha: "look at you, where Qin Tian's brother says, they are all friends. What kind of Kung Fu they don't have..."

after that, Tang Qingyang raised his hand to the bodyguard at the door, no matter whether Qin Tian and Lin Wanru like it or not Come in, sir

Nai guessed that the first man of Muay Thai has participated in countless competitions on the ground and underground. Without exception, all his opponents were defeated by his amazing fighting skills and stained with blood. His title of "the first man of Thai Boxing" is also the result of his achievements!

At this time, the door of the banquet hall was pushed open by a powerful force. A man with a strong and dark body and a few wisps of dark black beard walked in slowly!

When he walked into the box, an inexplicable pressure was exerted on all the people present. With his serious face, he could almost be described as not angry and arrogant!

Needless to say, this man is the Thai boxing champion, but guess!

Qin Tian didn't look back. He just guessed that the temperature of the whole banquet hall dropped a few minutes at the moment when he walked in. It can be seen how strong this man is!

But guess the eyes slightly swept, then the eyes fell on Lin Wanru's body, followed by a strong possessive desire, naked exposed!

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Lin Wanru at an incredible speed. Qin Tianzheng looked at the Thai champion with a smile, blocking his greedy eyes!

But guess that Qin Tian blocked himself, his face suddenly cold, eyes burst out a strong killing intention, as if to break through Qin Tian's body, tear Qin Tian to pieces!

Feeling the killing intention, Qin Tian's eyes narrowed slightly. He was not afraid of it. Instead, he looked at the dark man in front of him with great interest.

The muscle is thick, the line is prominent, the figure is bulky, especially some involved muscles, which are full of explosive power, which sets off the profound meaning of Thai boxing!

Then observe the person's breath, long and long, as if every breath is to prepare for the next moment!

He's a master!

This is Qin Tian's first evaluation of Nai guess!

If you don't have true spirit, maybe you have already run away with Lin Wan Ru at the moment, and if you can't escape, it depends on the mood of this person!

However, if it is only if, today he does not help Tang Qingyang to fight against himself, if he really does, then be ready to return to Thailand! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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