But guess with Qin Tian's eyes in midair confrontation for a while, as if the air in the middle has been solidified up in general!

Lin Wanru's face changed slightly, as if feeling the wrong atmosphere, while Tang Qingyang sneered, showing a ferocious look on his face!

In his opinion, it would be better if the contradiction between Nai guess and Qin Tian could be aroused!

Now I just hope that Nai guess can take a fancy to Lin Wanru, and let him take advantage of this to make a decision on life and death with this soft meal!

At that time, whether you win or lose, you will not lose at all!

Thinking of this, Tang Qingyang quickly got up and went to Nai Chai's side. "Let me introduce you. This is my friend from Thailand, Mr. naichai!"

"Oh, Mr. guess!" Qin Tian smiles and reaches out his right hand. "Nice to meet you, Mr. naichai."

But guess cold hum a, slowly stretched out a hand, and Qin Tian held together.

In a flash, Qin Tian only felt a huge force coming from the other side's hand. He squeezed himself firmly in his palm like a steel clamp. Looking at the posture, he would never give up until he crushed himself!

Qin Tian looks cold, this guy, as expected, is not good!

Tang Qingyang, dare to die!

With a sneer from Qin Tian, his hands were still, and he let Nai guess pinch them in his own hands. He had the posture of "let you do all kinds of great power, and I will not move myself"!

For a moment, the air suddenly solidified!

One minute...

two minutes...

five minutes...

as time goes by, two people still hold together!

But guess there is a dignified look on his dark face!

His grip strength has reached 200 Jin, but with the strength between the fingers, you can pinch the thick stick of a child's arm!

Forehead in front of this man, with his hold for so long, not only did not show a painful expression, but also a face indifferent to his smile!

How strong is it going to take!?

With the passage of time, Nai guess's face became more and more ugly. The man in front of him completely exceeded his expectation!

And Qin Tian, from the beginning of the smile, gradually changed into a banter!

Nai guessed that he had already had a trace of fear for Qin Tian. When he saw the smile on Qin Tian's face, he did not know why, but suddenly he suddenly felt a bad premonition, which suddenly hit his heart!

Sure enough, Qin Tian's right hand, which is held by Nai guess, suddenly exerts force, just like a vise, biting Nai Chui's hand hard!


A bone rubbing sound from the hands of guess, but guess the face of an instant sink!


Tearing heart and lung, extremely intense pain!

This moment, but guess almost howled out! Even if the surface is calm and incomparable, the heart is also set off a frenzy, the back is stimulated by pain, a cold sweat!

This son of a bitch, who on earth has such power!?

However, this kind of pain also only lasted a few seconds, is guessing the right hand to be gently let go by Qin Tian.

"Thai friends are really enthusiastic." Qin Tian smiles, his eyes are full of ridicule. Then he doesn't have a reasonable guess, so he sits back to his seat.

Damn it!

But guess a bite of teeth, the face immediately emerged angry color!

How dare you humiliate yourself!

At that time, he would like to guess Qin Tian and let him know that he could not do what he wanted with great strength!

But at this time, Tang Qingyang suddenly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Nai Chai, don't stand. Please take your seat and have a taste of our Chinese food..."

when Tang Qingyang interrupted, he could not get angry immediately. He forced down his anger and sat down with Tang Qingyang.

Lin Wanru looks at Tang Qingyang, who is angry and scheming.

As the CEO of a group, Lin Wanru can be said to be an extremely transparent woman. From Nai guess's appearance just now, to her later rivalry with Qin Tian, and now Tang Qingyang and Nai Chai are sitting together and passing their eyes in silence, Lin Wanru is 100% sure that this is the assistant Tang Qingyang invited, which is enough to show that Tang Qingyang relies on himself There is no way to solve Qin Tian!

Thinking of this, Lin Wanru smiles again.

Through the first round of competition between Qin Tian and Nai guess just now, Lin Wanru has already known which one is stronger and which is weaker. She is too lazy to think about what will happen next. Anyway, as long as Qin Tian is here, she can just eat well.

Tang Qingyang also poured a glass of red wine to Nai Chai, and then he got up and held up his glass of wine. He said to the three people: "everyone, it's my pleasure for me to have dinner with some of you today. Don't be stiff and have a good drink. I'll do it first!"

With that, Tang Qingyang drank the wine in the cup!

Seeing this, Qin Tian smiles and drinks the wine in the cup. He guesses that Qin Tian has dried up the liquid in the cup. He also drinks up the wine in front of him in a fit of anger. Looking at Qin Tian, he seems to want to eat him alive!Lin Wanru, however, was smiling and shaking the juice in the cup, slowly chucking, drinking a sip of juice, and eating a tropical fruit transported from South Asia in front of him. It seems that Tang Qingyang's party was very reluctant to put on her heart.

Tang Qingyang looked at Nai and Qin Tian. Once his eyes turned, a little ferocious flashed on his face, and then he said, "brother Qin Tian, Mr. naichai, you are all martial arts practitioners. How about a good conversation and a drink?"

But guess early with Qin day more vigorous, listen to Tang Qingyang proposal, immediately sneer!

He has not been afraid of anyone about drinking!

But just as they were waiting for Qin to reply, Qin Tian smiled a little, "no, I don't drink well!"

"What are you afraid of? It's not a wine making, it's just friendly communication, it's not going to get in the way." Tang Qingyang heart scolded Qin Tian a meal, the amount of wine is not good!? Last time you were a man who drank two bottles of Rafi for 82 years!

Qin Tian hears words, still is smiling and shaking his head.

But guess Qin Tian looks like, immediately sneer, "Mr. Qin, just drink a drink, not even this courage!? You are all the men in China. Is it useless for you! "

Qin Tian hears words, and a little bit of cruelty appears in the smile.

He hates to have someone say nothing to his face!

Then squinting his eyes and laughing, he said, "since Mr. naichai intends to drink a drink, I will accompany Mr. naichai to have a drink."

After that, Qin Tian then lifted up the wine cup in front of him and stretched it towards Nai guess.

"Man, and this kind of wine actually still use wine cup!? Mr. Qin, don't let me down! "

Said, but guess then reached out to pick up a dozen of red wine from the table central waiter, from inside grabbed a bottle out, a hand knife, will be the bottle upper thin part cut a whole!

"Drink the whole bottle!" Qin Tian was a little shocked.

But guess provocative sweep Qin Tian a glance, "how, dare not!?"

"Dare, how can I dare." Said, Qin tianzujiao smile will become more and more heavy.

But guess to hear the words, a cold hum, and then reached out to grab a bottle, and threw it at Qin Tian. In the middle of the air, a whine came out, and it brought up a strong wind. It can be seen how much strength he threw!

But guess the face is full of sneer, his hand once let countless people have lost their losses, this kind of force, general people can not catch, even if it is caught, will be shocked wrist numb, even by the force belt fell on the ground!

Qin Tian listened to the voice in the air, a slight tick at the corner of the mouth, a lift of hand, accurately seized the flying wine bottle!

But guess a look, suddenly eyebrow heart a moment congealed!

This Qin Tian, unexpectedly received so lightly!

But I guess I haven't lost yet. I just cut the bottle mouth with the palm power. He wants to see how Qin Tian will open wine!

This is the absolute strength of performance!

But results... Qin Tianding handed the bottle to the waiter standing beside him. The waiter respectfully pulled out the oak stopper at the bottle mouth with a bottle opener...

but I guess that the eyes were almost staring out!

This Qin Tian, does not have a little strong person honor!?

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