Tang Qingyang's face became completely ugly. He rushed to the wall with the fastest speed. He held Nai guess's head and was shaking all over his body!

"Mr. naichai, are you ok..."

Tang Qingyang's voice trembled slightly. It's a pity that no one will answer his question any more!

In the pool of blood is guessing, there is blood spilling from the mouth, obviously has reached the end of the candle!

The great Thai boxing champion was kicked to death by Qin Tian!?

I guess I don't know what kind of person I've got in the end!

Almost without hesitation, Qin Tian's figure flashed, leaving a shadow in the banquet hall. His right hand suddenly stretched out, and with a crack, he pinched it on Tang Qingyang's neck!

"I said, in Songshan, no one can rely on me!"

In a flash, Tang Qingyang was scared to pieces!

"Qin... Qin Tian, please, please, please don't kill me, I, I don't dare..."

the boundless fear shrouded in Tang Qingyang's body. In an instant, Tang Qingyang remembered the night a week ago. Qin Tian almost had no fear of beating himself like a dog!

"Oh!? You mean, I have to smile and tell you that it's OK to buy a killer to kill me, and then I'll send you home! " Qin Tian's face is full of murders, as if the next moment, will send Tang Qingyang to hell!

"I, I, I lose money, I'll pay you another 100 million yuan, please let me go, let me go..." Tang Qingyang was completely afraid, he did not dare to have any disrespect to Qin Tian any more!

"Boy, let go of us, Tang Dashao. If you don't let go, don't blame us for being rude!"

Suddenly, the group of black suits suddenly surrounded Qin Tian, the muzzle of the gun was not slanted, all pointed to Qin Tian's head!

Such a close distance, even if only one gun, can also kill Qin Tian!

Tang Qingyang a look, as if what sounded like, the look of fear disappeared in an instant, in a flash, then wanton laugh up!

He forgot that he had brought a group of bodyguards with guns!

"Qin Tian, you open your dog's eyes to see clearly, these bullets, enough to let you die a hundred times!"

Almost ferocious, Tang Qingyang's face full of madness, where there is half a minute of fear!

"Oh!? You mean, your bodyguards are so bad! " Qin Tian's face is full of irony.

"Hum, I advise you to let me go, or I'll let you... Ah..."

before he finished speaking, Tang Qingyang's body was suddenly swung by Qin Tian with his neck in his hands. The target was the armed bodyguard who was surrounded by a circle!

"Bang Bang..."

a series of sounds sounded. Because these bodyguards were standing too close, they were immediately photographed on the ground by Qin Tian's great power, and they were all unconscious!

"Ah... Ah..."

Tang Qingyang sent out a series of wails!

Lin Wan Ru covered her mouth and watched the scene on the spot. She was so surprised that her beautiful eyes were staring at her!

Tang Qingyang's legs... Unexpectedly in Qin Tian's strong swing, all broken! It's the kind of cut by a knife!

At this moment, Tang Qingyang has nothing under the knee!

Qin Tian looks at Tang Qingyang, who is constantly howling in his hand. A cold smile emerges from the corner of his mouth!

Just when Tang Qingyang was waving, a touch of genuine Qi ran quietly and attached to Tang Qingyang's legs. The powerful shaking force of genuine Qi instantly scattered his legs and turned them into pieces of meat, which fell on the ground of the banquet hall!

"One more voice, and I'll kill you!"

In a flash, Qin Tian burst out endless killing intention, all over Tang Qingyang's body!

Under the intense pain, Tang Qingyang immediately closed his mouth, which had already been knocked out of his front teeth!

Even if the pain to the bone marrow, but still dare not make even a trace of sound!

Under the sea of blood, he really has no doubt that Qin Tian will kill himself!

He's a devil, devil!

"Within three days, 200 million Chinese dollars will be sent to my hospital, otherwise, I will go to your home to collect it in person."

With that, Qin Tian almost didn't hesitate to throw Tang Qingyang on the ground like garbage!

Left the infinite fear of Tang Qingyang, Qin Tian led Lin Wanru out of the banquet hall.

On the road, Lin Wanru sat in the co pilot and never spoke.

"Scared you!" While driving, Qin Tian looks at the front with his eyes and asks Lin Wanru gently. His tone is full of pity.

Lin Wanru was stunned by the sudden question, nodded, but seemed to think of something, and then shook his head.

Qin Tian wryly smile, a face helpless, "in fact, today I did not want to really under his cruel hand."

In that sentence, Qin Tian always thinks that Shuangtian group of Tang family has something to do with olan group. If you really attack him, it will more or less affect Lin Wanru. Even if Lin Wanru says it doesn't matter, Qin Tian still doesn't want to do that.However, let Qin Tian unexpected is, Tang Qingyang unexpectedly will crooked idea hit Lin Wanru's body!

Even if Lin Wanru and Qin Tian have no way of public relations, Qin Tian still can't tolerate someone moving his scale!

Li Xinran is, so is Lin Wanru!

"You just... Murderous..."

Lin Wanru said softly, because she saw that Qin Tian really wanted to kill Tang Qingyang.

Speaking of this, Lin Wanru seemed to suddenly think of something. She turned her head and looked at Qin Tian. "Qin Tian, run quickly. A lot of people saw you kill that Thai man just now. They will call the police..."

"don't worry, they dare not call the police." Qin Tian interrupts Lin Wanru with a smile. It seems that she can't bear to let her worry so much.

"Why?" Lin Wanru's eyes are full of worry.

"Two reasons." Qin Tian said with a smile, "first of all, there is a bloody smell on that Thai man. Even if I kill him, I just killed a murderer. Even if I call the police, the state will not deal with me too seriously. Second, the Tang family will not willingly hand me over to the state to deal with it."

Lin Wanru hears the speech and her pupils shrink again. "Do you mean that the Tang family will fight against you?"

"What if not?" Qin Tian said with a smile, "Tang Qingyang's legs have been lost in vain!"

Lin Wanru was stunned by Qin Tianwen. Yes, with the Tang family's style, he would not let Qin Tian go so easily.

"So, are you really going to ask for the two hundred million?" Asked Lin Wanru.

"If they do send the money and they don't have trouble, I'll let them go!"

On the contrary, Qin Tian will make them regret coming to this world!

Hearing this, Lin Wan hugs Qin Tian gently.

"Promise me never to put yourself in danger again." Lying on Qin Tian's shoulder, Lin Wanru said in horror.

"Don't worry, no one can move me in Songshan." Qin Tian smiles and drives the steering wheel toward Lin Wanru's residence.

When Qin Tian returned to the villa area, it was already more than nine o'clock in the evening. Originally, he thought that these veterans were practicing. But as soon as he entered the community, he saw a group of brothers in security clothes standing at the door, seemingly waiting for someone!

Sure enough, as soon as qintian's Land Rover entered the gate, Jiaocheng was in a hurry to meet him.

"Brother Jiao Cheng, what's the matter?" Qin Tian frowned and asked.

"Brother Qin Tian, something happened to Zhao Donghui's family. He answered a phone call yesterday and left in a hurry. It was not until this morning that I received the news that he was arrested by the local police station for fighting..." Jiao Cheng's eyes contained anger.

They are bitter ha ha, where are bullied by people, even with Qin Tian, still can not escape this fate!

Qin Tian knew that he was the backbone of all the people. He got out of the car to have a look at it, considered it for a while, and then asked Jiao Cheng, "how many people are on duty in the daytime tomorrow?"

Jiao Cheng didn't understand Qin Tian's question. He was stunned and replied: "about 40 people..."

"take 30 good hands from the rest and go to Zhao Donghui's house with me. The other brothers have a hard time. These days, they take turns on duty. When they come back, I'll invite them to drink wine!"

After that, Qin Tian waves his hand, and asks Jiao Cheng to arrange for his hands. Jiao Cheng's spirit is greatly improved and he turns to explain the affairs of the past few days!

Time is not big, Jiao Cheng arranged for more than 30 people to stand in front of Qin Tian!

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