"Brothers, Zhao Donghui, brother Zhao, can you bear to be bullied?"

"No!" Uniform sound, spread in the community door, deafening!

"That must not be! Don't say it's Zhao Donghui. Even if any of the brothers are in trouble, I won't stand by. Tell me, would you like to make a trip for your brother Zhao? "


"Good! Today, let's go to brother Zhao's house with me to vent my anger on him! "

After that, Qin Tian took the lead to go outside and started to drive Land Rover towards the outside!

Jiao Cheng has confidence in Qin Tian and knows that Qin Tian will not let go. He has already prepared the Lord. At this time, more than 30 brothers boarded the bus together and left the gate of the community!

Qin Tian took them to the auto parts city. There, he found an auto repair factory. He bought dozens of meters of galvanized steel pipe and cut it into one meter twenty-one. He took it in his hand and put it into the big Lord's back bucket one after another.

They went straight to Zhao Donghui's hometown, Pinghai County, Songshan city!

Zhao Donghui's family lived in laowangzhuang, Donglin Township, under Pinghai county. It was in a remote corner. Six or seven lords bumped along the way. Until the next morning, the muddy pickup trucks arrived in Donglin township!

Today is the day of the market. The town is crowded and bustling. Qin Tian and others are not in the mood to go shopping. They ask for the route of laowangzhuang by looking for a tricycle to solicit customers from the roadside and drive away.

Laowangzhuang is five miles away from the town. It's a typical southern village. There are various slogans on the outside of the wall: if you want to be rich, you should build roads first, have fewer children and more trees; if you want to get rich, you should not forget digging wells; if you get rich, you should not forget the Communist Party; if you are ligated by one person, your family will be honored; if you buy home appliances, come to the town's Furong commercial building, Cattle eat grass leisurely, dogs of various colors run in groups, big black pigs roam leisurely, peasant women with strong young men on their backs sit at the gate, and old men in washed white military uniforms sit in the sun. They all look at these dusty pickup trucks with curious eyes.

Qin Tian got out of the car and warmly called for an old man to pick up excrement. He handed over a cigarette and asked, "uncle, where does Zhao Donghui live?"

The old man put the cigarette on his ear and continued to smoke his hand rolled dry tobacco. He pointed to the distance: "south head, the family under the big locust tree is."

Qin Tian stood at a height to see, far away can see a tall and strong big Sophora tree, and then south, into the mountain!

"Are you going to Mr. Zhao's? I'll take you there Maybe we spoke a little louder, and a big guy came out of the house behind the old man.

"Mr. Zhao!" Jiao Cheng is a little confused. Does the village call adult men that way!?

Knowing that the word "Sir" is not so easy to address, Qin Tian asked Zhuang, "why Mr. Zhao?"

"Mr. Zhao, that's a well-known good man like us. He never collects money for poor people's medical treatment." Zhuang looks very honest and honest. He doesn't talk much, but he can get to the point.

Qin Tian nodded, sir, this kind of word, in the original time really used to address doctors, to show respect. It seems that someone in Zhao Donghui's family is a village doctor!

When the Lord marched forward, a large, lush locust tree came into view. Under the shelter of the big tree, there were two yards, one east and one west. In the East, there were two-story rural villas with yellow glazed tiles, concrete walls, and colorful mosaic. Beside it, there was a small courtyard made of earth walls, small bungalows, and narrow courtyards With the beggars huddled around the big man.

"This is Mr. Zhao's home," said Zhuang, pointing to the courtyard of the earth wall

Then he opened the door and ran to knock on the door: "Mr. Zhao, you are a guest."

When the gate of the courtyard opened, she was a woman about fifty years old. She was dressed in simple clothes. Her eyebrows and eyes were similar to Zhao Donghui. When the young man saw her, he called out, "Hello, aunt."

The woman helped the dustpan in the armrest, patted the young man's arm, and looked at the pickup truck suspiciously. Qin Tian got out of the truck and said, "Auntie, we are Zhao Donghui's colleagues. Come and see him."

"Oh, it's Wa's colleague. Come in." The woman quickly beckoned them into the yard.

When they got out of the car and went into the courtyard, they found out how poor Zhao Donghui's family was. The low-lying house was probably decades old. Half of it was earth and half was brick. There was a small pigsty in the yard, but there was no pig in it, only a few chickens were digging.

An old man with gray hair came out of the hall when he heard the news. He was dressed in a white Zhongshan suit, with reading glasses on his face and a pen in his hand. He looked like a rural teacher.

Needless to say, this must be Mr. Zhao in Zhuang's mouth, the village doctor here!

"Old companion, this is Wa's colleague, from the city." Said the woman.

"Hello, uncle. We are Zhao Donghui's colleagues and friends. This time, we specially came to visit him and brought some small things. It's a kindness. Please don't be polite." Qin Tian says, motioning Jiao Cheng to put down the gift. Two barrels of golden dragon fish mixed with oil, a bag of fruit and two boxes of Weiwei soybean milk powder were bought from the market just now!"Oh, rare guest, old lady, move some chairs out quickly. You are really coming and taking things." The old man warmly greets Qin Tian and asks them to sit down.

Zhao Donghui's mother came out of the house with two stools. When she saw the guests coming, she was very happy. However, Qin Tian, who was careful, found that the old man's eyes were red and red, as if he had just cried.

When they all sat down, Zhao Donghui's mother poured tea for them, and then they began to speak.

"Uncle, I heard that Zhao Donghui was arrested by the local police station!" Qin Tian said in a low voice.

As soon as the woman listened, the hand that carries tea Mu shudders, follow closely, the eye socket is red rise!

They want to talk to Qin Tian, but then, Mr. Zhao, who is full of gray, coughs gently. The woman peeps at him and stops talking!

Qin Tian saw this scene and frowned slightly!

"Uncle and aunt, if you have something to tell me, maybe I can solve it." Qin Tian said to Mr. Zhao in a low voice and very seriously.

Mr. Zhao slightly touched his eyebrows, thought for a moment, and then said, "young man, I know you are all our baby's good friends, but this... You can't do it!"

The reason why Mr. Zhao is called Mr. Zhao is not only because he is charitable and charitable, but also because he is more knowledgeable and knowledgeable than other people in the village. When he looks at Qin Tian and they call themselves babies, he knows that these children are just like their own children. Haha, they are not only unable to solve the family problems, but also may cause them a lot of pain Annoyed, rather than that, it's better to suffer from this crime and never involve others!

Qin Tian understood what was going on. With a smile, he said to the old man, "well, since this is the case, we will not ask."

After Qin Tian finished, he got up and stood up. Facing Jiao Cheng behind him, he said, "you take some brothers to the town to buy some food and drink. At noon, we have dinner here. There are dozens of people. There must be not enough food at home. I'll take some brothers to the police station, pick up Zhao Donghui first, and come back to have dinner together."

Qin Tian said, and assigned the task!

As soon as he heard that Qin Tian was going to the police station to meet someone, the old man and his wife immediately stood up and looked at Qin Tian excitedly, "young man, you can really save my baby!"

"Well, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

After hearing Qin Tian say this, the old man immediately grabbed his hand, "well, I'll go with you... Wa went in yesterday afternoon, and now I don't even have a drink of water. In the middle of the night yesterday, I sent a quilt to him. When I went there, I just squatted in the corner of the plank room..."

"what's the matter with him!? You won't just go in like this for no reason! " Monkey can't help asking, he is not as calm as Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng!

"Ah The old man immediately sighed, "it's not the village road building!"

Now we implement the road to road, cement road to the door, every village is building in full swing, the whole Donglin Township left laowangzhuang has not started construction!

The leading group of the village is in a hurry. This is not the time when the village secretary has just got enough money to do something good for the village. But at this time, the Zhao brothers in the village jumped out and said that they had to contract the project!

Zhao family is a big family in the village. There are five brothers. All of them are good hands who are about 1.8 meters tall. They also have some friends and friends in the society. They are so half strong that they have contracted the road construction project!

It's OK to contract. You're good at building roads. But they don't want to do it well. They just want to make money from it, especially the road construction route. Because Zhao Donghui's family is too partial and doesn't want to build roads for his family, they just force Zhao Donghui's family to demolish their houses and move to densely populated areas of the village. In this way, they can build a large section of roads less Some money!

Qin Tian's face turned black as soon as he heard it!

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