"My baby is also the honest and honest boy, but I don't know what kind of Temper I came from this time. When I came back, I saw that they bullied people and beat them up!" The old lady timely put in a word, while saying, tears came down.

"The Zhao brothers are not the ones who can suffer losses. The five brothers surrounded our house, and they had to beat my baby and tear down my house. Can I bear this!? I had learned Kung Fu in the army and beat up the five brothers. As a result, I was sent to the police station, saying that it was hindering the village road construction, and took the initiative to beat people! Mr. Zhao sighed!

"I don't have a king's law yet!"!? Who is in charge of the police station!? No justice! " Jiao Cheng is furious. What kind of principle is this code!?

"It's the cousin of the Li family who is in charge. It's said that it's not a good thing. People are used to it and don't do it..." Mr. Zhao sighed again.

At this time, Zhao Donghui's mother couldn't hold back any longer, and her tears fell down. "Young man, you must help my baby. He was injured yesterday, and now he's been staying there for most of the night. I don't know what I've suffered..."

er Xing's mother worries that her son is the flesh from her mother's body. She sees her son squatting in the classroom Sin, when the mother than everyone heartache!

Rural people don't like to be moved by the government. They just want to be private. If they can tolerate ordinary things, they will be tolerant.

"Where is this fight fought!? At home, in the yard, or outside Qin Tian suddenly asked.

"In my yard, I beat up his father..."

"how much injury did the five brothers over there!? Did Zhao Donghui move the guy? " Qin Tian has the final say look at fiercely as a tiger does, and is angry at the face. He stares at the Qin Tian and others, and looks at it with great care. He has a dissatisfied meaning and takes them down. He looks at him from the sky and down the river. He hummed and asked, "you are the boss!"

The fat man was temporarily subdued by his momentum, and Qin Tian's accent of Songshan city made him unable to understand each other's background. Then he restrained his anger and said, "my surname is Zhang. I'm the director of Donglin police station. Who are you?"

Qin Tian took out a bag of 8.8 Zhongnanhai, but he did not give the director a cigarette. He held it in his mouth. The security guard helped him light it and spewed out a stream of smoke. Qin Tiancai said, "I am a friend of Zhao Donghui. I want to ask director Zhang what crime Zhao Donghui committed. If you want to arrest him, you should transfer it to the detention center. If you should transfer it to the procuratorate, you should transfer it to the procuratorate What's the matter? "

Director Zhang was infuriated by his attitude and words, and the liquor that he had just drunk at noon surged up again. He excitedly pointed to Qin Tian with his thick and fat fingers: "what are you? Take out your ID card. If you don't know, don't try to leave."

Old Mr. Li was frightened. Qin Tian actually took this attitude to deal with the police station chief. This was not a bad help. He quickly quietly pulled Qin Tian's sleeve, suggesting that he should be calm.

Qin Tian remained unmoved and sneered: "director Zhang, do you know the five public security bans!? Do you believe that I'll let you undress in one call? "

Director Zhang took a breath of air and said that the boy was not simple. He might be a bit of a comer. At this time, some young people in casual clothes came up from the downstairs and asked, "whose pickup trucks are these at the door?"

"Our car," he said

Director Zhang turned his head subconsciously and looked out. From the second floor, he could see the pickup truck parked at the door. The body was covered with mud. The license plate was also a common private car license plate, and there was no sign of power.

Director Zhang's experience is very old-fashioned. With this pickup truck, we can analyze the hierarchy of these people. They are just pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. He thinks that a few words of force can frighten him. Hum, this time, they will have to retreat.

Director Zhang gave a look, and the young members of the Donglin township public security joint defense team understood. They were so angry that they wanted to come and catch these bold guys.

But they were wrong. This time, Qin Tiantian didn't pretend to be a pig eating a tiger. He was already talking with his mobile phone:

"director Ding, yes, that's the situation. Why don't you tell him about it?"

Said, Qin Tian smilingly handed the mobile phone to Director Zhang, "the director of Songshan Municipal Bureau wants to talk to you."

Zhang director some doubts, or took the mobile phone, loud voice up: "I am Zhang Feng, where are you?"

Ding Jianguo's steady and powerful voice came out on the phone: "I'm Ding Jianguo, director of Songshan Municipal Bureau. I'd like to talk to your leaders."

Zhang Suo grew angry: "if you are the director of the Municipal Bureau, I am the father of the director of the Municipal Bureau! Don't pretend to me, or I'll find your number and go home and catch you! "

Finish saying, throw the mobile phone to one side directly, yell to go up to catch a person under.

The nerves of several brothers under him were strained, and he waited for Qin Tian to give an order, but Qin Tian was gentle and smiling. He took out his ID card and waited for inspection.

The united defense team did not look at his ID card, directly twisted his arm and put on handcuffs. Qin Tian was not angry. He put on the handcuffs with a smile and looked at the director Zhang with pity.There seems to be something wrong with something wrong, director Zhang said secretly, but he thought about it and didn't think of anything wrong. In Donglin Township, in addition to the head of the township, he is himself. What else can he do!?

All of a sudden, the office phone rings in a hurry. Director Zhang walks in and looks at the caller ID number. The sweat drops on his head come down. It's the number of the County Bureau office.

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