Director Zhang grabbed the microphone: "Hello, who is it?"

"Zhang Feng, how many catties of cat urine did you drink at noon!? Dare to challenge city leaders, I think you are wearing enough police uniform! If you can't wait for my work, I'll be out of luck

There was a storm of reprimand from the telephone receiver. The voice was from the director of the County Bureau Zhou. Zhang Feng's fat face was red and white, and he kept wiping sweat with a handkerchief. All the wine strength came out.

Put down the phone, Zhang saw Qin Tian still with handcuffs, and immediately got angry: "mess! What are you doing? Open the handcuffs

The joint defense team members looked at each other, did not know which one Zhang sang, hesitated to open the handcuffs, director Zhang changed his face, stretched out two hands to shake hands with Qin Tian: "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know you're a friend of the city leaders, misunderstanding, pure misunderstanding, ha ha."

Qin Tian was also happy and smiling: "director Zhang was polite, but also blame me. I was in a hurry and didn't say it clearly."

Director Zhang's forthright clap thigh: "Alas, what polite words to say, they are all our own people. In the evening, Dahe restaurant is my treat."

Qin Tian smilingly took out a cigarette to give director Zhang a cigarette, and lit it for him. He also motioned his security guard to smoke the joint defense team members. After everyone lit it, the atmosphere has become quite harmonious.

"Director Zhang is so polite. I will be there in the evening. What happened to my brother Zhao Donghui, you can see..."

director Zhang raised his eyebrows and said very seriously: "I was not in the Institute some time ago. I don't know much about some situations. So, when I read the file, I will give you a satisfactory reply immediately."

Qin Tian nodded and said, "well, I'll trouble director Zhang."

"No matter what, it's all our own people." Director Zhang politely asked Qin Tian to sit down for tea, but he declined politely. He took the security guards and Zhao Donghui's old father down the building of the police station.

Back in the car, one of his brothers was puzzled and said, "just now, those who have horizontal nose and vertical eyes want to catch us. How can they become their own people in a twinkling of an eye? This director's face has become too fast."

Qin Tian said with a smile: "there are people above us. Of course, they are our own. If we don't make that call, I'm afraid the elder brothers will spend the night in the Institute."

Mr. Li couldn't help but feel excited and asked, "young man, do you really know the city leaders?"

Qin Tian said faintly, "well, a little bit of contact."

"That's wonderful. My baby can finally come out."

Qin Tian nodded with a smile: "that's for sure."

After that, he took out 300 yuan to give a veteran brother, "go and buy two cigarettes to send to them."

When the veterans looked at it, they were surprised and widened their eyes: "brother Qin Tian, aren't there people up there? How can we send them cigarettes?"

"A yard to a yard, you really don't know how to do, just follow the words of brother Qin Tian." Said the monkey.

He left is OK, but Li family old and young will still stay here, Qin Tian is not afraid of other things, afraid of settling accounts after autumn! All the doors are clear!

"You can't afford it. I'll do it!" Mr. Li held down Qin Tian's hand to take the money and insisted on paying for it himself. However, where could he win over Qin Tian, the veterans quickly got out of the car and ran away. He bought two cigarettes at the tobacco Hotel next to the police station, wrapped them in newspapers and sent them upstairs.

Five minutes later, the veteran brother came down and said with disdain on his face: "the boys of the joint defense team are really interesting. Just take them."

Qin Tian said: "willing to take is a good thing. If I guess correctly, Zhao Donghui will come out later."

Sure enough, five minutes later, Zhao Donghui appeared at the gate of the police station with his bedding on his shoulder. He was much thinner than he was in the security team, and his spirit was also very depressed.

The four doors of the pickup truck opened at the same time. Four people came out to meet Zhao Donghui. Zhao Donghui's eyes brightened, and he walked quickly. He held Qin Tian's hand tightly with both hands. His voice was choked: "brother qintian!"

Then the father and the son were crying!

Qin Tian stretched out his hand and picked up the bedding on Zhao Donghui's back. He waved his big hand: "it's OK. Go home!"

Driving back to laowangzhuang, far away, I saw the old lady standing at the door, looking forward to it. The pickup truck drove to the front of it. The door opened. Zhao Donghui came out and cried out in tears: "mother!"

"Baby, you're back." Some of the old ladies couldn't believe their eyes. Their hands were shaking. Some of them were at a loss. The countrymen were not good at expressing their emotions. They just kept holding Zhao Donghui and crying. Mr. Li was too excited to speak.

This place is overjoyed, startled the village old Li's family, five brothers in the family heard Zhao Donghui back, suddenly surprised!

"Call Zhang Suo quickly and ask clearly!" Second, I've told you to find out the boss for a while.

But the second called for a long time, Leng is no one to answer, "brother, no one to answer ah!"

"Strange..." the boss didn't understand what was going on, and he kept frowning."Well, whatever it is, there are people on top of us. If we can let him in once, we can let him in twice! In the afternoon, I'll visit their house again. If I'm not convinced, I'll beat him up and get him in again! " The old four, young and powerful, is obviously more impulsive than the three brothers!

"That is, brother, don't think about it. If we get rich, the Zhao family won't want to stay in the village!"

Finally, the four brothers reached an agreement to make trouble in the Zhao family in the afternoon!


no matter what Lao Zhao's family thought, Zhao Donghui was welcomed into the house first. Several men moved their benches and sat down to smoke and discuss matters. The old couple were busy with lunch. Today is a good day for the baby to be free again. There are so many distinguished guests here. How can we have a good drink.

Zhao Donghui smoked a cigarette and said what happened to him after he was arrested. He didn't suffer much. He was locked up for two more days, fined him a little more and killed Lao Zhao's family. If Qin Tian hadn't come, he would have been locked up for another day.

In Donglin, a remote and remote country, the head of the township is the emperor, and the head of the police station is the local tyrant. As long as you don't make too much trouble, nothing will happen. In addition, this kind of bullying is very common in the countryside. It's not clear that the local police station is biased. It's not easy for you to handle it. The cost and the outcome of the appeal may not be better than to bear it in silence So most of the time, the villagers still choose to be patient.

Fortunately, Qin Tian knew the leaders of the city and solved the problem by calling him. The case was closed and it was impossible to cancel the detention record. However, the person was released on the spot and the fine was not settled.

The baby was rescued by Qin Tian. Mr. Li was very excited. He was full of tears. He even said thanks. Zhao Donghui's eyes were shining. He took Qin Tian's hand and said, "brother qintian, don't say anything. I don't have a brother. You will be my brother in the future."

Mr. Li went on to say, "baby, I dare not fight any more. This time, thanks to your brother Qin Tian's help, it won't be so easy next time."

Zhao Donghui bit his lips and said, "Dad, do you have to bear the name of Li squatting on our heads to shit?"

Mr. Li waved his hand: "well, bear with the calm and calm, take a step back. It's not my father who is weak, but I can't fight with others. You are the only one in our family. In case there is something good or bad... Ah, you can listen to my father."

Zhao Donghui didn't speak. Qin Tian laughed and advised him, "master, brother Zhao, don't be angry. Li is nothing. I'll take care of them once and never again."

With that, the food was ready. Jiao Cheng went out to cut 20 jin of pork, bought 10 fish, and 20 bottles of Yanghe Daqu packed with paper boxes. Lao Taitai also cleaned up two chickens, some green vegetables and tofu at home. The old man also moved out the home's grain wine. The aroma of wine and meat wafted out of the pot room. It was that kind of simple and authentic rural and pastoral dishes Live and eat.

Push a cup to change a cup, wine after three rounds, the authentic farmyard a pair of happy!

However, some people can't see others well! Just when everyone was happy to eat and drink, a group of people broke in outside the gate. They were all ferocious! Count the number of fifty or sixty, each with a stick in his hand! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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