"Uncle Qi, you're not authentic like this. How can you elbow out and turn towards a stranger!? I look up to you. I call you uncle Qi. I annoy me and let you step down. Will you let me go? " Li Laosan was so angry that he rolled up his sleeves and publicly threatened him.

The green veins on the old village head's neck jumped: "you little turtle grandson! How can my third brother give birth to such an unfilial grandson as you? Mr. Zhao's family are honest and honest, cure the sick and save people. How can we offend you? How can we kill all of them and leave no way for others? If you want to move Lao Zhao's family, you should first kill your seventh uncle! "

"Kill you!? I'll kill you if I kill you! " With that, Li Laosan walked over to the old village head, and the old man was kicked and immediately lay on the ground!

"Hold the grass, the family name, you even dare to fight the ancestors!" Zhao Donghui a look, quickly help up the old village head!

"Hum, I'll fight you. What can you do to me?"!? Today, you foreigners, if you don't want to kill you, my family will not be named Li! "

After that, the four brothers of the Li family waved their hands and more than 60 people rushed up together behind them!

Qin Tian opened his mouth and laughed, but he shrunk back. It's not that he doesn't want to take care of it. It's not worth doing it by himself. If you are a bunch of hooligans in the street, it's OK to repair them by yourself, but it's a group of village bullies. He's heavy!

What's more, the 30 or so veterans on our side are not in vain. It's enough to clean them up!

Zhao Donghui on this rushed up Li Laosi, up is a kick, kick in the chest, Li Laosi's end is not much better than the boss, flop once fell into the water!

The two sides were already in a state of tension and nervous tension. Zhao Donghui's action was tantamount to firing a signal bomb. Nearly 90 strong labors on the scene all joined the battle group with sticks and sticks, and all of them were in full swing.

The old village chief, seven uncle, was weak and weak. He was beating his chest and feet. When he was beating his chest and feet, he was hit by a stick from behind. He was thrown to the ground on the spot. The scene was in a mess. No one paid attention to who was the culprit.

At this time, it was midday and lunch time was on the stall. However, the people in laowangzhuang had no mind to sit at home to eat, and they ran to see the fight. Fortunately, the rural area was open enough for them to practice. Otherwise, they would be injured by accident or splashed with blood.

For a moment, Ma Wan of both sides collided together like a running river, and the murderous spirit burst out!

However, after all, these people in laowangzhuang village are only farmers in the village. If we really want to fight, where can they be the opponents of this group of veterans?

The galvanized steel pipe in the security guard's hand is dancing. When it is hit, there is a crack of bone. Within a few rounds, there are casualties!

They are all here to support Lao Li's family. Who would have thought of meeting up and down cruel hands!? As soon as someone fell to the ground, some immediately backed out. Twenty of them were killed in the first wave of charge, and nearly half of the remaining forty slipped away secretly. All of a sudden, the scene of the Li family was ugly!

"Hold the grass, what are you running for!? My old Li family has treated you badly! " As soon as the boss Li saw that someone had turned around and ran away, he immediately yelled at him!

But is it useful!?

Qin Tian looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly felt that the general situation had been settled! It's just the last straw that killed the camel!

Sure enough, boss Li took out his mobile phone and dialed the telephone number of director Zhang of the police station in the town!

"Director Zhang, come on, I'm going to be killed!" Boss Li covered his leg bone which had been smashed by Zhao Donghui and cried to the phone with tears.

But there came the impatient voice of director Zhang: "do you want to pull me into the water!"!? Li, I tell you, I will use this way to pit me in the future. Don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people! "

With that, director Zhang snapped off the phone!

Listening to the phone toot toot sound, Li old atmosphere suddenly dropped the mobile phone on the ground, "surnamed Zhang, I grass mud grandma!"

The helpers brought by the four brothers of the Li family are all benevolent brothers. Birds of a feather flock together and people flock together. These guys are all country ruffians and loafers. They are used to bullying people. Unfortunately, this time they encounter a real cruel role.

But in three minutes, the battle was over. The whole place was in a mess, and the sticks were all over the place. The Li family's thugs lay on the ground and howled. The losses were very heavy.

Suddenly, the old village head who had been leaning against the wall woke up! A girl with a big braid on her head squeezed in from the crowd outside!

"Dad The girl a shout, squat down to hold the old village head, "Dad, just what's going on?"

The girl cried so much that she turned her head to Zhao Donghui before the old man could speak. She said, "you can do it. My father doesn't agree with us. Are you going to do this to him?"

The little girl couldn't cry, and her hands were shaking!

Qin Tian a look, interest came! Together, this is Zhao Donghui's little lover in his rural hometown!

People looked at the girl one after another. In her twenties, her long hair was woven into a whip. Her face was melon seed and her waist was thin. Her voice was graceful and pleasant. Anyway, it was more than enough for Zhao Donghui!Zhao Donghui was scolded by the girl, and his face turned red. "No, it's not me!"

"It's not your fight, it's about you! You see what kind of people you are following! Hooligans, ruffians The girl pointed to a group of people in qintian and started to scold!

It doesn't matter. Zhao Donghui, who was originally red with a big face, gave up and turned black. "Xiao Yun, if you scold me, you will scold me. But don't scold my brothers, especially qintian brothers, that's not good! They are all good people. They know that something happened to me. They come to rescue me from Songshan. I can't repay my kindness. You are not allowed to say that to them! "

"I said, I said, what did you do to me?" Xiao Yun starts to make trouble out of nothing!

Zhao Donghui a look, immediately angry, raised his hand to fight!


A slap, Qin Tian steadily grasped Zhao Donghui's wrist!

"Don't make a fool of yourself and send the old village head to the hospital immediately!" With that, Qin Tian beckons everyone to carry people to the car. Zhao Donghui seems to have calmed down. He puts down his hand regretfully and takes up the old village head and gets on the pickup truck.

In the car, Qin Tian looked at the girl and seemed to calm down. He regretted it there. Both of them didn't say a word.

"Xiao Yun, let's just forget about us." Zhao Donghui said!

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Yun looked at him in disbelief.

"My family conditions, you know, although your father is a good village head, he is also a father who dislikes the poor and loves the rich. He doesn't look up to me, and I can't help it..."

"didn't you say that you want to go to the city to earn a lot of money to support me

"But I only have 5000 yuan a month. What can I do to support you? Your father asked for 200000 yuan for betrothal gifts. I didn't have that much money to sell me!"


two people, you and I, argued endlessly. Qin Tian looked at it and laughed, "don't argue! A little thing! "

From Qin Tian's point of view, they are nothing more than a few yuan.

Qin Tian didn't care about them. Soon, the pickup truck drove to the county hospital. Although the old man's injury looked serious, it was just a skin injury. It would be good to bandage and cultivate for a few days!

Zhao Donghui stayed to deal with the housework. Qin Tian returned to Songshan with other brothers. However, it didn't matter if he went back. A heavy news fell on Qin Tian's head!

Chen Kaige actually colluded with the East son of Zhentian Pavilion and others, opposing Fang Zhen!

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