Qin Tian drives a car, hears this news, the gas immediately claps the steering wheel, frightens behind the brother one after another excites spirit!

"Brother Qin Tian, is something wrong?" Jiao Cheng is excited, and immediately sends out a strong murderous spirit.

Since learning from Qin Tian, his group of old brothers have never done anything for Qin Tian. The only time he went to the Wu family in Shanghai and was the commander of Qin Tian. He lost all his disgrace to his grandmother's house. Up to now, all the brothers have no face to mention it. They all want to show their face in front of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian heard the speech and said, "Chen Kaige, do you still remember it?"

"Chen Kaige Jiao Cheng frowned. "Didn't you scrap it and disappear?"

"If it really disappears, I'll be relieved." With a sneer, Qin Tian told Jiao Cheng all about Chen Kaige's rebellion from sending Yang Bing to kill himself.

"I'll go. This boy is really a talent." Monkey a listen, immediately eyes a bright!

Such a damaged style of work, how to be like yourself!?

"Indeed, I underestimated him. I didn't expect to cause me so much trouble." Qin Tian grinned bitterly. He said that the toad crawls on his feet and doesn't bite people. He should have eradicated him long ago!

"Shall we find him out?" Jiao Cheng asks solemnly.

"No way. He joined hands with the other scuffles in Zhentian Pavilion and turned it upside down. Fang Zhen is now in their hands. If they act rashly, they will frighten the snake." Qin Tian rolls down the window glass impatiently.

If Chen Kaige is really prepared, even if he does, he can't keep Fang Zhen. The only thing he can do now is to see what this son of a bitch wants to do!

After returning to Songshan, the veterans went back to rest for a while, and Qin Tian arrived at Guyue mountain villa at the first time.

He ordered a Huo to go to laowangzhuang to deal with Zhao Donghui's family affairs. He followed Qin Tian and Gu Yue into the villa.

"Mr. Qin, before you came back, I had already looked for Chen's group, but I didn't expect that the whole Chen family group was sold to others. Even Chen Xiangdong, Chen Kaige's Laozi, left Dongcheng with him!"

Gu Yue was biting her teeth and was obviously not reconciled.

But for Qin Tian, these are long known things, simply did not say anything, just a light nod.

"What is certain now is that Chen Kaige's people are now in Beicheng, and it is not clear which place to go, right?" Qin Tianwen.

"This Chen Kaige is like jumping out of a stone crack. After doing one vote in Zhentian Pavilion, he disappeared. Even the four traitors of Zhentian Pavilion were lost."

Gu Yue frowned and shook her head slightly. Her tone was full of resentment and unwillingness.

As early as the last time I went to Fang Zhen's courtyard, Gu Yue wanted to clean up these dog days. I didn't expect the opportunity came, but I couldn't find it!

"Try to find it." Qin Tian nodded, followed by another thing and asked Gu Yue, "do you know Chen Jun, the boss behind the court bar?"

"Chen Jun Gu Yue was stunned for a moment when she heard the speech. She didn't expect Qin Tian to ask this person, "yes, he is an ice seller. I have had several contacts with him and wanted me to cooperate with him. After I refused, there was no contact. Mr. Qin, he has offended you

Gu Yue's face is incredible, and her heart says that a drug seller can't make Qin Tian angry!?

"It doesn't matter if you annoy me. It reminds me of something I should have done long ago." Qin Tian said indifferently, for what they want to kill themselves, Qin doesn't care. After all, if you want to kill them, just move your fingers.

"What's up?" The ancient moon is in a hurry.

"Drugs are a disaster to the country and the people. I don't want to see this kind of thing continue to flow on the boundary of Songshan."

Qin Tian said, the face of the ancient moon is tight.

"In trouble!" Qin Tianwen.

Gu Yue hesitated and did not dare to speak. Her big face turned red in an instant.

"If you have something to say!" Qin Tian was not in a hurry. He shrank back and leaned on the tiger leather seat.

As soon as Gu Yue saw Qin Tian's posture, she seemed to be determined to clean up Chen Jun, so she said to Qin Tian, "Mr. Qin, I'll tell you the truth. This background of Chen Jun is something we can't afford."

"Drug dealers have backgrounds, too!" Qin Tian sneered, drug trafficking is against the country, I want to get rid of him, then my background is the country, difficult not his background is bigger than the country!

"Mr. Qin, don't be angry. Follow me and listen to me slowly." Gu Yue waved her hand and took Qin Tian to another place.

Gu Yue has never had such a performance. For a while, Qin Tian was still a little puzzled. However, since he did this, there must be his reason. He simply got up and followed him out of the hall.

Gu Yue led the way in front of him, and soon came to a corner on the left side of the second floor of the villa. Qin Tian looked around and saw nothing special. Just about to ask, Gu Yue stretched out her hand to pull the curtain beside her. She only heard a rattling sound. A whole wall rose in the corner, revealing a dark staircase.Closely followed, the ancient moon opened the lamp inside, with Qin Tian then walked in.

Qin Tian looked around curiously. Although it was a dark Pavilion, it was still magnificently decorated by the ancient moon. In particular, the four walls were almost all made of alloy steel plate and paved with advanced sound insulation materials. It can be seen how important this dark Pavilion is to the ancient moon!

Time is not big, two people then came to the innermost part of the dark Pavilion, a room about 50 square meters appeared in front of Qin Tian.

"Mr. Qin, please forgive me for not telling you that there is such a place in the Qin palace." Gu Yue said humbly.

Qin Tian waved his hand, "no problem."

Qin Tian was very satisfied with Gu Yue's performance during this period of time. Even if he didn't report to himself about the dark Pavilion, there must be his reason, and he would never conceal it intentionally!

In fact, Qin Tian is right to think about it. This hidden Pavilion keeps all kinds of criminal evidence of Guyue mountain villa before, as well as confidential information of some underground forces, including the division of forces, strength analysis, personnel composition, and some records of things that can't be seen. It can be said that this is an archive of underground forces!

Seeing Qin Tian believing in himself, Gu Yue was so excited that she quickly moved a chair to let Qin Tian sit down. She was sitting in front of a projector.

After a lot of password and fingerprint verification, Gu Yue found a hidden folder in a short time.

"Mr. Qin, look at this!" With that, Gu Yue opened a map, "Mr. Qin, can you see what this is?"

Qin Tian took a close look at the picture. He edited different colors according to different regions. To his surprise, except for Songshan, which is a single color, other cities are almost all made up of several colors.

"The distribution map of underground forces in Shanghai and the sea area!" Qin Tian frowned.

Among the underground forces in Songshan City, the Qin palace is the only one with a single color. The other several urban areas are made up of different forces, so the colors are mixed.

"Yes, it is the distribution map of the underground forces in the whole Shanghai sea area!" Gu Yue nodded solemnly, "but Mr. Qin, look at this picture again!"

Just listen to the ancient moon Click the mouse, the entire Shanghai sea area, instantly turned into a big red!

"Mr. Qin, do you understand what it means?" Gu Yue asked cautiously.

Qin Tian has been staring at the projection of the picture, eyebrows also gradually wrinkled up.

He is not stupid. Naturally, he understands what Gu Yue means. I'm afraid that all the gangs in Shanghai and the sea are subject to the same force!

"Mr. Qin, there is a rule in China since ancient times." Gu Yue sighed a little when he saw Qin Tian not speak for a long time.

"What's the rule?" Qin Tian looks at the ancient moon.

"The underworld was also known as the green forest in ancient times. Every land boundary of the green forest will have a corresponding leader. The forces living in this land boundary must obey the leader's instructions unconditionally, otherwise the whole green forest will attack in groups, and this leader is called the ladybar!"

It is not only the regional leaders who call it "lad Ba Zi", but also the leader of the underground forces in the whole country. He is called the general ladybar, leading the underground forces in China!

Its degree of terror is absolutely unimaginable to ordinary people!

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