To put it bluntly, the Qin palace now, even if it dominates the whole Songshan, is only a small force in Shanghai and the sea!

"I understand the position of the Qin palace." Qin Tian looked at the picture, slightly sent for a while, then nodded for a long time, "you tell me these, should be related to Chen Jun!"

When she said Chen Jun's name from herself, Gu Yue's face was a little wrong. If she said so many words to pave the way, it should be related to Chen Jun's background!

"Mr. Qin is really thorough." Gu Yue nodded, "Chen Jun is a drug kingpin. According to reason, someone should have wanted to kill him for a long time. But over the years, he is still mixing with the wind and water. All this is due to the relationship behind him!"

Speaking of this, Gu Yue pauses for a moment, remembering the horrible figure in the deep of her mind, and a trace of perspiration flows down her face.

"He is the dry son of Ladybug!"

Qin Tianwen Wen speech, slightly Zheng for a moment, it is not because of Chen Jun's background, it is the ancient moon's reaction that makes him elusive!

"This man is... Terrible!" Qin Tian asked.

"There are rules in the green forest. Every three years, I will go to ladaizi's place to offer sacrifices, and I will see him once..." Gu Yue's face has turned black. "Mr. Qin, forgive me, ladaizi's pressure on me is even greater than what you gave me..."

with that, Gu Yue lowered her head in fear.


Hearing this, Qin Tian came to be interested!

More than their own pressure on him, then that means that this person... Stronger than himself!?

So far, from Chen Guang and Chen Lei at the beginning, to the ghosts at all levels and the mysterious Ji family, Qin Tian has met several people with powers. Unexpectedly, there is a ladybar in Shanghai and Shanghai!

It seems that the world is not really their own guess!

"Yes, if he doesn't have such a deterrent, he can't be the handle!" Qin Tian smiles.

Gu Yue hears the speech and looks up at Qin Tian. It seems that she can't think of why Qin Tian's mood suddenly gets better.

"In this case, Chen Jun doesn't need you to do anything. You just have to deal with the affairs of Zhentian Pavilion." Qin Tian nodded and got up to go to the stairway. The dark pavilion was too stuffy.

Gu Yue didn't dare to stay much, so he walked out of it with Qin Tian.

Before leaving, Gu Yue reported to Qin Tian about the development of Songshan city during this period. As expected, she did not disappoint Qin Tian. Gu Yue has already started to wash white and start to build factories and set up companies. Once established, it will solve thousands of labor posts for Songshan. Some idle people know that harmful young people will have a place to go.

Transformation within a year, this is what Qin Tian put forward to him.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Qin Tiantian returned home. When he got home, Li Xinran and Xiaoyao had already fallen asleep. Qin Tian simply went up to the roof and sat cross legged on the top of the building!

During this period, although Qin Tian didn't deliberately cultivate himself, he was able to use his mind to practice all the time. The progress of Qi in his body was not small. The storage of liquid Qi in the elixir field had almost reached one-third of that in the elixir field. Once a certain limit was broken, Qin Tian would naturally step into the middle stage of the master, and this day would not be too far away!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian closed his eyes, and the two routes of true Qi in his body began to work at the same time. In the middle of the sky, a huge vortex of true Qi and ghost Qi entangled each other appeared in the neutral horse in the air, and fell towards Qin Tian!

Almost no interval, Qin Tian's chest jade pendant flashed, and Qin Yue came out of it. There were several other people with her!

Needless to say, they dare to come out because of the order of Qin Yue!

"By virtue of the true Qi of Qin Tian's cultivation, you should all practice as soon as possible!" At the command of Qinyue, Li Xiaoshuang, Ji Haoyuan, guidou and Qixia all flew to the other directions of qintian one after another, striving to absorb more ghost spirit in this world with rare aura without affecting the cultivation of Qin Tian!

Qin Yue looks at Qin Tian with a rare smile on her face!

She is a person who has come over. After a look at Qin Tian, she can know that it will not be long before Qin Tian can step into the middle stage of the grand master!

In the middle of the year, will the peak be far away!?

The day when Qin Tian steps into the peak of the master is the time for her to return to the Qin family! When the time comes, no one of them will run away!

I think of the operation of the moon in the body of Qin.

Strange to say, no matter what the attributes of other ghosts before their death, they all change into ghost Qi after death, but Qin Yue is different. Before life, they are wood attributes, but after death they are affected by the environment. The Qi in the body changes into water attribute, which is what Qin Yue has never understood!

Fortunately, among those who pursue and kill themselves, there are those who cultivate the true Qi of water attribute. What Qin Yue practices is his skills!

Sitting on the ground with her knees crossed, Qin Yue also began her own cultivation. It should not be long before Qin Yue could step into the level of fierce ghost by watching the Qi reserves in her body. When the time comes, she will learn some new martial arts from the ghost king of Mang Mountain. She will also have the power of World War I, and will not drag him back in the Qin Tian war!At this time, in No. 1 residence.

"What do you think, Qianxi?" Shen Tianhao looked at Shen Qianxi who came out of the room and rushed to meet him.

Shen Qianxi looked up at Shen Tianhao with a smile. "Don't worry, brother. I feel very good."

In the past two days, after Lu Bingqian's treatment, Shen Qianxi always felt that there was a heat flow in her body, which completely removed her previous chill. Even her body temperature, which had been continuously at 35 ℃, gradually became normal.

At this time, Lu Bingqian also followed Shen Qianxi and came out of the room with a needle bag in his hand. It was obvious that he had just given Shen Qianxi acupuncture treatment in the room just now!

"Don't worry, Mr. Shen. As long as you take a few more potions and prick a few more needles, Miss Shen's condition will be cured." Lu Bingqian said with a smile.

Through these days of treatment, Lu Bingqian's confidence is more and more sufficient. Fortunately, he didn't listen to Qin Tian's advice and remove those warm body drugs. Otherwise, he would smash his own signboard!

For a while, Lu Bingqian constantly sighed, it seems that no matter how powerful the doctor is, there are times when he can't see his eyes. Even Qin Tian, such a brilliant figure, is still not immune!

"Doctor Lu, thank you for your treatment. I thank you for my sister-in-law!" Shen Tianhao bowed to Lu Bingqian respectfully, which was very devout!

"Mr. Shen is so polite. I have a good friendship with your grandfather. I still need to help you with this small favor."

With that, Lu Bingqian helped Shen Tianhao to his feet!

"Doctor Lu, I've got the tea ready. Please come and taste it!" Shen Tianhao said, waving his hand, he asked Lu Bingqian to sit on the sofa in the living room.

According to the rules, Chinese medicine can't leave half an hour after the end of treatment for patients. Lu Bingqian simply nodded, "it's better to obey orders than to be respectful, that's to annoy Mr. Shen!"

"Ha ha ha, doctor Lu, please, please, please..."

soon they sat on the sofa and began to drink tea from the tea table.

"Dr. Lu's medical skills are extraordinary. Qianxi, what's the difference between now and before? Tell it to Dr. Lu and let him diagnose you again!" Shen Tianhao's face was full of smiles when he saw his sister's improvement so well!

"I feel... My body is much lighter and stronger, and my cold body has become warm." Shen Qianxi is also very happy, sick nearly 20 years of the body suddenly become normal, this is what she longed for more than ten years!

With that, Shen Qianxi could not help getting excited.

Three people sat on the sofa and chatted, and soon an hour passed.

Suddenly, Shen Qianxi's maid Xiaoxiao screamed.

"Miss, you..."

people heard the words and looked at Shen Qianxi one after another!

Shen Qianxi's body has just been pierced by a silver needle, suddenly turned red, every pinhole seems to have blood blocked there, will burst out at any time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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