"Doctor Lu, what's going on with my sister?" Shen Tianhao sat next to him. He felt that the red color was strange. He asked nervously!

Lu Bingqian took a look at Shen Qianxi's red spots and gave a faint smile. "Mr. Shen, please don't worry. This is the drug that works in Miss Shen's body, causing blood fever. It will disappear in a little while."

When they heard this, they were relieved.

"Thank you very much. Doctor Lu will stay a little longer." Shen Tianhao said politely.

"Don't worry. Since I have received Miss Shen's illness, I will certainly do my duty as a doctor. Today, I will not leave until Miss Shen has nothing to do!" Lu Bingqian said with great humility.

Shen Tianhao once again thanks Lu Bingqian.

After waiting for about half an hour, the red pinholes on Shen Qianxi's body disappeared as Lu Bingqian said. But unexpectedly, Shen Qianxi's face became extremely ruddy, and even his breathing became much faster!

"Doctor Lu, what's going on here?" Shen Tianhao looked a little flustered, and rushed forward to pat Shen Qianxi's chest and smooth his back.

Shen Qianxi is also a little flustered, feeling the changes in his body, nervous.

Lu Bingqian was also a little flustered when he saw this scene.

According to his treatment, such things should not happen!

At this time, Lu Bingqian suddenly thought of the fire in Shen Qianxi's body that Qin Tian said, and said to Shen Tianhao in a hurry: "is it doctor Qin's right that there is a fire in Miss Shen's body?"

"Well, what should I do now?" Shen Tianhao was extremely nervous, and began to regret it. Qin Tian didn't stop at that time and drove him away!

"This..." although Lu Bingqian called it a miracle doctor, it was only the medical skill of ordinary people. For this kind of symptom, he could not treat it.

"Doctor Lu, don't worry. There must be a way to deal with any disease. Think about it again." Shen Qianxi breathes quickly and comforts Lu Bingqian. It is enough to show the self-restraint of the eldest lady of the Shen family!

"Well, Mr. Shen, it seems that we can only invite Dr. Qin here!" Lu Bingqian had no choice but to put forward this proposal.

"Song Hu, go and call the doctor named Qin to me! No matter how much it costs, let it go! " Shen Tianhao ordered in a hurry!

Song Hu a listen, heart straight grin!

Big young master, I told you long ago that Qin Tian was not an ordinary person. How can you still be so bossy now.

After Qin Tian left that day, song Hu told Shen Tianhao about the gap between himself and Qin Tian. Unexpectedly, Shen Tianhao still didn't care.

But he didn't know that not everyone in the world should give their Shen family face, give them that little money face!

However, there was no way. Since Song Hu was a bodyguard for the Shen family, he naturally had to work for the Shen family. Without any delay, he drove to the community where Qin Tian lived!

However, something unexpected happened to him. As soon as the car arrived at the gate, two men in security clothes stopped him!

"Hello, sir. It's past eleven o'clock. If you want to enter the community, you must have the permission of the owners in the community. Who are you looking for?" Lu Wan stepped forward and politely asked song Hu.

Lu Wan, the leader of the fourth detachment of the veterans, is an excellent blaster. It's their turn to be on duty at the gate today!

Song Hu was worried. As soon as someone stopped him, he immediately became angry. "You smelly security guards, get out of my way. My young lady is ill. I'm here to meet Qin tianqin. If you delay, you'll have to go!"

Maybe it's because he's used to following Shen Tianhao. Song Hu's mouth is just like "eating too much and going around".

Unfortunately, he seemed to underestimate the security guards present.

When Lu Wanyi began to hear the name of Qin Tian, he was still slightly stunned for a moment. However, when he saw the attitude of song Hu, he sneered.

"Sir, please contact Mr. Qin Tian. We can't let you in without his permission." Lu Wan said firmly.

This is the rule that Qin Tian made when he founded the property company. Let alone the bad attitude of this person. Even if his attitude is good, he has to follow the rules!

Even if Qin Tian knew it, he would never blame himself!

What's more, this kind of person is not like a person who can make friends with Qin Tian's brother. Maybe it's another one who comes to harass Qin Tian's brother. If this is the case, he will simply block in the door and save him from disturbing Qin Tian's rest!

Having made up his mind, Lu Wanyi waved his hand, and the brothers in the guard tower and duty room poured out one after another, and the metal road piles hidden under the ground also rose, eliminating all the possibility of forced breakthrough!

Song Hu a look, eyebrow immediately a twist, "you seek death!"

Then he pushed open the door, rushed to Lu Wan, raised his hand and hit!


A crisp sound, Lu Wan raised his hand and blocked song Hu!

"Huh?" Song Hu was puzzled.Song Hu was stunned for a moment!

This security guard is so good at it!?

Even if I just used a part of the strength, it is absolutely not ordinary people can catch it. I didn't expect that the small security guard could take it down so easily!

"Sir, you'd better contact the person you're looking for. If you can't, I won't let you in." Lu Wan sneered, "by the way, if you dare to do it again, don't blame us for being rude!"

"You're welcome!" Song Hu was still hesitating, but as soon as he heard this, his eyebrows began to wring up, "then I'll have a look. How can you be rude?"

With that, song Hu's momentum suddenly burst, and he rushed to the landing!

Lu Wan originally thought song Hu was just an ordinary expert, but when he started, he would have some real breath!

Dare not wait for a while, Lu Wan's body shakes, the true Qi in the period of refining body surges up, and pours at the other party!

"Bang Bang Bang Bang..."

a series of thumping sounds came from them, and they actually collided more than ten times in a moment!

Song Hu was more and more frightened. He didn't expect that the other side was so powerful. He was still here as a security guard!

"Captain, let's help you!"

At this time, I don't know who called out. Seven or eight people surrounded song Hu, and the strength of the exercise period showed up!

Song Hu a look, eyelids suddenly jump, quickly flash from the entanglement of Lu Wan back out!

"Everybody, listen to me!"

At this moment, song Hu's face was covered with cold sweat!

If there is a strength with their own equivalent of the person also calculate, but in front of unexpectedly suddenly appeared seven or eight, this still let oneself how to fight!?

This special code is which property company so bold, actually asked to move so many experts to be security!?

Lu Wan made a hand with song Hu. Naturally, he knew that song Hu was not an ordinary person, so he didn't embarrass him. He said politely to him again: "Sir, if you have to go in, please contact Mr. Qin Tian first. Otherwise, you can't get in."

Lu Wan's words were resolute, which made song Hu angry and helpless. Finally, he had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and call Shen Tianhao.

"Mr. Shen, or let Dr. Lu call doctor Qin..."

with that, song Hu told Shen Tianhao what happened at the gate of the community.


Even a few security guards can't deal with it. Shen Tian is so arrogant that he hangs up song Hu's phone!

Song Hu grinned bitterly at the gate of the community, which is their own waste, this is clearly this group of security is too monster!

Shen Tianhao was angry and impatient. He had no way to adjust his mind. He said to Lu Bingqian in front of him: "doctor Lu, please give me the telephone number of doctor Qin. They can't see anyone there..."

on hearing this, Lu Bingqian said in a hurry: "Mr. Shen, I'll call you..."

"no, doctor Lu, just give it to me!" Shen Tianhao is a little conceited. He doesn't want to ask others to do this kind of thing!

Lu Bingqian had no choice but to turn his mobile phone and report the number to him.

Shen Tianhao typed the number on his mobile phone and pressed the green key anxiously.

"Du... Du..."

Qin Tian, who was practicing, was suddenly interrupted by a cell phone ring. When he saw the number of the imperial capital, he immediately understood what was going on, and then he smiled, "Hello

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