"Doctor Qin, it seems that you have a good rest!"

Almost squeezed out of his teeth, Shen Tianhao got angry at Qin Tian's lazy voice!

Qin Tianwen speech, a faint sneer, "OK, my sister is not sick, of course, sleep soundly."

"You Shen Tianhao was almost speechless by a word from Qin Tian.

Qin Tian sneers at him again. He dare to put on the airs of a young master if he asks for help. He has never been repaired.

"Well, tell me, how much can I pay for my sister?"

Although angry, Shen Qianxi's illness is imminent. Even if Qin Tian runs on him with words, he still dare not hang up the phone, but the slightest contempt in his tone is not reduced.

Lu Bingqian sat listening, and his face suddenly changed.

Shen Tianhao still wants to humiliate Qin Tian with money. Don't you know that a real doctor can't be bought by money!?

Not to mention Qin Tian, even if it was himself, if it were not for the Shen family's old master's face, he would not easily go home, let alone such a hot potato!

"Oh..." Qin Tian listened to Shen Tianhao's words, a long Oh, his face also showed a trace of thought-provoking smile, "it seems that Shen Dashao is very rich!"

Shen Tianhao thought that Qin Tian was moved when he heard the money. He snorted and said, "we Shen family doesn't have anything else, it's money!"

"Really!? Shen Dashao, you didn't cheat me, did you!? Can I really make an offer? " Qin Tian's tone is full of "surprise" and "desire".

"You can make a price. How much can I give my sister to cure her illness?" Shen Tianhao sneered at Qin Tian's tone.

This group of doctors under the guise of hanging a pot to help the world can not be bought with a few stinky money!?

"Since Shen Dashao is so sincere, I'm not polite," Qin Tian said with a smile. "Ten billion yuan, I'll make sure that Miss Shen can get rid of her illness."

"10 billion yuan, little idea..." Shen Tianhao was complacent. In the middle of his speech, he felt as if he had been pinched in his voice, and then he was gnashing his teeth. "Do you know who I am, Qin!? How dare you play with me? "

"I can't talk about playing you, at least let you know that no one can buy it with money."

Qin Tian said calmly and seriously. Then he hung up the phone without hesitation, pressed the power-off button beside him and turned off the phone.

Qin Yue knew all along that Qin Tian went to see a doctor for Miss Shen. At the moment, seeing Qin Tian hang up the phone, she couldn't help opening her eyes and looking at him.

"Are you really not going to treat Shen Qianxi?"

"Cure, certainly must cure, just depend on how to cure." Qin Tian smiles.

He was driven out by Shen Tianhao. If he could call him back so easily, he would not be a slave who could find his duty and go away at once!?

"Are you not afraid of her deterioration?" Qin Yue asked.

"Don't worry. I've read Master Lu's prescription. After I remind him, he will remove those herbs. As long as he takes those herbs, other herbs won't cause much trouble to her. At most, the fire will rise and her body is not comfortable. It's OK."

Qin Yue listened and nodded slightly. As long as Qin Tian has a spectrum in mind, she is too lazy to ask more questions.

Qin Tian looked at Qin Yue, who continued to practice, and sighed slightly.

Not to mention the principle of hanging the pot to help the world, Qin Tian could not let her die in this disease, just the good impression that the little girl left him.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian rebooted and called Lin Wanru, asking her to tell Mr. Lu not to plead for the Shen family, or else it would be difficult for him. Without asking why, Lin Wanru nodded his head and called Lu Bingqian. Qin Tian turned off the phone again and began to practice.

And now, in residence one.


Shen Tianhao grabs the tea cup on the table and slams it on the ground. His face is red and full of ferocity.

"He takes himself seriously, not to mention in Songshan, even in the imperial capital, no one dares to play me Shen Tianhao!"

From childhood to adulthood, Shen Tianhao's words are the same as the imperial edict. No one around him dares to disobey him. He has always been asked to do things for him. This is the first time that someone has dared to challenge himself in such a blatant way, and he is still a smelly Chinese medicine!

For a moment, Shen Tianhao had a little heart to kill Qin Tian!

"Brother, I, I seem to be better. Don't be angry. Anger is bad for your health." Shen Qianxi said this, breathing has been obviously a lot of smooth, the body's red dot also seems to be shallow some.

Lu Bingqian looked at her symptoms and breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not dare to give Shen Qianxi the prescription before.

"Not angry!? Sister, don't say it's in Songshan, even if it's anywhere in China, if I say a word, I can't make him live. He dares to play with me! "Shen Qianxi comforted Shen Tianhao again and finally calmed him down.

"Doctor Lu, you have a good relationship with Dr. Qin. If you don't have to bother you again, please go back and invite Dr. Qin again..."

SHEN Qianxi spoke to Lu Bingqian with a smile in his voice without blaming Lu Bingqian for his failure to cure his illness.

On hearing this, Lu Bingqian's face suddenly tightened. Just now his niece Lin Wanru called and said that he would not let himself take care of the matter. Qin Tian had other plans...

"Miss Shen, although I have some friendship with doctor Qin, I'm not so deep as to ask him to move him..." Lu Bingqian peeked at Shen Tianhao, obviously blaming him several times To drive Qin Tian away.

Shen Qianxi also heard that he was kind enough to see a doctor, but he was scolded. No one would come back for the second time.

"Miss, I have a candidate. I don't know whether to say it or not..." Xiaoxiao, standing behind Shen Qianxi, suddenly opened his mouth.

Shen Qianxi a listen, slightly nodded, "you say ah."

Xiaoxiao took a cautious look at Shen Tianhao, who was angry by himself, and said to Shen Qianxi carefully: "Miss, doctor Qin was brought by Miss Hu, and he must have a good friendship with Qin Tian. Why don't you contact her and ask her to ask doctor Qin again?"

As soon as Shen Qianxi heard the truth, he quickly turned his head and looked at Shen Tianhao. Before he could speak, Shen Tianhao patted the tea table.

"I'll call her right away!"

With that, Shen Tianhao began to look at the number in his mobile phone, ready to call Hu Anzi.

"Brother, it's so late. Don't disturb people's rest. Anyway, I'm fine now. Let's talk about it tomorrow morning." Shen Qianxi said with great understanding.

"Are you all right?" Shen Tianhao looked at Shen Qianxi doubtfully. He made sure that she was OK and put down her mobile phone. "OK, I'll listen to you. I'll call again tomorrow morning."

Anyway, in his opinion, it's the same when he plays. The Hu family asks for himself and will be on call. He is not afraid that hu'anzi won't come to Qin Tian!

In this way, No. 1 residence again restored its tranquility. If there were still people who were not calm, then only Lu Bingqian was left.

From No. 1 residence, Lu Bingqian seems to be ten years old. He has no spirit.

Lu Qianmo was waiting for him in the underground parking lot. Seeing that his grandfather had become like this, he quickly went up and helped him.

"What's the matter with you, grandfather?" Lu Qianmo asked anxiously.

Lu Bingqian closed his eyes and shook his hand slightly. Instead of returning to his question, he asked, "Qian Mo, is grandfather really old?"

According to the past, although Lu Bingqian was 80 years old, he was in better health than some people in his sixties. However, what happened today made him doubt his medical skills, so he looked older.

Lu Qianmo didn't know how to answer, so he helped him to the car.

"Qianmo, the sixth day of next month is a good day. Send invitation letters to some famous elders." Lu Bingqian leaned against his seat, his eyes closed tightly.

Lu Qianmo was driving, so he said, "grandfather, would you like to invite them to dinner?"

Hearing this, Lu Bingqian sighed deeply, "on the sixth day of next month, I'll close the needle and retire from Xinglin!"

Lu Bingqian wants to quit the medical world!

Lu Qianmo listened, driving hand a shake, almost hit the side of the fence, "grandfather, why ah!? Your medical skills and reputation are among the best in China. If you retire at this time, how many people will not see your illness? "

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